Who's Got Your Favorite Avatar?

pesmerga's old one, the one with the smiling kid, teh funnay...
GreatGat's avatar, the one with the evil dark lord chewing bubblegum or something like taht. :)
Teta_Bonita said:
GreatGat's avatar, the one with the evil dark lord chewing bubblegum or something like taht. :)
Yeah, that one's also very good

EDIT: its Greatgat 's avatar
Mine is best, since I made it myself.
Steam ftw! :D

I like Jellyworlds too though :)
Pesmerga's old one. Ever since he lost it...he's been a broken man.
Noone else likes the soup nazi's?

Ennui's old one (the alien) was very cool, but so is his current one

Mine is kinda meh, just a pic of me negativised
Mine is just teh weird.
Anyone still remember where it's from? You can get a cookie :p
CyberSh33p said:

in Soviet Russia, avatars use YOU!! :P
theres been a few good ones mentioned here but remember Chris_D's?
the one with the two penguins? :laugh:
i liked that one as well.
Best on this site is the one with that white bunny hitting his head against the floor.
Yellyworld is pretty cool to.
TDE had a pretty scary avatar with animation.
But the best I have seen on any forum is the one beneath.( just stay with it for a couple of seconds)


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NuclearSidewalk, or whatever he's called.
That bloke with the letters in his name, you know, wotshisface?
I really like animated ones :D
Jellyworld, JiMmEh and TIIMMYY are my favourites :D
Oh, and Danimal's former avatar.
Tiimmy has now made it on my favoritos list for avatars!
Sweet! My hard work paid off in full! Someone mentioned my avatar!
I was thinking of doing something new with it ... who knows when that'll happen.

I like mine...because Tenacious D rawk.
Tenacious D is rawk for sure.
CptStern, CrazyHarij, The_Monkey, Shens, Murray_H (THE EYES!), Mutoid Man...

I also like this:


Sulkdodds said:
CptStern, CrazyHarij, The_Monkey, Shens, Murray_H (THE EYES!), Mutoid Man...

I also like this:


WTF? That is completely and 100% homosexual.
I see no Zombie Master avatars.
I liked pressures, and the one from the jungle book where it shows blue the bear bouncing up and down. Oh man, I laugh every time I see that one.
Mine is JiMmEh's. It has Paul Banks in it AND IT SPINS!11ONE
Wow, my avatar seems fairly popular. Thanks all.

My sig says it all, that there is a 'Carrot Conspiracy'
Who has the best avatar?

Pfft...I think that's pretty obvious.