Who's getting the special edition?


Apr 13, 2004
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After looking through the photos of those students visiting valve i noticed the what looked to be a very special box which i am sure will be Half Life 2 special edition. It was huge! it must have a t-shirt (maybe one of the ones in the pictures) and other special stuff that only hardcore Half Life fans will desire. I don't care about the cost, but i am hoping that the Special edition comes on CD and/or dvd because i don't want to dish out for a dvd drive as well. (i'll do it tho ;) )

Another sidebit of info by the way. Walmart has Half-Life 2 out July 2nd.
I will have the special edition, and expect it to come with a Manipulator, grow your own Headcrab seeds, gold plated crowbar and blow up Alyx in a thong doll.
ill be damned if you dont have a dvd drive in the first place. :)

i hope the special edition is a single DVD. and ill probably cringe at the price and get it anyway. hl2 is going to be pretty special, and ill add to it by breaking down and getting the 'special' edition.

im weak, i know.
It'll be a ...... to find it, but I'll do my best to get it.
Never gotten a special edition anything........................but i will for HL2 does that make me a special edition virgin?
If there's a CD-ROM version of the special edition then I may consider it, but I believe the SE has been rumored to be DVD only.
if it comes with a plush headcrab that talks when you squeze it, ill buy it!
.... who am i kidding, im buying it no matter what!
Yes I'll be buying it, and if it does indeed come with one of those shirts, I hope to get a Team Fortress one.
Yep, I'll probably get it. The radeon X800 Pro is where my $ go first.
ill be buying it no matter what, but im going to be pissed if the t-shirt (assuming there is one) just comes in one size that will be too big. i like my t-shirts fitted.
I'm gonna try to buy it, if a pre-order comes up:/ and im pretty sure Gabe said it was DVD only
It depends on what's in it... and if I can get it the day it comes out...
I hope it's dvd, otherwise I'm not sure I'll get it. if it comes with a shirt and all that chances are I'm not gonna wear or use any of it. Dunno if they'll sell for much on ebay either. The only thing I've heard that might be in there that I'd be interested in is the concept art book.
I wonder how much it will cost, I'd like to get it however :)
My suggestion (And Rick Ellis appeared to take it seriously) was for them to include a Headcrab stressball...
Is valve going to be releasing some sort of special edition with HL2, CS Source, HL1 source, op for source and blueshift source? that'd be great if they were.
Im buying the box with the G-man on it for my lil bro, and Im buying the special edition for myself, Im hoping the box looks like that fat chunky rusty one on the student pic archive.
Lastest rumor (keyword: rumor) is that it has all the Source ports of the mods and expansions. If that's true, than I'll get it no matter what the price is (and it's going to be high if those things are included).
gunstarhero said:
Never gotten a special edition anything........................but i will for HL2 does that make me a special edition virgin?

You're on your way to become a special-edition-slut! You should be proud!
When it is out the day hl2 is released i will try to get on, but if not i will buy the normal SP/MP package ( i cant wait)
PvtRyan said:
Lastest rumor (keyword: rumor) is that it has all the Source ports of the mods and expansions. If that's true, than I'll get it no matter what the price is (and it's going to be high if those things are included).
Actually, it isn't a rumor, Doug Lombardi confirmed it at E3.
:naughty: I'm getting it, obviously it has more stuff than the others and more stuff associated with Half Life 2 is guraunteed great.
Liquified said:
Actually, it isn't a rumor, Doug Lombardi confirmed it at E3.
did he say they would all be included with the special edition?

all I heard was that they would realease them down the road at a resonable price.

regardless, im getting the SE, and it had better be DVD only.
I hope the special edition will be released in sweden.
If the special edition isn't released with the other boxes at the same time i'll just forget about it.

The game looks too good to wait for a box with a t-shirt in it.
[offtopic]Ghost Freeman: Aren't you that annoying kid from hlr?
CrazyHarij said:
I hope the special edition will be released in sweden.

Of course it will be released here. If not then I'll just order it from abroad.
already got a coupon; dunno now what I get for that in regards to the new source stuff.