WHOA I just thought this!!!(combine Related)

Is that site 100% correct? I can find a mistake on the very first line (not a very good first-impression, mind you).

"2-1 Who are the Combine? The Combine (also known as the Synth, or the Universal Union) are a ruthless empire..."

"Synths" and "Combine" aren't the same thing. The "synths" were conquered by the "Combine" and are now being turned into things like gunships, striders, shield scanners, dropships etc. Everyone should know that. I'm surprised that guy made such a mistake.
There's also the mistake of aasserting that Xen has been/is under Combine control.

There's still no evidence that says this. One person suggested it, and then people passed it, Chinese-whispers style, until everyone believed it.
Until Laidlaw puts in something definate that makes Xen something to do with the Combine, I refuse to believe it :)

-Angry Lawyer
-The Nihilanth in shackles.
-The Nihilanth saying: "Their slaves - we are their slaves."

Some stuff to think about. :p
anyone ever realized the actual meaing of their name : COMBINE

The race COMBINE(S) real organic creatures with technology like metal and computers and guns to create slaves and soldiers to do their bidding.

So the Nihilanth has shackles and states they are slaves? It could imply Xenian Controllers. There's no Combine markings ANYWHERE on Xen.

When HL1 was first made, believe it or not, Laidlaw hadn't written any story for HL2.
Well, that's what he said.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
So the Nihilanth has shackles and states they are slaves? It could imply Xenian Controllers. There's no Combine markings ANYWHERE on Xen.

When HL1 was first made, believe it or not, Laidlaw hadn't written any story for HL2.
Well, that's what he said.

-Angry Lawyer
There are no combine markings on Xen because there was no need. Clearly posters\propoganda\symbols\etc aren't a part of the Vortigaunt culture, since they are found nowhere on Xen. The Vortigaunts were under direct telepathic control, and therefore didn't need to be 'influenced' or 'swayed' by propoganda, posters, etc etc, whereas on Earth, the people are not being controlled telepathically, and propoganda\posters\symbols\writing is very much a part of human culture, so the combine make use of it to attempt to influence everyone to support their rule.

There's Vortigaunt dialogue in HL2 that very strongly suggests that Xen was under combine control.

For instance: "That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time." <- this implies that Nihilanth was being used\controlled by a 'greater' master.

"With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh." <- This implies that the enemy they are fighting now (the combine) is that 'greater' master that had enslaved them. There's plenty more that suggests this, but I think even that's enough evidence.

The grunts were Vortigaunts that had been fused\enhanced with combine technology, just as the Overwatch are humans that have been fused\enhanced with combine technology. Nihilanth (who had telepathic abilities and a lot of power over his people) was being used by the combine (hence the chains etc) to control the Vortigaunts ('alien slaves'), just as Breen (who has a lot of influence) is being used to pursuade people to accept combine rule, and fight on their side. The difference is, Breen can't directly control his species like Nihilanth could, so there's nothing to stop the resistance from developing.

It all fits together very, very nicely. The storyline in HL2 is a further development of the storyline of HL1. If there was no combine connection with Xen, the two stories would have very little to do with one another, which is pretty silly.
Angry Lawyer said:
So the Nihilanth has shackles and states they are slaves? It could imply Xenian Controllers. There's no Combine markings ANYWHERE on Xen.

When HL1 was first made, believe it or not, Laidlaw hadn't written any story for HL2.
Well, that's what he said.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, there are indeed combines in teh first HL. That Xen-Combine Gunship has a almost similar design to the current HL2 gunship... The Creatures you fight using a hornet missile is a Xen-Combine grunt also. that is a sign that combines have already conquered Xen. Well, you will only realized it once you play HL2. Anyway, valve said that right after HL was released... they started working on HL2. :cool:
It's not like Valve took a crap and pulled an entire storyline out of their feces.