Whos staying up till 3?

Whos staying up till 3:00 in the UK

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it went from 1 hours (6:00PM PST) to 2 hours (7:00 PST). damn still another 2 hours, i thought we were in the final hour. Damn you VALVe.
i have 2 great CS-Source Dedicated server ip's that Will run from this Evening (Based in London UK).. anyone from the UK thats still awake tonight and want low pings try

CS Source Beta Servers

Server #1:

Server #2:

eram said:
i have 2 great CS-Source Dedicated server ip's that Will run from this Evening (Based in London UK).. anyone from the UK thats still awake tonight and want low pings try

CS Source Beta Servers

Server #1:

Server #2:


nice, ill try this out when the beta get unlocked.

maybe all the UK forum goers can have a physics frenzy
that 60meg update is gonna take me a while to download on my 64k isdn :(
so i shall see some of u on a server at 5am-6am. Im probably not gonna sleep at all tonight.
Have wash put on clean clothes at 9am, play CS till 10:15am. Then goto school and i'll be too tired to give a crap about results. Come home and play more CS! and probably fall asleep at 6pm :p lol
Ahh it will be 10 when i get to play it :). And then i will stay up till 3 playing it!(I stay up till 3 on a dialy basis)
you say it like its a hardcore thing to do... I usually stay up till 5 or 6am anyways. I just don't wake up till after 12pm :p
Yeh, i stay up to 4am regulary, sometimes to 9am, pfft, sick. 1HOUR TO GO!!!oneone!11
guise said:
psshh, play CS:S, get 2 hours sleep, get your results. by then youll be be so tired you wont give a shit. :E

A-level results, eh?

Not looking forward to those.
I dont have cs: S but i'll stay up till 3 cos I need to sleep soundly, got a- levels to pick up in the morning and I dont want to get into bed anything less than utterly knackered :)

its a shame the x800 dosent come with a voucher... :p