Who would you rather date?


Apr 24, 2004
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Before I begin typing this thread it will seem obvious that I have never been on a date, and am not planning to at least for this year. I went to an all-boys high school, was an antisocial shut-in, and am just barely beginning to "acquire" a personality.

But anyway, to the point.

Do you think it'd be more interesting to date a person whose outlooks and basic ideas are completely opposite to you? Or if you found your "soulmate," would you rather date her than the other completely different person?

I think, between soulmates, that things would become boring after a few weeks, and we'd be nothing but good buddies afterwards. However, with a completely different person, you can find out why the person thinks that way and try to complement what you have with what they have, and thus, you learn something from that person and get moar from them than from a soulmate (which is I think what a whole relationship is about - learning something from your significant other). And if you ended up disagreeing on something you could try to work a solution that worked for both of you, and if not, just break up.

Of course I'm not talking about major differenes I.E. the girl I like loves Bush and I am a liberal; I'd never go to that extreme, but I'm talking about things like music taste, personality (hyperactive person/serious person), etc.
start jerking off, you sound backed up.
As much as I've heard that opposites attract, and as much inexperience I have with women, I would still have to say that having things in common is important. Of the two extremes is a tough choice, but I'd choose the soulmate. Being able to be "buddies" with your lover is important huh? You don't rely on love alone.
Being buddies is important too but what I originally meant with that was "just friends" instead of lovers & buddies together.
Man... just don't think about it too much. It's not like you have a choice when it happens, it just does.
I really don't, it's just a little thought that occured to me :P
Don't think about it so much, it's not like you'll be picking girls from a platter. If you get to know one and it seems right at the time, date her. If not, don't.

Also, why the hell would you not date a girl because of her political views? And when would that even come up in a casual social situation? (Oh wait, America, lol)
Man... just don't think about it too much. It's not like you have a choice when it happens, it just does.
Agreed basically. But if I had to comment on this particular issue, I'd note it generally seems to be people who have really similar politics to me but really different philosophies.

I guess a little tension is nice? But choosing between extremes I'd go with 'soulmate'.
Personally, I wouldn't want to date a girl with the same interests. When we go by a middle school, both of us would turn our heads and look. Honestly, that's just something that will eat you up inside.
Personally, I wouldn't want to date a girl with the same interests. When we go by a middle school, both of us would turn our heads and look. Honestly, that's just something that will eat you up inside.
I would date Robert "Robbie, Woe" Jacobs.

Personally, I wouldn't want to date a girl with the same interests. When we go by a middle school, both of us would turn our heads and look. Honestly, that's just something that will eat you up inside.

LOL wut?

Before I begin typing this thread it will seem obvious that I have never been on a date, and am not planning to at least for this year. I went to an all-boys high school, was an antisocial shut-in, and am just barely beginning to "acquire" a personality.

But anyway, to the point.

Do you think it'd be more interesting to date a person whose outlooks and basic ideas are completely opposite to you? Or if you found your "soulmate," would you rather date her than the other completely different person?

I think, between soulmates, that things would become boring after a few weeks, and we'd be nothing but good buddies afterwards. However, with a completely different person, you can find out why the person thinks that way and try to complement what you have with what they have, and thus, you learn something from that person and get moar from them than from a soulmate (which is I think what a whole relationship is about - learning something from your significant other). And if you ended up disagreeing on something you could try to work a solution that worked for both of you, and if not, just break up.

Of course I'm not talking about major differenes I.E. the girl I like loves Bush and I am a liberal; I'd never go to that extreme, but I'm talking about things like music taste, personality (hyperactive person/serious person), etc.

You said 'moar'...
I like how Cyberpitz uses all personal questions as a pretext to make bad jokes.

I like it very much.