Why am I such a sissy boy?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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HAH! The thread title is joking of course, but I figured it'd provide you a laugh.

Anyways, I've discussed this in a couple of other non-related threads, but wanted a full on thread dedicated to it.

I want to get straight to the point. Why is it that I retain childish fears of the dark, the unknown, and the generally scary/spooky? I've recently started to not enjoy games or movies that I once would in the past, because of the content they contain... I get disturbed by it, spooked out and sometimes silently terrified. I don't panic or freak out because of any of this, but it grates on me and disturbs me to no end.

For instance. Games that wouldn't bother me before, are starting to seriously effect me, and I cannot provide a logical explanation for it. Lets take Psychonauts for example. Its a fun, great game, but on the second half it starts to get sort of dark, yet not really in a way that should warrant these uncomfortable feelings of fear or uneasiness that I experience. I could be sitting in my dark living room, playing away. Start to feel shivers, and constantly look around me into the darkness, half expecting to see something terrible and monstrous ready to get me. I know nothing like that will never ever happen, but it doesn't stop my concious from thinking it.

It doesn't apply just to games, it applies to my every day living. I have any incredibly overactive, vivid imigination that I personally believe could rival that of professional scary story writers. I "see" things in my mind that don't exist, but that I imigine. And by that I mean I create this image in my mind, perfectly detailed in every single facet of its construction, of whatever monstrous thing it may be. When i'm walking past a mirror, looking into a mirror.... Using the shower, using the toilet. You name it. I can just picture and imigine these things peering at me, looking at me through the mirror, grabbing me from behind. Coming up on me out of the ground while i'm using the shower, or up through the faucet/toilet drain. Slipping up from beneath my bed or out of my closet.

These things usually associated with children and childhood fears, i'm experiencing as an adult that I NEVER experienced as a child. It's starting to turn into some sort of mild paranoia, and I cannot explain it. Am I alone in this, or what?
Sounds normal to me. There is a cause for this. You need to look at your past for any major events or traumas that might have triggered these fears to arise again.
Yeah, I've had fears like that, but not bad. Whenever I imagine something scary lurking behind me in dark halls, I just think about how awesome it would be to prove the existence of a ghost. I almost invite it to show itself, just so I can run to my room, grab my camera or phone, and take a picture. I know that sounds cheesy but it's how I counteract strange fears like this. :p
Nat Turner said:
Yeah, I've had fears like that, but not bad. Whenever I imagine something scary lurking behind me in dark halls, I just think about how awesome it would be to prove the existence of a ghost. I almost invite it to show itself, just so I can run to my room, grab my camera or phone, and take a picture. I know that sounds cheesy but it's how I counteract strange fears like this. :p

Yeah, I can't do that, so instead I counter it with trying to fill my mind with all sorts of other thoughts to push whatever recently terrible thought I recently had.

And on the 'non monster' realm. I always have these disturbing, ****ing disturbing images of my family and loved ones. Me and my dad one time were cutting some wood for a project, and he was operating the saw and in my mind I could picture vividly this horrible image of him getting mutilated, slumping forward unconciously as if he passed out or something and having the saw cut open his head and splitting it in half, showering blood back against the house behind us as he slumped to the ground motionless below, the blood pooling everywhere.

and see... this kind of stuff scares the SHIT out of me, cause its so vivid.
I had to take the mirror out of my room :(

and my bathroom, one wall is nothing but a mirror, and when i go to the bathroom at night before i go to bed, all the lights are out and when i turn the light on in the bathroom, EVERYTIME i have this image on somebody standing behind me with a knife or a piece of rope.
xcellerate said:
I had to take the mirror out of my room :(

and my bathroom, one wall is nothing but a mirror, and when i go to the bathroom at night before i go to bed, all the lights are out and when i turn the light on in the bathroom, EVERYTIME i have this image on somebody standing behind me with a knife or a piece of rope.

Oh man, I know that feeling, it is quite scary indid.
Raziaar, can you draw well?

You'd make an awesome concept artist if you could :D

I often imagine horrible things like you describe, but not very vividly. Just the general thought of someone like my dad slipping with the chain-saw or something. I just shrug it off, but it sounds like you can't really do that because its so real :(
Damn man, I don't know. Whenever I get any irrational fears (i.e. being afraid of ghosts after a scary movie) I rationalize everything and think it through until it doesn't scare me anymore. But it sounds different with you... :/
When I get scared at night, I just randomly break into kung-fu stances. Works like a charm. :D
Teta_Bonita said:
When I get scared at night, I just randomly break into kung-fu stances. Works like a charm. :D

I just have to sig that.
Dan said:
maybe you're just a pussy

<holds his fingers up to his temples>

I'm getting a mental image in my head right now. I am picturing you slouched forward on your computer chair, your head resting face down against the keyboard with small pools of blood slowly oozing throughout the little gaps between the keys, and small speckles splattered against your glowing monitor. The back of your head is smashed open with a very irregular, deeply gouged wound that seems to be inflicted with some sort of garden tool. Prominently displayed on your back is a note... whats it say? Oh yes... it says,

"Don't ****ing make fun of me."

Raziaar, can you draw well?

You'd make an awesome concept artist if you could

Nah. I can't draw or do any form of art except write(which what I have above there isn't a good indicator of my skills). I wish I could, cause the things I picture in my head, I can picture perfectly. Every single pixel of detail(if it were measured in pixels) fully come to life in my mind.
Raziaar said:
<holds his fingers up to his temples>

I'm getting a mental image in my head right now. I am picturing you slouched forward on your computer chair, your head resting face down against the keyboard with small pools of blood slowly oozing throughout the little gaps between the keys, and small speckles splattered against your glowing monitor. The back of your head is smashed open with a very irregular, deeply gouged wound that seems to be inflicted with some sort of garden tool. Prominently displayed on your back is a note... whats it say? Oh yes... it says,

"Don't ****ing make fun of me."

Sigged, and for the record I think that's some fine writing. Don't worry about the paranoia. You just need to fill your life with something. I draw. It helps.
Jintor said:
Sigged, and for the record I think that's some fine writing. Don't worry about the paranoia. You just need to fill your life with something. I draw. It helps.

I don't consider that writing, thats just me making a smartass post. Now... if I put some effort into it...
Jintor said:
Sigged, and for the record I think that's some fine writing. Don't worry about the paranoia. You just need to fill your life with something. I draw. It helps.
4-line limit.
I can just picture and imigine these things peering at me, looking at me through the mirror, grabbing me from behind. Coming up on me out of the ground while i'm using the shower, or up through the faucet/toilet drain. Slipping up from beneath my bed or out of my closet.

Glirk Dient said:
Sounds normal to me.

Well to me it doesn't sound normal. I used to imagine those things when i was 6 years old, maybe Raziar is 6 years old?
I get the same stuff. When it's late and I'm doing stuff like looking in the mirror in my bathroom I'm not looking at me, I'm looking behind me into the darkness.

It's only in my house mind. Everything gets very scary and I start imagining things.
Usually when I'm trying to sleep my imagination goes crazy..mostly on scary things. Last night I kept myself up for two or more hours imagining stuff. I think the freakiest thing was imagining hearing Billy Bob Thornton saying 'You ought not killed my little brother' off in the distance, and then hearing him right outside the window saying 'you got any biscuits for sale in there?'
Another one was waking up at the end of a long dark hallway, and hearing the twilight zone music (you know what I'm talkin about, do do do do, do do do do" like that) and then seeing a tall, dark silhouette of someone at the other end, holding a large ax and starting to run towards me.
I have analyzed your post and have come to the conclusion you have been involved with the game 'FEAR'. Thus, you are now scared of little girls, the unknown, and dark things.
4-line limit.

Quit being a party pooper ruining other peoples fun just cause you hate me.

Oh no! Oh no! I'm getting a vision of you in my head right now! It is FAR too disturbing to write about, though.

Well to me it doesn't sound normal. I used to imagine those things when i was 6 years old, maybe Raziar is 6 years old?

I have the maturity of a 30-35 year old, the body of a 20 year old, and the fears of a 6 year old. So you're partly right. Except my fears are like a 6 year olds fears on crack cocaine.

I have analyzed your post and have come to the conclusion you have been involved with the game 'FEAR'. Thus, you are now scared of little girls, the unknown, and dark things.

Never touched the game fear. I've been this way before it was even conceptualized.
I have another theory. Maybe I'm a paranoid schizophrenic. Exposure to this website all of these years has surely caused me to be this way. Munro, expect court papers in the mail.
I think you should grow out of it. Eventually you will realize after having lived long enough that there is no boogie man or anything. I've been alive 31 years (birthday was the other day) and I've never seen anything supernatural so I think its safe to assume that there is no such thing.

Just hide under your blanket, that always worked for me when i was a kid. Make sure you are completely covered!!! omg!
^ Actually, your sig is furthur evidence of Raziaar's descent into madness, another nail in the coffin of his screaming, paronoid corpse. Let your unholy terror consume us all, Raziaar!
VirusType2 said:
I think you should grow out of it. Eventually you will realize after having lived long enough that there is no boogie man or anything. I've been alive 31 years (birthday was the other day) and I've never seen anything supernatural so I think its safe to assume that there is no such thing.

Just hide under your blanket, that always worked for me when i was a kid. Make sure you are completely covered!!! omg!

Heh Heh. The crazy thing is... I grew into it in recent years. How am I going to grow out of it?
Raziaar said:
Heh Heh. The crazy thing is... I grew into it in recent years. How am I going to grow out of it?

Quit being afraid of the monster in the shadows..and BE the monster in the shadows.

Brian Peppers is always behind you, lurking in the shadows!
Raziaar said:
Man... I feel really really bad.

I wasn't one of the people who made much fun of the guy. Hopefully the assholes will leave him alone if they catch wind of that, but knowing most assholes, they'll still be assholes.

Those were fake, and you're a tool. :D
I didn't know his tragic story, I just thought his pic is awesome.
Dude you could be a movie director specializing in horror films
It's instinctual to fear things, even if you "know" it's not a threat your body still reacts.

It's like if you look at a naked woman "ok it's just photons entering my eyes and being procesed in my brain" no matter how you think of it, you'll still get aroused, unless of course there's something wrong with your male functionality.