Who's your favorite movie villain


Party Escort Bot
Aug 16, 2003
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the topic says it all, mine's Darth Vader. He's just such a badass and he does whatever he wants and everyone's afraid of him. Plus he has a really cool voice
I think we had a poll on this very subject a few days ago, but anyway... I'm not sure I have one.

The bad guy in Se7en was actually not that bad at the end, He kind of had a point.

I guess he's the favorite.
Clarence Boddicker - they don't make bad guys like that any more.

'See, I got this problem. Cops don't like me. So I don't like cops.'
I have many favorite bad guys. But I liked Dr. Octo in Spiderman, and I like the Agents in Matrix I
the greatest villain would have to be "barry" from dogma, that guy's hilarious
Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet ...man that guy is creepy

or Hannibal Lecter
Like asking me to rank my children. So in no particular order, my top 3 are:

Hannibal Lector
Darth Vader

All of them cold yet sophisticated, merciless yet mindful. And giving the protagonist one hell of a trip.
Alex, from A Clockwork Orange.
Although moreso from the book than the film. He's so completely evil, but so charismatic that you can't help but like him and be drawn to him - even when he's having sex with eleven year-olds (he's 15) Complex, sophisticated, repulsive and charming at the same time. A very unsettling character.