Why Are People So Rude?

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Any time. They were roses, I..I hope you like roses.
For the people who didnt get laid yet just goto a hooker joint and get all your needs there!.Thats all I have to say :).
Originally posted by Kamakiri
You have to admit people are assholes on gaming forums. If you don't agree with me there well there is something wrong.

There is some truth in that, but I would say the majoraty are just normal people.

Of course theres the odd moron, who spams, flames and does everything else he shouldn't, which eventually gets him banned.

Then there are normal people having a bad day, they could easily snap and cause offence by accident.

Theres people who are okay in real-life, but act childish on forums, thinking that because no one will know them, they can act how they want.

Anyhow, most of the people on forums are nice people, but I will agree with your earlier comment saying how there is more chance of getting a 'moron' on a gaming forum rather than a non-gaming related one (in my experience).
Originally posted by Gojin
No but when you have 4 it's pretty safe to assume your new. Alsoooo, I do agree. A lot of people on gaming forums are jerks.

Pearl Jam is the best band in the world.
Sad, you have to pay for it. Get some good looks, an average body (in other words just not be too fat), get a personality, and you can have pretty much any girl you want.
Theres people who are okay in real-life, but act childish on forums, thinking that because no one will know them, they can act how they want.

My whatever do you mean.... Crapfiend.

boob crap hell.
so uh....where does the half-life discussion come in?

I thought this was the Half-Life 2 Forum for General Discussion about Half-Life 2.

Don't take people seriously on msg boards and making posts like this will just make things worse.
We all know the coolest posts ever. Is when somebody says.

"Well, that was spam"

And then the next person says

"so was that"

Then the original guy says

"so was that"

And it eventually turns into the thread we have here.
I hope mod will move it to Offtopic forums and close it.
Well everyone else is doin' it. Yes they are Vitalogy! And that CD is amazing.
*off topic*
I never really got into pearl jam, I don't even listen to nirvana much but I like a lot of their stuff more. Come as you are, heart shaped box, smells like teen spirit etc. etc.
nirvana's pretty good, i only listen to a few of their songs but they are (were) a really talented band.
and I'm guessing you haven't heard a lot of PJ's songs. This is getting too off topic. No more discussion of this! HL2!!!!!!!! People are rude because..... this whole thread is off topic.
I hate people who give a shit when a topic goes off topic. If it's off topic it's cuz the issue as been settled, or it's a damn boring issue. Either way, it warrants me talking about random stuff. I've had my topics be "ruined" and I could care less lol, I usually get me answer. We've already established that some people are jerks, guinny thinks he has a big shlong, and that one of the guys is 12 years old. I think we've learned plenty, time to post useless stuff.

What are your thoughts on this picture i painted.

If you wanna be a member of the fiddle fan club, and are planning to vote for me as moderator, u'll get yer sweet ass t-shirt in the mail.... Some day.
Riot Act is the one I listen to the least I think, but I still love it. Most of it is great.

Edit: btw, this should be closed or somethin'. It's already OT so it doesn't really matter if I post about nothing)

And the shirt is good :P
Psht, fine ignore me. You just lost yer t-shirt.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Peoples are so rude on gaming forums. Same as this one.

Ok I'm sure 90% of all of you are total geeks who got teased at school and never had sex and your age 25.

I allow 10% because I'm sure there are people out there who actually gets laid and are cool.

So the 90% of you. You know who you are. Do you act all smart and dickhead like to make up for what you really aren't? I just don't understand it. All gaming forums people are rude as.

All the non-gaming forums I'm a member of users never act wrongly towards me or my posts. But for some reason geek infested holes like this one are just bluntly out of line at times.

How about you people who got teased in the past remember two wrongs don't make a right. And remember who you are. A blunt, flat out geek. So why be something like a jock or some crap because your not.


Anyway. Why do so many people judge others by the fact that they have or havent had sex? Im 17 and i havent had it. People consider that late but i dont want to have it until im married.

Many people are teased at school and other such places. And they often turn to the internet for a place where they can find friends. You can seriously ruin peoples lives by teasing them about being teased.

You are saying this is a geek infested hole. I suppose thats why you are here. Even if you only came to say this, the fact that you made the effort to come here and do this shows how sad you really are.

You talk about all these people on gaming forums being geeks. Well what are you doing on these Non-gaming forums?

By the way. Im 17 (Already stated) I didnt get teased at school. The only people who would have wanted were very sad individuals who tried to insult me by saying things that just didnt matter to me. I am quite physically fit. I dont have the same diet as most people my age (in this country anyway). I often go out, for instance on my Skateboard with friends. I also enjoy very much playing on computer games.

EDIT: Guinny i dont know if you were serious but i laughed so hard when you started talking about your "man-hood". 'Oh its so big!'
Why are people so rude?

*continues to write all kinda rude stuff*

Cracked me up :D
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Peoples are so rude on gaming forums. Same as this one.

Ok I'm sure 90% of all of you are total geeks who got teased at school and never had sex and your age 25.

I allow 10% because I'm sure there are people out there who actually gets laid and are cool.

So the 90% of you. You know who you are. Do you act all smart and dickhead like to make up for what you really aren't? I just don't understand it. All gaming forums people are rude as.

All the non-gaming forums I'm a member of users never act wrongly towards me or my posts. But for some reason geek infested holes like this one are just bluntly out of line at times.

How about you people who got teased in the past remember two wrongs don't make a right. And remember who you are. A blunt, flat out geek. So why be something like a jock or some crap because your not.

Yep, y'al right-sounds like a n00b, Hey, Kamakiri, u like ****$? Yes? Sure u do...
Btw, any1 heard the Eminem song: the Kids?
I considered myself a big pearl jam fan and riot act just got me off of PJ.

There were no classic songs. Same old crap.
Kamakiri shouldn't judge ppl by how many times they had $eX, what if he(naw, I was about to say something mean)...
Um...why is this thread in general section of the game???
Kamikiri... Wtf is that anyways. Probably some japanease cartoon character or something ahhahaha. N if he tries to make fun of my name I'll just laugh, it's made to be a joke....
It was FiddleMeAsshole on a diff board, but the admins made me change it. So it's Fiddle now.

I bet he's a member of that 90% crowd he refers to lol.
*looks at the post above him, amazed by the irony*
Originally posted by Fiddle
*looks at the post above him, amazed by the irony*

Says the person with 69 posts made in one day.
Shibs, if you liked the old stuff, and you said same old crap..... agh forget it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Says the person with 69 posts made in one day

Yeah but each post is a quality piece of writing. You all are better people for having read it, you should thank me. It's not like I made a post saying.

Yer all @(*_$^ nerds who never get any god(&% poontang and I'm gonna (*&((*^ yer 1(*^^ motherflogging (&^(^ communist piece of (*&%*&% monkeyshine *)(&_)* scientist *(^(^(^ eating trojan wearing )(*^^ing (*^(^% eater!
Originally posted by Fiddle
Kamikiri... Wtf is that anyways. Probably some japanease cartoon character or something ahhahaha. N if he tries to make fun of my name I'll just laugh, it's made to be a joke....
It was FiddleMeAsshole on a diff board, but the admins made me change it. So it's Fiddle now.

I bet he's a member of that 90% crowd he refers to lol.

Kamakiri' pubic hair is probably tied in a knot-OHH BURN!!!
lmao!U called some ppl geeks, u pay the price!
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Peoples are so rude on gaming forums. Same as this one.

Ok I'm sure 90% of all of you are total geeks who got teased at school and never had sex and your age 25.

I allow 10% because I'm sure there are people out there who actually gets laid and are cool.

So the 90% of you. You know who you are. Do you act all smart and dickhead like to make up for what you really aren't? I just don't understand it. All gaming forums people are rude as.

All the non-gaming forums I'm a member of users never act wrongly towards me or my posts. But for some reason geek infested holes like this one are just bluntly out of line at times.

How about you people who got teased in the past remember two wrongs don't make a right. And remember who you are. A blunt, flat out geek. So why be something like a jock or some crap because your not.

Wow, you clearly have more hangups than anyone else here. Get over yourself bro. Think things out before you speak. The accusitions you make towards others only reveals you own insecurity. Your so concerned with being "cooler" than us because your a "jock" who has had "sex" that you cant possibly be older than 17, becase if you were, you wouldnt use lame ass arguments like this.

Just wait till you get out in the real world my friend and see that none of this bull shit you talk about matters. You are just regurgitating the bullshit that MTV has trained you to say...but I have no right to make any assumptions about you, nor make accusations.

All I can say is, lighten up, dont take yourself so seriously, becase Ive known many people who take a "holier-than-thou" approach to life and, as a result never get to experience true freindship...wich, unlike "sex" and "coolness" is one of the few things that really matters in life. Im not saying you find "true frinds" on the internet, but your attitude here is a direct reflection of who you are in "real life"...dont kid yourself about that.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Peoples are so rude on gaming forums. Same as this one.

Ok I'm sure 90% of all of you are total geeks who got teased at school and never had sex and your age 25.

I allow 10% because I'm sure there are people out there who actually gets laid and are cool.

So the 90% of you. You know who you are. Do you act all smart and dickhead like to make up for what you really aren't? I just don't understand it. All gaming forums people are rude as.

All the non-gaming forums I'm a member of users never act wrongly towards me or my posts. But for some reason geek infested holes like this one are just bluntly out of line at times.

How about you people who got teased in the past remember two wrongs don't make a right. And remember who you are. A blunt, flat out geek. So why be something like a jock or some crap because your not.

K, lemme change that to:
I'm gay!
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