Who's up for some COD 4?

I think they're just a huge nuisance right now because the maps are so damn small.

I'm sure if we had larger maps getting air strikes would take a little longer.
I'm up for CoD4 on the PC if anybody wants to play.
mightyhealthie on xbox live add me if you want but, and ill see you when i get on. these organized gaming things just dont work for me i guess.
Some good games tonight, my parents kinda threw crap on me by making me turn it off, but oh well

Emporious, Bollix says to tell you he has his blanket

ailevation, adding you now.
Helis are pretty easy to take down, just switch to the Heavy Gunner kit for a minute or whatever custom class has a SAW/RPD and just empty the magazine on it relentlessly. The problem is is that no one can ever be arsed to bother taking them down sometimes, they'd rather try and get kills, when taking down a helicopter as soon as possible is pretty much essential.
Yeah, far far easier to take down helis with LMGs, RPGs are friggin useless. A SAW with double tap will tear helis apart in like 5 seconds. You just have to find a spot where you won't be too conspicuous.

Helis are still annoying as hell on hardcore mode, though. No radar = stealth chopper = deadness.
Sorry for continuously bringing this thread up, but who's going to be online tonight, and what time?
Hmm, I probably can't be on in 1/2 hour. I've got some math tutoring stuff to do :hmph:
probably like 7:00 EST, maybe a bit before, maybe a bit after...
I didn't play yesterday because I was with some mates just taking it in turns so I didn't want to go into any serious games. Sorry all.
Eh, no problem. I had a friend playing on my account for a while anyways
Heh heh

"No, but it was switched on, that works right?"
Lol, Hollis :LOL:

Sorry I missed that man. I'd go on now, but I have school stuff to do.
Sorry to resurrect this again, by my event organizer has failed.

Who's going on tonight?

I'll play CoD4 again at like 5:30-6ish, I wanna play some more Turok first.