Whoever selects the music needs a raise.


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Not only do they pick some truly excellent music, they pick music that perfectly fits the style and setting of the game.

I <3 rockstar.
Am I the only one that really likes the official theme?
Yeah, they certainly do.Rockstar always does a great job when it comes to picking and licensing good music.Nothing beats the Vice City soundtrack though.
Im actually a bit...torn. Some of the music is good, but I couldnt help think that some songs are just on the wrong channels? Like the rock station, some of those songs arent rock in my eyes, I miss VC's rock station, bit of old skool rock, but maybe that doesnt fit the time its set?

I dunno...and where the hell is the old Lazlow!?!?!?
To my surprise, I love Vladivostok FM :D
This game wins for actually making me like a Kanye West song. I'm not kidding.

Edit - Vladivostok is ****ing awesome. :D
Im actually a bit...torn. Some of the music is good, but I couldnt help think that some songs are just on the wrong channels? Like the rock station, some of those songs arent rock in my eyes, I miss VC's rock station, bit of old skool rock, but maybe that doesnt fit the time its set?

I dunno...and where the hell is the old Lazlow!?!?!?

I remember flicking through the radio channels and suddenly hearing Lazlow arguing with someone over the phone, but I can't remember which channel it was! :(
Lazlow is on Integrity 2.0. It's his talk radio station. He's kind of a tool on it though.
The Integrity station turns up later, maybe 25% into the game or something.

The liberty rock station is ****ing hosted by Iggy Pop! Love it

And now time for something totally anti-establishment - commercials!

I usually cruise with The Journey or LCHC.
eins zwei drei....something something something.....

Get Innocous!...pew pew!

Strangely, it's the one I enjoy listening to the most.
I like this rap station more than Radio Los Santos. Not a huge fan of G-Funk west coast style.
The fact that they put the song Arm in Arm (Shy Child Remix) from the first real trailer makes me really happy. It's an awesome song to cruise around to.

Strangely, it's the one I enjoy listening to the most.
Bizarre - I started listening to JNR last night, it was actually quite good.

I mostly listen to Talk, Classics, Liberty Rock, LCHC and the Journey. I think the Journeys "DJ" sounds like GLaDOS.
I mostly listen to Vlodstock, Classic rock and that regee sp* one. LCHC really let me down. And I listend a bit to the talk one while parked in an ally, good stuff.
I finally found Lazlow's show, its on Integrity 2.0, the one before VIBE. Its the funniest thing ever. Ive missed it, he even says he's 'back from Chatterbox', which I thought was a nice touch. The hotdog vendor moment is particularly funny.

Mostly listen to Vlodstock (for some reason), and the rock station (not LCHC, thats just death metal crap), Public station and Radio Broker.
(not LCHC, thats just death metal crap), Public station and Radio Broker.

It's punk man, real hardcore DIY raw stuff. How'd you get to death metal from that? :P
I dunno, it all sounds the same, cant hear the chords or the singer's vocals.
eins zwei drei....something something something.....

I will be downloading a lot of material from whoever sings that song. SO catchy and is always played in my head. Playing in my car IRL might be blurring the lines of reality/fiction though. :laugh:

LCHC is AWESOME. I grew up listening to all of those hardcore bands and many many more--Jimmy Gestapo is a god among men to me.
What's the tune playing at the start of the game, as the cool illustrations are loading showing Niko behind the crates, the lollipop girl, etc? I love that.

EDIT: Nevermind, I took a wild guess at Stigmata's post and it's Soviet Connection that I'm looking for. Anyone got an MP3?
youtube it..or use limewire

or do the right thing and pay for it using the social club
I wish ZiT would start ****ing working already god dammit.
youtube it..or use limewire

or do the right thing and pay for it using the social club
I like how you list the legal option last, kinda as an afterthought. :D
I wish ZiT would start ****ing working already god dammit.

Zit is actually something?

FAKE EDIT: Looked it up, hah, that's pretty cool, thought they were just bogus ads.
You dial it up and it gives you the number in your phone you can then quick dial it anytime... you dial it while a song is playing, and it's supposed to send you a text message of what the song is on your phone, which it does fine, but it's not putting it up on the social club for me.

I've yet to listen to the radio stations... which I will love to do, but I will do it one of these times when I can park somewhere with my phone turned off. and listen to the whole thing.
The new Lazlow pretty much sucks, mostly just him being an arrogant douche, which has it's own appeal I guess but it isn't exactly original. If I want talk radio I usually just go to WKTT, or PLR if the psychic's on (lol).

Lately been loving me some Broker, Massive B or L.C. Rock. Atleast I would love the last one if it wasn't playing The Seeker every ****ing time I tuned in, which I was already sick of from Guitar Hero...
The rock in GTA4 kind of sucks, there are a few good songs (The Seeker (which I've only heard one time, and that was from the radio in my first house..), 1979, that one by Sabbath (or was is Ozzy?), but the rock in this game isn't the best, it was better in GTA: SA, tbh.

Don't get me wrong, though.. I still like the other radio stations, this game has good cruising music, but for music to just 'listen to' it doesn't have much..
Get Innocous!...pew pew!

Would have been awesome if they had 'New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down', it fits the tone of the game perfectly although it would have been a bit surreal...
Would have been awesome if they had 'New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down', it fits the tone of the game perfectly although it would have been a bit surreal...

I was thinking the exact same. :O