Who's Actually Played Half-life?

Who's actually played Half-life?

  • Yes

    Votes: 222 96.9%
  • No

    Votes: 7 3.1%

  • Total voters
Beaten it at least ten times.

Anyone who's played Half-Life 2 without first beating Half-Life 1 deserves this:
/me waffle irons their forehead
beat it countless times, best part is when you "save" 3 or more Barney's and have an all out war with the marines... priceless.
And I've beat BS and OPF once each.
I've even played the mini missions.... don't remember what they're called but you get to go to a monastery in the alps, a secret base or something, and a carnival type deal... where you see all these strange aliens in their cages... oh, and Barney grew a beard :) anyone remember the name of that episode?
What is this "Half-Life" you speak of? o_0
(yes, I have played it. duh.)
I don't know, but it gave you the background on Xen and the G-Man wanted you to recover 3 sacred moths if I remember right...
Half-Life is still my favorite game of all time. Besides maybe...TIE Fighter (awesome space sim). Half life is responsible for me entering the gaming world so I owe it a lot =D. Suprisingly enough I played Counter-Strike at my friends house before I had played HL1. I replay HL1 constantly and on hard difficulty it is still one of the most tense and challenging games I have played. In fact, I want to play it right now....

Also, does anyone get feelings of nostalgia when they play HL again? When I originally played about 5 years ago I guess a made a deep connection with it. HL also led to a lot of DM/CS/TFC lanning with my friends. So whever I step into those rollerskates that were the feet of Gordon Freeman and see those nice, blocky textures and models....I get a wave of nostalgia. It's nice.
Yes, it is the greatest game of all time in my opinion. it just captured something that even hl2 didn't. Don't know what...probably just more hours of my life...
The poll is incomplete. What am I supposed to answer if I played it, but not all the way through?

Special things about HL1 are:
*Black mesa.
*Ability to send friendly guts and gibs into the air.
*No show off girls.
*Sweet screams out of scientists. (one of the most important)
*More weapons, allowing a much bigger variety in methods of killing, and less time spent in loading for missing a shot.
*Less time spent listening to blah blah blahs in between charactors.

Did you notice that the jack-asses at gamespot said that HL2 is too much like HL1? In my oppinion, it's too different.
I beat this a long time ago. I still play it if I'm bored with nothing else to do
Polaris said:
I´ve played Half-life 1, 2, Blue Shift and Opposing Force.
Its important to play it for real Half-life fan!

ditto :afro:

hl1 for me = natural-selection = BEST GAME EVER (I played hl1 way way late in the game), and I still play ns!
Dang, I've lost count of how many times I've played HL.... um, prolly cuz I'm still playing it! Only now in the Source engine! :bounce:

I think I was equally as excited about HL:S as I was HL2 coming out. I was extremely dissappointed when I found out they didn't go any farther then just porting it over. I've since downloaded every SD model and HD texture I can find (which isn't many). I'm still hoping Valve will give it some lovin' for us hardcore long-timers. :thumbs:
I've played it, but only once though... I was planning on playing it again, but I'm actually playing HL2 for the second time now.
let us all rememer the greatness that is half-life, and be thankful that valve was so kind as to release an amazing sequel.
I finished HL1 last month...even though the graphics are dated they still looked good, and it was hella fun to play! :E
I think i've played it at least twice every year since 1998. I play Opposing Force that many times as well, but HL2 probably means that I won't touch it so much anymore...
I've even played the mini missions.... don't remember what they're called but you get to go to a monastery in the alps, a secret base or something, and a carnival type deal... where you see all these strange aliens in their cages... oh, and Barney grew a beard anyone remember the name of that episode?

That map series is called "Absolute Redemption', which was included in the retail version of Counter-Strike.
Oh yes, I have played it countless times and all it's official add-ons and whatever. I misunderstood the poll as "Who actually played Half-life after playing HL2?".

I don't know what, but there is something special in HL1's atmosphere that doesn't exist in HL2. It needs a very fine examination to get a fair idea of what it is.
hl2 can never match upto hl1...i was so disappointed with the ending. then again as its a trilogy, hl3 (even if it only gets released when we're all 6 feet under) will answer all the questions. theyre playing it like star wars, leaving all the answers until the end :E.

i played and finished hl1 about a day before hl2 was released, so that i had hl1's story fresh in my mind. havent played it since though...no reason to lol
I was 7 years old when Half Life came out. So no, i havent played it. I've only ever played 2 FPSes, Halo and HL2
To be honest I never finished it. I got it right when it came out (I was 13 at the time), and got to the Blast Pit and stopped. A few years ago I started up a new game and got to the "On a Rail" part, but got stuck and didn't have the urge to keep going.

It only took me a week to beat HL2, and I felt much more engaged the whole time. At the time I was too young to really understand what made HL1 special, and it also kinda made me motion sick.
Just thinking about the first few hours of Half-Life gives me intense nostalgia; I get it from Starcraft too, since I've been playing these games for 6 or 7 years now, and that's a helluva long time when you're sixteen.
Yeah, I played through the 'Welcome to Black Mesa' chapter on OpForce the other day (I'm recreating it for OpSource ;)) and I got really excited when I remembered all the cool bits in HL1! I can't wait to see it all done up alá BM: S and OpSource! :D
Played it loved it loved multiplayer
then played hl2 *shudders at the thought of returning to the primitive times of hl1*
HL2 owns HL1!!!!
But Hl1 wsa fantastic
First started playing it on and off starting in Febuary 2003, beat it late April 2003. A couple weeks later HL2 was announced.
Ennui said:
Just thinking about the first few hours of Half-Life gives me intense nostalgia; I get it from Starcraft too, since I've been playing these games for 6 or 7 years now, and that's a helluva long time when you're sixteen.
Same here

I get even more nostalgia from Duke Nukem 3D though (many songs make me think of giant pigs with shotguns) as it was the first proper computer game I ever played (I actually only played any non-educational PC games after I'd playd DN3d) I actually got the huge map editor guidebook :)
I've finished HL, OPF and BS countless times. Just can't get enough! For some reason I've only finished HL2 once :S . Did it on hard though :p

And about Redemption. It's fun how they replaced the part of the first Quake2 level with Stonehenge in the retail version ;)
i played half-life, half-life dreamcast version, half-life ps2 version, Redemption, OF, BS, the co-op in the ps2 version, and half-life source
i used to own hl1 a long time ago and loved it more then any game, i still miss it.
i just loved starting new games in it, the whole sequence of events at the beginning kicks ass.