Whoa...what if you can do this...



What if..............

you can pickup crows with your manipulator????
Then there would be a crow on the manipulator i guess?
Biological matter can't be used by the manipulator.
what if the crow were fu of petrol and could be used as an incendiary g-nade?
I'd rather pick up a crowbar with the manipulator. Then I'd shoot it at a crow cause those bastards freak me out.
Damn, I forgot how many cool things you can do with the Manipulator.

When facing off with a Strider, rather than trying to kill it, I'll just chuck lots of objects at its face to anger it. :D
crabonhead said:
what if the crow were fu of petrol and could be used as an incendiary g-nade?

You would call that one a Crow-Magnum! :E
Uhm, they've said so? Otherwise what would stop you from picking up a combine?
lol Combine-Pistol! what a good way to take out a baddy bye nailing him with a combine soldier!

ps: they are robots!
Valve did say that Biological objects cant b picked up w/ manipulator.

Only way u can pick up living things is that Phys gun in the physics demonstration (which isnt in the game)

I wanna throw tables n chairs at Striders so bad -_-
Yeah, if you could pick up anything, the only thing people would use is the manipulator.
Bait said:
Biological matter can't be used by the manipulator.

I hear this setting can be changed by modders. Imagine a little animals-throwing fight mod!! (chickens, and bunnies, ,and crows flying everywhere)!
I heard that
An updated version of the manipulator can lift dead bodies, such as headcrab remains
But I'm not sure if it's true.
I got the idea from another thread, but you could throw the crows at a Combine's crotch.
actually i swear i read a interivew ith gabe or someone and the question was asked if you can catch birds with the manipulator, and he said "Sure"

small things that are not static can most likely be thrown and very light things , like weak cardboard boxes, break when you picked them up.

So and were from a book shelf, to a matress, to a basket ball, to, maybe a car door somthing....well have to see
this reminded me of something
has anyone played Blade of Darkness? No? Well, you could chop someones head/arm/leg off, and then you could proceed to bash other monsters to death using said head/arm/leg
fantasiser said:
this reminded me of something
has anyone played Blade of Darkness? No? Well, you could chop someones head/arm/leg off, and then you could proceed to bash other monsters to death using said head/arm/leg

Shame that most things wont have 'removable' limbs... only torso and head i do believe. And maybe that's just zombies :(

Oh yeah, another thing... what if you put your manipulator away and the object you're holdings goes with it, so you can save stuff for later on? :D