Why are the forums so quiet these days?


Jul 25, 2007
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There's hardly nobody around. This is the first time I've seen a whopping minimum of only 11 members online as of this particular post. Is there no reason for once forum regulars to post as often anymore? What's the record of the minimum number of online members anyone has seen? There really ought to be a "least currently online members" record on the forum index. That would be interesting.
Probably all playing Left 4 Dead :O
Wish I could play Left 4 Dead. My cousin reclaimed his 360 from me a month ago and my PC is pure dirt for any new PC titles. :( (That is if there is a PC version. I don't stay informed for new PC games these days)
Because there's been a huge focus by Valve on TF2 and then on Left 4 Dead, and as these aren't boards dedicated to those games, people are going elsewhere. When some news is finally announced for Episode 2, I think there'll be a surge in numbers. Right now, however, it's because everyone is playing Left 4 Dead.
Nah, they're re-doing Episode 2 because they weren't happy with it first time around. You should read the front page more :/
I like to think we cater for every game properly. What fan sites do you think are covering more than us?
Im constantly on here it seems. Almost everytime I came back and sit down at my PC and open a new browser, I go to bookmarks and come here.
Nah, they're re-doing Episode 2 because they weren't happy with it first time around. You should read the front page more :/

There was nothing wrong with Episode 2 imo, but if they want to make it even better, then that's great too. Just hope it's worth the trouble.

@ Munro: I always thought HL2.net was more than just the HL series, as I see non-HL stuff posted all the time.
These forums are always too quiet for me. In some ways it's nice because you can always find the thread you were participating in, but on the other hand if nothing interesting is going on, nothing interesting is going on. There are particular times of day I notice the forum is completely dead; nobody posts ANYTHING in ANY of the sections. It's almost as regular as clockwork. It's not recent, either--it's been like this for a long time.

And it's not like I don't see you guys camping the forums. I'm checking the "Who's Online" section. I know you're there, refreshing the page waiting to see if anyone else says something. These forums are like two guys on Dust sitting in their spawns waiting to see if the other guy is going to make a move.
We just need more people to post about not showering or their testicular problems. We'll be back on track in no time.

Seriously though these kinds of communities all eventually die out. hl2.net has had a hell of a run and will probably be around for a long while longer. But eventually it's going to die out. Hell, are many of you here for half life or even gaming at this point? I've been so damn busy I don't even play games any more, but here I am because, well, I just can't help but discuss hygiene with people on the internets.
Halflife2.net will live forever! (or as long as I live :p)
I come here for the community, but that has been dwindling slowly for the past year. I've never finished Episode 1 or 2, don't play Counter Strike or TF2 anymore...hell I rarely play games anymore. But it's always nice to log on and see how everyone is doing; when I find the time that is.
Ebb and flow, same as always.
I come here for the same reason I do anything.

For the bitches.
Nah, they're re-doing Episode 2 because they weren't happy with it first time around. You should read the front page more :/


There was nothing wrong with Episode 2 imo, but if they want to make it even better, then that's great too. Just hope it's worth the trouble.

I just wanted to make sure these lol-worthy posts didnt go un-noticed. I think a big part of the activity decreasing is due to the fact that school is back in session for most people and thus most activity takes place on weekends now. I'm still always around, doing what Darkside said. But I also have a full time jerb, which i get in trouble for not doing when I browse the forums there.
Thats weird, because I was thinking of making a thread just like this.
I like to think we cater for every game properly. What fan sites do you think are covering more than us?

We do, yeah, but for pre-existing members of the community. I don't go on any other sites for news about L4D, TF2, or even games in general, because I know it'll be posted here. What I meant was that people from the outside would see this as a Half Life 2 fansite, simply because of the url. And while we would have some information, a person who is looking to join a gaming community and is currently very interested in L4D (for example) would probably join L4D411 over this forum.

Also, we've had a fair number of regulars drop out recently, and I've been cutting back on my posting too. [shrugs]
The new release of Episode Two should speed things up.
Don't know why they are re-doing Episode 2 but whatever.

Its because there are a lot more noobs on here, some of them are looking to be decent long-term members but most are just annoying. The top half of the forum used to be bustling with really interesting discussions about the game about two and a bit years ago when I first joined, now I dont even bother looking through them, just go straight to general chat. Just full of complete nonsense and the same old, pointless topics. Guess we just covered every possible nook and crany with the story.

General chat, the games and the video chats are still entertaining though.
I find it really annoting when I'm waiting for someone to post something, anything, but no one does. I hate it. Bah. :frown:
Its because there are a lot more noobs on here, some of them are looking to be decent long-term members but most are just annoying.
That is a problem, yes - but we need new members to keep us going. However I agree, only 1 newbie in 5 actually gets how this community works and fits in well with us. Look at Corp. Sheepo - his first posts were terrible and now he fits in well.
The top half of the forum used to be bustling with really interesting discussions about the game about two and a bit years ago when I first joined, now I dont even bother looking through them, just go straight to general chat. Just full of complete nonsense and the same old, pointless topics. Guess we just covered every possible nook and crany with the story.

We probably did, yeah. Now when I see threads about Half Life 2 they're either really inane threads that've been bumped or new threads by newbies that're asking the same questions we've answered before. Most of the stuff in the Half Life series section is just recycled.

Look at me sounding like an old salt. I haven't even been here two years.
Weird, because the the most users ever online was yesterday.