whos the better drummer

Bad^Hat said:
Well, there's nothing wrong with him... he just isn't all that great. Not really. Take away the guitars and vocals in many of their songs and you have the same recycled beat. Some people call it tasteful, I call it -

Boom, Chh, Boom Boom, Chh, Boom, Chh, Boom Boom, Chh...

In some of the songs he sounds really good though.
this post sure got de-railed quickly.
Anyway I think that pat thetic is a much better drummer. mainly because I don't like the new direction AFI is going in. Namely from hardcore to "Goth". I guess he is more talented too, not really sure.
Pressure said:
In some of the songs he sounds really good though.

Ironically some of his best drumming is on St Anger, which everyone hated :D
Bad^Hat said:
Ironically some of his best drumming is on St Anger, which everyone hated :D

You can't call him a bad drummer though.
Neil Peart (Rush)
Frost (Satyricon, 1349)
Trym (Emperor, Zyklon)
Heres My Two Cents

Scoobnfl said:
Dave Weckyl > the rest.

Weckyl is I think the most colerful drummer next to terry bozzio though they aren't the same really. but as far as rock drummers go john bonham is probably the best, hes like what buddy rich is to jazz he is to the rock genre. and with prog. rock I think its MIKE PORTNOY of theater and other side projects like liquid tension exp. 1+2 those are the best. I also think Virgil Donati is a kick ass progressive drummer, hes got more practice and more just everything over mike portnoy but hes way to complicated, not that thats a bad thing I love it!! but he plays things in 13/16 time and 21/16 (you would count it 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a5e+a6 then right back to one) if you haven't heard of Virgil donati go find the band planet-X, there band has Tony Macalpine on guitar and Derek Sherinian (Older keyboard player from Dream Theater)

and jazz drummers, well buddy rich was the best there ever will be, he could have done anything he push drumming to the limit, if you think doing certain stick tricks and hiting the cymbal on the top then hitting the bottom on the up-swing and having your drums planted on a platform and then the drummer straps him self in to his seat and then gets flipped upside down while playing (allah joey from slipknot) WELL you can thank Buddy Rich for that A JAZZ DRUMMER. I could go on and on about drummers (and im not even a drummer, well I guess i am but im self tought, i think pretty good in terms of groove and having style)

I like other drummers alot and think they are all good in there own right, I will list them in no specific order:
Mike Portnoy
Virgil Donati
Buddy Rich
Danny Carrey
Dave Weckyl
John Bonham
Steve Smith
Neil Pert
Joey From Slipknot (Had to throw a metal Drummer in there, there are alot of great ones)
Lars Ulrich (Old Metallica Days)
theres more but Its to early to think :dozey:

anyways theres my words.
Pressure said:
You can't call him a bad drummer though.

I didn't. He's just... I hate you for making me use this word... overhyped.
neptuneuk said:
they all get owned by travis parker...

even though many people hate Blink 182, you must admit that the drummer... erm.. owns?

actually.. animal kicks all their asses!

Nope John Bonham is the best drummer. The only thing that sucks about him is that he is dead. Moby Dick anyone?
Ennui said:
Neal Peart, John Bonham, and Danny Carey (my friend can play as well as the first two but not the last one), the drummers of Rush, Led Zeppelin, and Tool, respectively, are tied in first for the most skilled of all time, in my book.

L0L! No one can drum as well as John Bonham nice try.
kaffo said:
Slipknots drummer is pretty darn skilled, not fond of their music though ;)

Hahhaah! Skilled? Anyone can pound on a bunch of drums and yell.
{N}o{L}i3s said:
Lars Ulrich - Metallica!!!yeah baby!

Foamy at Illwillpress.com said:
And then theres that Larz Ulcer guy you know that Ulcer guy who's like got the Napoleon Complex because you know he's like 1.5 inches tall and stuff and he can't even really play drums you know he's just this wanker.

:cheese: Somehow it felt important.....