WHOA I just thought this!!!(combine Related)



:LOL: while u might think this is funny, im serious :O . ok the "combine" is proboly called that for a reason.they are ether:

and mabey even all three!
mabey Breen did somethin generous to the combine (i cant remeber now,but will post when i remember) which in turn makes them loyal to him(may have been said b4)

or he "brain washed" them, literly(once he catured resitance fighters and are done with them)then Biogicly redid them to make them as I said up top^^^.
First of all, if you listen to one of Breen's little telescreen speeches during the resistance's uprising, you'll discover that "the Combine" is NOT their real name...it's a derrogitory name given by the resistance. Breen calls them the...Universal Union? That doesn't sound right, but I can't remember for sure...

Second, we also KNOW from the monitors in Nova Prospekt that the Overwatch are humans modified with mechanical parts.

Finally, Breen is NOT the leader of the Combine. He is a puppet leader of the Combine on earth...the human face of the Combine. The real leaders of the Combine were, almost certainly, only shown twice in HL2...both on monitors talking to Breen (the big, green, slug-looking things).
He calls them the Universal Union because he favors them. They really are known as the Combine.
Bing_Oh said:
The real leaders of the Combine were, almost certainly, only shown twice in HL2...both on monitors talking to Breen (the big, green, slug-looking things).
Didn't notice this big, green, slug-looking thing(s)... :O
Any screenshots?
well, from wat i've heard... They are exclusively combine-human. They dont have any Xen counterparts and they're not robot also(w/c I first thought wen I played HL2). But of course they have mechanisms in their body(except the metro cop). But still... they cant be considered to be a robot.
Hmm... combines looks like slugs with markings near their eyes. I wonder how they became so powerful if they are only big slugs... :smoking:
Sid Burn said:
Hmm... combines looks like slugs with markings near their eyes. I wonder how they became so powerful if they are only big slugs... :smoking:
I’m not so sure that those slugs aren’t just another race subjugated under combine control.
But if they were, why would Breen be speaking to them about teleporting to the Combine world? And anyway, they are only big fat slugs because they're technology is so advanced they don't need legs and stuff anymore so they've evolved that way. Or something.

ok the "combine" is proboly called that for a reason.

Funny, everyone else worked that out a really long time ago. I don't mean to be rude or anything.
I assumed that there was a possibility that they were a race that was used as communication nodes…
Sulkdodds said:
why would Breen be speaking to them about teleporting to the Combine world?
We don’t know for sure that he was going to the combine homeworld. There might not even be a central homeworld for all we know… all we know for sure is that breen didn’t like the destination.
Sulkdodds said:
And anyway, they are only big fat slugs because they're technology is so advanced they don't need legs and stuff anymore so they've evolved that way. Or something.
Yeah I thought that this evolutionary path (dependence on technology) might have been caused by their enslavement instead of visa versa… We don’t know… but we need to be careful not to possibly confuse cause and effect.
Did they create the technology that caused this to happen to them? And if so are they still in control of it or did get the better of them?
We just don’t know.
It’s not hard to imagine that if they tried to create an AI that was capable of creating even better AI’s and better hardware to run themselves on… that this could quickly get far out of hand. Perhaps they started with the best of intentions… They wanted to build something that would rapidly make itself smarter then they were. Then they could ask it all the questions they didn’t know the answers to. But like any computer program it didn’t understand or appreciate the true nature of biological life. So, perceiving biological life as organic machines, it fixed things up they way it thought best… after all… it was smarter… the only problem for us biological life forms is that… it didn’t perceive there to be any use for many of our functions (Art, Relationships, Pleasure, etc…) So it gutted them. Pain is irrelevant to it also… It doesn’t care how much pain it inflicts…
Well… its one of the theorys floating around in my head…
We don’t know for sure that he was going to the combine homeworld.

he says 'on the far side of a Combine Portal'. And Alyx says 'they can tunnel through from their world'. This leads me to believe the world you see through the portal at the end is the Combine homeworld.

But then again, who knows?
Sulkdodds said:
he says 'on the far side of a Combine Portal'. And Alyx says 'they can tunnel through from their world'. This leads me to believe the world you see through the portal at the end is the Combine homeworld.

But then again, who knows?
Got ya...
The combine are the Strogg. Quake 3 and halflife 3 are related, story wise. That was a huge spoiler.
Sulkdodds said:
he says 'on the far side of a Combine Portal'. And Alyx says 'they can tunnel through from their world'. This leads me to believe the world you see through the portal at the end is the Combine homeworld.

But then again, who knows?
Really? from wat I can see... the sky of their homeworld looks like the one on Doom 3's Hell level... :smoking:
Bing_Oh said:
First of all, if you listen to one of Breen's little telescreen speeches during the resistance's uprising, you'll discover that "the Combine" is NOT their real name..
Watcha talkin' 'bout, Willis?
First of all, if you listen to one of Breen's little telescreen speeches during the resistance's uprising, you'll discover that "the Combine" is NOT their real name..
Not exactly. Yes, during Anticitizen One, Breen refers to the Combine as "The Universal Union", but that's just a synonym.

And in that picture (d1_canals_080001.jpg) is that the Simolean sign on the last line? :O
sfc_hoot said:
Not exactly. Yes, during Anticitizen One, Breen refers to the Combine as "The Universal Union", but that's just a synonym.

And in that picture (d1_canals_080001.jpg) is that the Simolean sign on the last line? :O
Though Breen always call them "The Benefactors"... :rolleyes:
yes ive played and i saw that worm, but is still think thy are a combination of races. they may be a huge brain who knows??

PS:And why would they have masks??

and look at this pic:
PS:And why would they have masks??

Humans crossed with combine tech = not nice.

The combine are a combination of races, we dont see any actual combine in the game aside from the combine advisor, who is combne, actually, Raising the bar confirms this.

The combine soldiers are an example of the human race bieng absorbed into the combine ranks. The combine are an alien race that grew dependant on technology, then they went around enslaving other races and enforcing thier technology upon them...ala the strider synths etc.
sfc_hoot said:
Not exactly. Yes, during Anticitizen One, Breen refers to the Combine as "The Universal Union", but that's just a synonym.

And in that picture (d1_canals_080001.jpg) is that the Simolean sign on the last line? :O
Since they probably don’t speak anything even remotely close to a human language… it’s likely that when they invaded earth they asked Dr. Breen to have his citizens refer to them as the Universal Union (or possibly Breen came up with that). His citizens took to the calling them the Combine despite his efforts.
implaying885 said:
yes ive played and i saw that worm, but is still think thy are a combination of races. they may be a huge brain who knows??

PS:And why would they have masks??

and look at this pic:
Well, I think the reason they wear a mask is... its said before that the combine cant breathe in our own oxygen. well, the combine tech made them incompatible to our own air eventhough they were once humans. :cool:

I don't think the Combine Soldiers can breathe anymore - at all. Look at the huge pipe that's going right though their throat. I doubt anyone could breathe with a hole like that going through their trachea.
sfc_hoot said:
I don't think the Combine Soldiers can breathe anymore - at all. Look at the huge pipe that's going right though their throat. I doubt anyone could breathe with a hole like that going through their trachea.
Breathing probably still occurs... however now oxygen is exchanged through the device penetrating the trachea.
Is This Tea said:
Breathing probably still occurs... however now oxygen is exchanged through the device penetrating the trachea.
If it's about gas exchange, then wouldn't it make sense if the device was in the lungs? Rather than being stabbed through the soldier's throat... or have the lungs been scrapped during the process?
Well the combine are what they conquer....they like suck the traits of who they invade
sfc_hoot said:
If it's about gas exchange, then wouldn't it make sense if the device was in the lungs? Rather than being stabbed through the soldier's throat... or have the lungs been scrapped during the process?

Interesting… I borrowed this pic from implaying885's post…

What is the deal with huge external lump covered by the black thing around his waist? Perhaps it has something to do with gas exchange?
Hmm… in any case the organic components are still going to need oxygen to function barring a massive rewrite of the genetic code for all of his cells.
On earth, they're known by the rebels as Combine. Breen referrs to them as the "Transhuman Forces" in his nova prospekt speech about how they couldn't catch you. I don't remember Universal Union, but it sounds real. They call themselves the Overwatch (hence the Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle). The actual aliens in control, whatever they're called, are probably the same race as the alien advisor. Combine soldiers etc. are humans modified at nova prospekt with combine technology added to them. Notice how the pants in the picture in the post above this resemble a combine soldiers's? Hope that answers some questions.
The human forces of the Combine are the Overwatch, not the whole civilization.
sfc_hoot said:
There's also Civil Protection.
no... CP's do not belong to the Overwatch... they are only "high ranked" humans. :cool: