just finished watching the e3 vid again
came to wonder... it seems like gordon is chasing whoever is in that helicoptor, rather than the helicoptor chasing gordon
any thoughts? :imu:
Or it maybe that the mantas can only carry a light weapon load cos they ae so manoeuvrable so the combine need to use more basic technologies for tasks such as dropping mines and bombs.
I think the alien gunship(manatee lookin thing) belongs to the xen and the combine get the chopper it makes more sense, i guess i could picture the alien gunship flying around xen or something, reminds me of the manta ray alien ships from HL1.
i dont think you all got the point, he's tryig to say that we all think that the heli's chasing gordon, but it could be that gordon's chasing the heli. personally, i dont know, since ive got the crappy 39mb version, and its not on that, but ive seen the full one at my friends once, so cant remember properly.
its possible that its fleeing because its been hit by machine gun fire
or perhaps its flying away to escape gordon altogether
cause its certainly not attacking head-on
I was mostly thinking that the AI may have thought "right Ive got some big juicy mines and hes in an ikul hovercraft.. ill see if he chases me so I can lob them in his path." corse maybe hes just a coward.