Why are so many people believing the hacker?

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Jul 20, 2003
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DO you people really think after 5 years this is the complete game because some idiot spouted off in his .nfo file?

Come on, it's obvious this is an E3 build or something this joker compiled.

I can't believe how many gullable ****s there are out there who actually believe this is all VALVe has!

Sadly, the hacker is winning. Regardless of a criminal investigation, VALVe needs to speak!
because so far what he has said is true, but the fact of having a pre-gold version i doubt
Originally posted by Ralphus

I can't believe how many gullable ****s there are out there who actually believe this is all VALVe has!

dunno dude...there's alot of game there. maybe they are just gonna plug in the last bits and peices when they are just about done?
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
because so far what he has said is true, but the fact of having a pre-gold version i doubt

and so what valve has said has been untrue...
Well, Hacker alway telling core truth about valve. They found many stuff that valve has lied to us.
OR maybe the hacker downloaded the E3 version of the Game instead of the real version.???
The anonymous hacker, when posting another file, already stated that the pre-gold thing was fake and not stated by him. Some repackaged the rar, obviously.
everything the hacker has said himself has been true, what valve has said, has not been.
thats all bs. the hacker said it's the "pre-release". wrong!! It's the e3 release DUH!!


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Originally posted by LoneDeranger
thats all bs. the hacker said it's the "pre-release". wrong!! It's the e3 release DUH!!

It was rumored that he had the pre-gold, but he disregarded it in another release nfo
/idiotic mode

We believe in the haxor more because he gave us HL2 early and for free :p

/ends idiotic mode
I blame my belief in the hacker solely on the shoulders of the Catholic Church. They've taught me blind faith. don't worry though, if you really believe strong enough and are a good person, the stolen source will go away.
...so they tell me
maybe cuz the hacker released something and valve didn't... that's why people believe him
I think he does have more than what he released so far. I remember reading somewhere about "the chosen 9" which seem to have a full version of the game or damned close.
The hacker has less incentive to lie than Valve does.

The hacker derives satisfaction from being respected by the "scene" (why else would he release anything?). Lying would undermine that respect.

Valve has a huge financial stake in the game. If they were well behind schedule, and not even into the beta stage by Sept 30, they gain nothing by telling us of their problems. In fact, there may have been other financial incentives to keeping quiet about any delays until the last possible moment (e.g. increased pre-orders from people thinking the game is about to be released; perhaps they wanted ATI to think the game would be ready at the same time as their new card, and letting everyone know earlier of a significant delay would have jeopardized the very, very lucrative deal they had with ATI; etc, etc).
Originally posted by gggie
The hacker derives satisfaction from being respected by the "scene" (why else would he release anything?). Lying would undermine that respect.

Not necessarily true. I think this guy is just another attention brat. He can lie all he want, and when he can't deliver, "Anon" will just disappear. He'll get a name, and go pull another stupid stunt. Remember, "Anon" is just an avatar for this little maggot. You can hold him to anything, he can become a new person whenever he wants.
people believe the hacker more because SO FAR, little of what he has said has been proven false. I'm pretty sure eventually some of the garbage he's been spouting (that's it? 5 years?) will turn out untrue.
He might , he might NOT have any other media for HL 2 or any other Valve game but i'd think he has all of their internal e-mails / notes.

Should he release that , it should amount to very entertaining reading , i assume.....
Well thankfully that pre-gold thing was done by some other ass trying to get valve in a corner. It seems what is out there is all that guy took...
I dont think there is any more. Just the version thats spreading now and the ( omg yes) patches the guy is making. It obvious this guys got skillz

Not that i know anything about the file at all
The short answer, Ralphus, is because people are morons.
Originally posted by tkato
because i got hl2 sitting on my dasktop playing!

Because your ****!! and can't wait for the full thing.

... also desktop is spelt wrong :p
nothing new hey?
how about the HL1 and CS-Condition Zero that he just released, POWERED BY HL2?
They need hl2 to run, and use the same rendering system.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
nothing new hey?
how about the HL1 and CS-Condition Zero that he just released, POWERED BY HL2?
They need hl2 to run, and use the same rendering system.

Yes.... And i have 84 toes and the best i swimmer, also i make ponies that conquar africa.

Edit: how do you know he isnt a lieing ****?

Also - how do you know its powered by hl2 and out (leaked)?

One more thing - i got a shoe.
If they actually believe this is ALL that Valve has, Valve has been eating out of their nose since E3, because they already had that stuff at E3. Even sooner because in March this stuff was shown to the press under an NDA. Seabed was shown to the press too, not yet to the public.
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
Yes.... And i have 84 toes and the best i swimmer, also i make ponies that conquar africa.

Edit: how do you know he isnt a lieing ****?

Also - how do you know its powered by hl2 and out (leaked)?

One more thing - i got a shoe.

perhaps the whole "i just unpacked and played it" thing is a bit of a clue for you.
well, my comment to the first post- We all know that its only the E3 build...we have known that for a few days now. Its just like a leaked demo that has a lot of bugs, though i find it fun to load the map with the gravity gun and throw things around.
I thought that the hacker didnt get the full version out, like a lot of textures were missing and stuff....
the truth its. we can't beleive valve or the hacker.. its a pretty sad state of affairs when even the deving company can't be trusted because you just dont know.. valve hasn't even said anything that would go against what hte hacker said, who knows, mayby there bluffing hoping that the hacker didn't get it, or wont release it before they find it. Maybe the hacker is bluffing his way to get community not to trust valve.. its all a huge mess
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