Why are his gloves shiny?



In the old Bink vids Gordan freemans gloves looked like rubber, ass seen in the first attached pic.

But in the new bink vids Gordans gloves are shiny, almost clear, like glass, as seen in the second pic.

I myself like the old gloves better as they seem more like rubber. So what are your theories and/or thoughts on the new gloves?

*edit* I realize I didn't take the best of pictures, but you can KINDA see what I'm talking about in them.


  • glove 1.JPG
    glove 1.JPG
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  • glove 2.JPG
    glove 2.JPG
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holy crap your right...that looks so wierd, like theres a layer of plastic over his gloves :|
i think there the same, the first ones are in poor light.
Has it come to this? Are we discussing his gloves? Is that what we have arrived at? Jeeeeeeezus H Christ!

I liked the old ones better.
i don't know, i kinda wondered that oto. it seems like they added some shaders... looks cool in my opinion.

Has it come to this?

Yep. hl2 has been discuused to death. there is nothing that can be talked about anymore
Lobster said:
i think there the same, the first ones are in poor light.
they're not, watch the vids.

and yes, I realize it's pathetic talking about the gloves, but this is a board dedicated about this game and I was bored so I posted what I had just noticed.
AJ Rimmer said:
Has it come to this? Are we discussing his gloves? Is that what we have arrived at? Jeeeeeeezus H Christ!

I liked the old ones better.

At least it takes my mind off the vu 6 month thing For about 4 secs. While im reading the new posts. Keep them coming i might just survive this pressure.
I always assumed that the gloves were built into the HEV and plated with some sort of armour..
I don't think I've ever looked at zee hands. :O

It coulda had four fingers for all I know!
Seeing that the gloves are part of the HEV suit they would be made of rubber which offen is shiny (think of Chemical Hazard Suits). Plus everything is reflective in some form of another just some more then others, other wise we couldn't see anything.
oh lord traptown looks like tosh now?? its been a long time since i saw it. and i've played lot of pretty games since.
same reason the guns in cs:s were immensely shiny (p228) turns out the chrome effect was a bit, shall we say, overdone. That was recently addressed in cs:s.
Yep. hl2 has been discuused to death. there is nothing that can be talked about anymore

What 'brand' is Gordons glases? They are very good.. no scratch yet.
Is that the same crowbar as in HL1??

about the gloves..
when he updates his Suit, he gets new gloves and so on... :|
All I have to say is, VALVe has gone overboard with the shaders. CS:S has so many shaders that my eyes bleed ;(
well, wasnt the shiney hands, a bug in Cs:S?? a while back? maybe they had this simmilar bug in the hl2 they had when making the binks??
Shuzer said:
All I have to say is, VALVe has gone overboard with the shaders. CS:S has so many shaders that my eyes bleed ;(

did they add some more shaders in the newest update?
Shuzer said:
All I have to say is, VALVe has gone overboard with the shaders. CS:S has so many shaders that my eyes bleed ;(

They have?
what are you guys talking about ... the shiny gloves look whicked ... i love them <3 so hott ... :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :rolling: :bounce:
Murray_H said:
They have?

Yes. It seems as though they've tweaked it over time, now the knife model looks like a freaking mirror. The gloves have a slight reflectivity to them, although subtle, completely unrealistic. All the guns are reflective, as is the bomb.. I could be insane, but it seems OVERdone now.. as opposed to subtle and cool.
Thats just a bug, it had to do with bump maps being off. It was also seen by many in cs:s after a later patch. It's a sv cvar bug. All gone now though.
i like it, they look like a synthetic material of some sort. goes along with the whole advanced hev stuff.
The gloves in Half-Life were shiny. You can notice it at the surface. If you haven't noticed it, it's because you rarely pay attention when you're playing the game.
It seems TOO much stuff in shiny. Like in CS:S the seats in the car are shiny. That's not right. Also the shiny tires...I don't ever see shiny tires around..at least not around the top. :(
in the word of some kid i knew "ooooo0000ooooo shiny"
everybody likes shiny stuff, shiny rims, shiny guns, shiny computer cases, ect...
AJ Rimmer said:
Has it come to this? Are we discussing his gloves? Is that what we have arrived at? Jeeeeeeezus H Christ!

I liked the old ones better.

Yea quite sad, about the gloves though I thought some rubber things are shiny

skumbuzzul said:
Two words. Vasoline.

lol i think its one word
skumbuzzul said:
Most plausible theory yet.

After his encounter with Mossman, Gordon's gloves are covered in vasloline. Hopefully we find out why Mossman insisted on vasoline covered gloves.
Dunno about most of you but I like shininess. Makes it look more "inteligent" ...and no I have no idea what I'm talking about :D