Who's been on this forum the longest?


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
I haven't seen to many people of late with a join date earlier than mine. And probably none with an earlier join date and fewer posts. Quality over quantity. Although I'm sure there are several out there. This is my official challenge to find the person with the earliest join date. Site creators don't count.
I should have said active members, as in they reply to this thread
mwuahaha, I joined HL2.net 10 days before dan joined.. mwuaha
the trouble with join dates is that forum members such as myself spent 2-3 months browsing this place before finally registering.

i was around this place somewhere in the middle of May 2003 but my join date is some time in July 2003 ;)
I don't know, how do I find out what member/number I am?

Edits: Oh, I joined just after Murray_H and just before Badger.
Same as Dr. Freeman, I browsed here pretty much the day the site came up, then registered a couple of months later. That was just after I'd got pissed off with forums (EA's red alert forums were full of nazis, then got shut down), so I was skeptical about becoming a member of another forum.

Shodan, look at your profile, the url will contain your member number.
me too, i browsed this forum for 2 and a half years before regestering:upstare:
I joined before everybody! And if you disagree.... <pulls out a pair of latex rubber gloves and puts them on his hands>

Lets just say you won't like it.
First 100 members get Munros inheritance and a percentage of the advert money.

98 FTW :D
Man... i'm member number 1695 :(

1695... pretty bad year!

Russia declares war on Turkey

Freezing winter in France - wine freezes in the glasses in Versailles (Hey, that one is not so bad! :-P )

£2 fine for swearing in England

December 31 - A window tax is imposed in England causing many shopkeepers to brick up their windows to avoid the tax.
Raziaar said:
December 31 - A window tax is imposed in England causing many shopkeepers to brick up their windows to avoid the tax.
If only they would bring back the tax on windows... then, linux might have a better chance. :p
i joined the month hl2 was to be first released. oh man the excitement.
I joined after lurking the forums for a couple weeks. One of the oldest active members with a low post count. :cheese:
User # 1064 :(
MF-Boltress said:
I joined after lurking the forums for a couple weeks. One of the oldest active members with a low post count. :cheese:
User # 1064 :(

yeah i gotta admit, ur pretty darn good at hiding for long periods of time :P
i remember u from way back...then u stopped posting and i figured that was the end of that member until i noticed u again a few months ago.

stop running and hiding, we don't bite :afro:
Well, actually we will...but in a friendly kinda way. :E
Dr. Freeman said:
yeah i gotta admit, ur pretty darn good at hiding for long periods of time :P
i remember u from way back...then u stopped posting and i figured that was the end of that member until i noticed u again a few months ago.

stop running and hiding, we don't bite :afro:
I know you don't. ;) Some others do though. :O

The main reason I disappeared was because some communist decided to filter HL2.net with the router. :flame:
After I....got it back. :naughty: I had missed a bunch and so I posted now and then but never really got into it.
Now I visit pretty regularly like I did in the days of yore. :D
I found out about this site from pcgameplay on June03 and since then I kept posting.
I'm a damn 2nd monther. But nooooo...I decided to wait and sign up in june. :(

Also Simon yes I have been.