Who would win?

Who would win in an all out fight?

  • Doom 3 Marine

    Votes: 6 4.9%
  • Duke Nukem

    Votes: 21 17.1%
  • Gordon Freeman

    Votes: 38 30.9%
  • Solid Snake

    Votes: 25 20.3%
  • Master Chief

    Votes: 21 17.1%
  • Adrian Shepard

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • Carl Johnson

    Votes: 2 1.6%

  • Total voters


Mar 25, 2005
Reaction score
Who would come out in an all out fight? Just wanted to know. I personally say Duke.

*The Doom 3 Marine
*Duke Nukem
*Gordon Freeman
*Solid Snake
*Master Chief
*Adrian Shepard
*Carl Johnson

Sorry if the poll is screwed up, I'm new at this. :)
Sam Fisher would come out of the shadows and whoop everyone's ass.
Well going by their skills, MC wins by default. He has an armor with rechargeable shield and AI unit.

But of course, going by their coolness, Solid ****ing Snake.
Duke Nukem for teh win.

But seriously, he'd just shrink everyone, and then step on them.
MC wins easily, most heavily armored and trained.
Even though I hate Halo, I'm gonna have to say Master Chief. [Just because of the shield.]
Duke Nukem...he would kick your ass, hand it to you on a silver platter, and steal your girl before you knew what hit you.
Foxtrot said:
MC wins easily, most heavily armored and trained.

Heavily armored, trained, and shrunk down into yay-highness :D
Solid Snake for teh win! Your neck would be broken b4 you even knew what was going on.
xLostx said:
Solid Snake for teh win! Your neck would be broken b4 you even knew what was going on.
How the hell would he break MCs neck? He wouldn't be able to.
Adrian Shepard, god damnit.

He's so badass he doesn't need any "ultra-hyper-super-mega" shield, he'll just go oldschool on everyone.
CrazyHarij said:
Adrian Shepard, god damnit.

He's so badass he doesn't need any "ultra-hyper-super-mega" shield, he'll just go oldschool on everyone.
He will go oldschool and then get beat down by MCs sword.
Foxtrot said:
How the hell would he break MCs neck? He wouldn't be able to.
Why? Because he's a pussy in a full suit of armor oh noes! he r tough!!11
Foxtrot said:
He will go oldschool and then get beat down by MCs sword.

Dangnammit, everyone would be 3 inches high and getting stamped on!
xLostx said:
Why? Because he's a pussy in a full suit of armor oh noes! he r tough!!11
Adrian is screwed, he doesn't have a scientist to wake him up from his nap.
erm Gordon obviously. You forget, master cheif is wearing a suit which is therefore inorganic and solid. Gordon + Gravity gun = master cheif flies
Crowbar the rest of em, hands down the Freeman wins.
Cmon people. Duke Nukem. Who else destroyed 10 consecutive alien races? Then had sex with most of the hot chicks of earth? Then repeated the process? All while wearing T-shirt and Jeans? He pwns Master Chief, because he doesn't fight races that bear striking resemblance to terrorists (Please, don't let that incite political argument.) who, by the way, use purple and pink guns and tanks. The only competition for him is Solid Snake, Marine from Doom III. (He went to hell and back, thats got to count for something.) and Gordon. Because Gordon alos wiped out alot of alien species. Ranting over. :)
Duke nukem Hacks. Therefore, wins... C'mon now, hes got a jetpack and hes got like30 STDs I wish i was him.
Nah, MC would still pwn them all. And possibly Doom 3 marine. He did survive Hell.
I voted for Solid Snake- but I would think that Ryu Hayabusa would obliterate them all.
Hectic Glenn said:
erm Gordon obviously. You forget, master cheif is wearing a suit which is therefore inorganic and solid. Gordon + Gravity gun = master cheif flies
Crowbar the rest of em, hands down the Freeman wins.
But Gordon can only pick up things that are under 100 pounds.
its quite clear that Duke would pwn all, then deliver a crude but witty remark that would finish you off without use of weaponry.

Gits like duke with testosterone filled balls always win, no matter how much technology you throw back at them. Its the law of the action hero, Just watch commando ;).
Duke Nukem gets my vote. He wouldn't even need any guns with the size his arms are.
Doom 3 Marine
Has the big guns, but suffers from seeing everything in 2d, so he cant be sure if the person is facing him or not.
Duke Nukem
Also has the guns, and has lots of style, but again suffers from 2dness.
Gordon Freeman
Would say he "Has the smarts" but I cant see that going well in a firefight.
Solid Snake
Able to sneck up on his target with ease, but all of his targets have way to much hp to be killed in a knife stroke.
Master Chief
Suffers from the low hp, a good target for snake if he can get the shield down.
Adrian Shepard
Could do well, has the training and skills needed
Carl Johnson

Winner... Im thinking the Adrian, hes got the training, the weapons and the skills.
I'd have to say snake.

Far superior to adrian as far as training goes.

Doom 3 marine is made of plastic so would just melt.

Duke nukem is just a big steroid filled idiot who would get himself killed, believe me even a muscle coated neck can be sliced through with a good blade.

Gordon is a psycho, he would only be a problem if he caught snake in a corner.

Master chief, HA! he would trip over and land flat on his face and everyone would laugh at his luminous green armour. (and snake would slit his throat)

Carl johnson...........no idea who that is tbh.
Duke nukem is just a big steroid filled idiot who would get himself killed, believe me even a muscle coated neck can be sliced through with a good blade.

there are stereotypical laws that would prevent that from happening,.. thats like saying Arnie could die in an action movie.

being realistic about it just sucks the fun out of it anyway. :p
clarky003 said:
there are stereotypical laws that would prevent that from happening,.. thats like saying Arnie could die in an action movie.

being realistic about it just sucks the fun out of it anyway. :p
Yeah, i kinda decided when i wanted to be realistic and silly to suit me own choice.
"Doom 3 marine is made of plastic so would just melt. "
Where is Serious Sam? And Samus? And Joanna Dark? We could go on all day with plenty of FPS characters who can whup ass, but I voted Gordon Freeman by accident because I didn't see Dukey :(
short recoil said:
Duke nukem is just a big steroid filled idiot who would get himself killed, believe me even a muscle coated neck can be sliced through with a good blade.

You can't cut Dukes neck. Thats like trying to cut steel. He'll turn around and bash your face in with his boot if he ever felt someone trying to cut his throat. And P.S., Carl is the guy from San Andreas