who's gonna play like this when hl2 comes out?


Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
first i'll play it normally, then i'll replay it... with the grav gun only[\b]

hell yea, that'll be fun...and hard!!!

who's with me! :cheers:
I'm gonna make a mod that changes the crowbar into a katana and play with only that :D
im gonna um..play the game normally....with guns and manipulator..

First of all, WTF does the thread subject line actually mean? Does it make grammatical sense to anyone else?

After that paradox, the replies hardly help....
First I'm going to play it through once normally and by the time I finish Doom 3 will be out and I'll have lost any and all interest in anything even remotely related to HL2. Unless, of course, HL2 does happen to get pushed back to April in which case I might actually be playing Doom 3 by then and will totally miss the HL2 launch (yeah I know, it's Id and they tend to move at a snail's pace when it comes to shipping games, but it is possible that D3 might be out by then, or monkeys might fly out of my butt), then one day one of my friends will say, "Hey, what do you think of Half-life 2?" and I'll look dazed for a moment and say, "Half-life 2? They actually managed to ship that?" and my friend will say "Yeah. But it's not as good as Doom 3. Still cool though." because he has his lips firmly suctioned to John Carmack's ass at all times, then I'll say, "Hmm, I may pick it up when it hits the bargain bins. I'm too busy with school to play it right now anyway." Then I'll totally forget about it for a few months until CompUSA or Best Buy has a sale and puts HL2 in their ads for $20 one weekend only.

That's the plan anyway. :cheese: