Why are we hated in the Arab World?

Sprafa said:
So, because it was a long time ago, they're supposed to forgive us and move along?

The Soviet Union invaded my country during WW2, and I'm not upset over it. Most of the veterans aren't, either.

Also:the flag-waving dickheads in here should really stop eating the spoonfed propaganda bullshit and wake up.
Eejit said:
He's talking about the holy trinity.

Well I didn't mention the holy spirit, but yes all three are one, and there is only one God.
Okay, here's my two cents. I find muslims to be peaceful people. I am an American citizen, born and raised in Brooklyn. I am sick of people badmouthing this country because we do things such as gamble, drink, etc. etc., or because people think that we are selfish, spoiled and do not care about other people in other countries. Your absolutely full of shit. You have to take a look on the flipside on America. We provide jobs, a decent living, freedom to do what you want and say what you want and believe in what you want. You have the right to vote, no questions asked. And yes we do have our "bad people" (i.e serial killers, rapists, etc.) but what country doesn't?

I too am becoming sick of hearing people boasting they hate all of America. Those who hate America, blame those who are attacking, not it's civilians. I for one do actually, think to myself from time to time and sympathize for those who are loosing family members, and for those who are having bombs dropped and losing everything. It's not just us Americans who think so close mindly about everyone else, but its also everyone else who thinks so damn close mindly about Americans. You take our negatives and use it against us like a f*$#ing weapon. EVERYONE has their negatives and positives. And to judge a country so harshly on our negatives, thats totally wrong on your behalf.

However, I do have a gripe or two about our country, and that is I am kinda getting upset about our country playing the role of a "Polce officer" for the world. Countries have their own problems, let them deal. They are human beings just like everyone else. We should leave our damn noses out of there problems, agreed.

I think that America is far from perfect. Disregarding what has happened in the past, viewing solely on current society, that doesn't give people the right to straightforward badmouth and oppose America. You don't see me, or others bad mouthing the whole religion of Islam and the middle-east just becuase terrorists live there. Although there are a few, but again, they are the close minded fools who believe's cats would jump off a bridge into a river and swim to shore. My point is, we are all human. Each country has it's own laws, regulations, and should not be judged solely by it's reputation or it's flaws that it has within it's borders. It's stupid, foolish and irrational.
Yakuza said:
Well I didn't mention the holy spirit, but yes all three are one, and there is only one God.

god schmod...I want my monkey-man!
However, I do have a gripe or two about our country, and that is I am kinda getting upset about our country playing the role of a "Polce officer" for the world. Countries have their own problems, let them deal. They are human beings just like everyone else. We should leave our damn noses out of there problems, agreed.
You make a good point, but the way I see it is that some countries cannot deal with their own problems. That's why dictatorships must be removed. Then they can deal for themselves.

We have to remember, we all live in this world together, and it's up to us to make sure it doesn't turn to crap. If america some how turned in to a dictatorship, I would hope that Britain or another one of our allies(or all of them) came and invaded and set us right. A country that is ruled by a dictatorship CAN'T deal with it's problems because the people do not hold any power whatsoever.
The first lab i ever worked at was under a PhD from Syria. He would close his door every day for a little bit and pray. He would leave early on fridays to go to the Mosque. A very peaceful, very thoughtful scientist. He actually was one of the most progressive people i've ever met. very liberal, which is almost contradictory to what our media here in the states generally portrays muslims. He is to this today one of my first real insights into arab countries. He found most of them corrupt. He believed the Palestinians were commiting terrorist acts because they had no hope. They were desperate people. I tend to believe him. He told me wealth tends to moderate people, that if the Palestinians were not worried about having their routes to the neighboring town walled off or their shantys bulldozed by infringing israelis and actually had some real opportunity to generate wealth that most of the Palestinians would condemn the terrorism. As it stands they support it because they see no other alternative.

I don't think most Muslims don't like the average american, but i think they distrust our administration, AND IT'S NOT JUST THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION. I really don't see what the hangup over Bush is really. I just think it's cool to be a bush-hater. I respect the man for standing up for his beliefs. he is very like Ronald Reagan, a man who stood up against Communism. Sure some people didn't like Reagan, but thousands upon thousands went to see a coffin in which his body was entombed just recently. Our stance against certain mideast countries hasn't suddenly changed recently. If any of you know you're history you'll realize we have been involved in the mideast situation for over 50 years now. And that didnt begin with Bush. So go ahead and say "I hope Bush doesn't get reelected" because nothing is going to change with an election to how our government will interact with arab countries. it's not going to be an anathema. believe me. Hell, whose administration began having relations with Libya, a country condemned for 30 years of supporting terrorism (Lockerbie hello)? The Bush Administration. Whose administration began having relations with Pakistan, a country known for supporting terrorism in Kashmir and even relations with Al-Queda? The Bush Administration. As much as most of you people hate George Bush, his administration has made headway in bringing closer relations with arab countries. Sure, we invaded Iraq for WMD and couldn't find them. WE DID THE RIGHT THING FOR THE WRONG REASON. NONE OF YOU CAN TELL ME THAT HUSSEIN AND HIS SONS WERE GOOD. NOONE. Sure our track record for installing democracies are not the greatest, but people need to have a voice in their government. Remember we didn't create the democracy. It's not some instrument of the 'Western Capitalist corrupt system', Greece did.

I just want to conclude by saying that all religions should have peace as their message and I think Islam supports that. It's just a minority who have tainted it and twisted it into something perverse the way our media portrays it. Christianity has had a dark ages too.

Finally i want to say that we are sometimes in over our heads in "helping" other countries. But when something happens, who's going to help? Who's going to send peacekeepers? huh? How many countries were content with sitting back and trying to keep embargos on Hussein? I know some, I don't need to name them. The united states of america is sometimes the unwilling participant, but we get involved because no one else will. Other countries spend their time debating it in some security council. The UN can serve its purpose, but 12 people cannot come to a swift conclusion when it's needed. I live in the US, and I sometimes wish we didn't get involved in other people's problems, but if we didn't countries would still ask for our help or just ignore those in trouble.

BTW, Britain has been just as involved in iraq.
Cybernoid said:
The Soviet Union invaded my country during WW2, and I'm not upset over it. Most of the veterans aren't, either.

well, they're off your back now, aren't they ?
Thanks Badger. btw, have you heard of Grand National? very cool UK band. you lucky bastards have lately gotten all the cool music i've been listening to.
America is an Ideal. One of wich states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

To a place were tolerance is a rag to wipe the bottoms of their feet we indeed look like tyrants. For We say that all have been givin the right to freedom, reguardless of religion or belief. To them we harbor enemies of their faith and to them that is punishable by death.

Though it seems that death is the only sword either side can swing. When a group has lost the ability to reason their infection must be stopped with extreme prejudice, lest their infection spreads and devours any shred of morality with in a society.
Yeah Adidajs! That was a really good post on your part! I'm impressed.
Adidajs said:
Finally i want to say that we are sometimes in over our heads in "helping" other countries. But when something happens, who's going to help? Who's going to send peacekeepers? huh? How many countries were content with sitting back and trying to keep embargos on Hussein? I know some, I don't need to name them. The united states of america is sometimes the unwilling participant, but we get involved because no one else will. Other countries spend their time debating it in some security council. The UN can serve its purpose, but 12 people cannot come to a swift conclusion when it's needed. I live in the US, and I sometimes wish we didn't get involved in other people's problems, but if we didn't countries would still ask for our help or just ignore those in trouble.

BTW, Britain has been just as involved in iraq.

Although overall I agree with you (nice post btw), I think here is where I have a differing opinion.

I believe in democracy. I believe in democracy very passionately. I also believe in reason, not ideology. And yet I live in a world where global democracy doesn't exist. I live in a world that is ruled by force, not the rule of law. I am a realist, however, and so I try to make do as best I can:

I could have supported the action in Iraq had it been proven that a swift conclusion was needed. Sadly all of the reasons touted for immediate military action have since been proven wrong. Even though Saddam Hussein headed a horrific regime, there was no clear reason to choose now to take him out of power. In fact I would have made the case (as many others have done) that the war in Iraq has been detrimental to the war on terror.

And if I have to accept one country being the world's policeman - so be it. But there are other regimes I would have chosen to invade before Iraq. The only real reason to invade Iraq was regime change.

The only major problem I have is that when the US introduces democracy into other countries, it ensures that the new government cannot disagree with US policy. Then what happens? The new government (when it doesn't dissolve into chaos like so many others) is forced into non-beneficial economic positions. Deals that serve the US's interests, but also serve to keep the developing country in poverty.

And then we get into a whole other topic...
Pogrom, you from South Korea? I had until recently worked with a south korean MD PhD who told me about being "forced into non-beneficial economic positions" like the US was selling south korea outdated military equipment when they could have bought more technologically advanced equipment from countries like France, but were forced not to.
Adidajs said:
Pogrom, you from South Korea? I had until recently worked with a south korean MD PhD who told me about being "forced into non-beneficial economic positions" like the US was selling south korea outdated military equipment when they could have bought more technologically advanced equipment from countries like France, but were forced not to.

No, I am not. I'm an Australian living in China. However most of my neighbours are from South Korea.

But it's not like the above situation is unusual or uncommon. Bah, anyway, we're getting OT ;)
Goombatommy said:
freedom to do what you want and say what you want and believe in what you want.

That may have been true in the past, but not under the Bush regime.

I think that America is far from perfect. Disregarding what has happened in the past, viewing solely on current society, that doesn't give people the right to straightforward badmouth and oppose America.

Boo hoo. We have the right to say anything we want (isn't that one of your ideals as well? No?). The fact is that the US is consistently trying to send the world straight to hell.
Do you think it's a coincidence that the most dangerous and hatefull terrorists groups today are islamic, or that the most oppressive and ruthless regimes today are islamic? Still think Islam is ok? Show me a oppressive Christian regime. Show me a terrorist network murdering thousands of innnocent people in the name of Baby Jesus. You can't. Think about it.

They are actually very similar religions. So I would shhhh if you dont know anything about it.

Islam gets alot of bad press in my opinion. And that is because of the few people that preach islam in a hatefull way. And in islam you have to follow your religious leader (Is it imram or something, I forget to be honest) which means there are alot of people gettings preached to by stupid sadistic power hungry people. :(

But I dont think you should be blameing the religious directly. Only the people that seem to interpret it as an excuse to kill and become powerfull.
oh no cybernoid! you've just lost all of babywax's credibility!! i'm sure you're all broken up inside.. ;(

in case anyone wants some info on the specifics of the "bush regime's" curtailing of freedoms, check here.
Devilphish said:
Do you think it's a coincidence that the most dangerous and hatefull terrorists groups today are islamic, or that the most oppressive and ruthless regimes today are islamic? Still think Islam is ok? Show me a oppressive Christian regime. Show me a terrorist network murdering thousands of innnocent people in the name of Baby Jesus. You can't. Think about it.

enough with freakin baby jebus, I've had it up to here with baby jebus!!! ...this is not about christianity vs islam

oh and Jim Jones killed 1000 christians

the crusades killed millions

the inquisition killed millions

btw should I just walk up to my muslim secretary and just kill her before she kills me? She's islamic! oh no she must eat babies for breakfast...jebus babies
Among most Westerners, the term "Jihad" ("struggle" in Arabic) often brings up images of Muslim terrorists killing people who disagree with them. Jihad is an emotionally charged word that is heralded by the Western news media in descriptions of Middle East activities. People need not wait long to hear the term used during nightly news and see the affects of present day Islamic struggles in vivid pictures of destruction beamed to our televisions. But is this a fair assessment of the Muslim community as a whole?
Jihad has been interpreted by Muslims in different ways. The Muslim sect of the Kharijites has elevated Jihad to one of the Five Pillars of Islam -- making it Six Pillars. This kind of belief is seen in the extremist Muslim groups we call terrorists. They use the concept of Jihad as a justification for killing anyone who isn't a Muslim. However, most Muslims disagree with this extremist position of some Muslims and advocate peace. These Muslims view Jihad as a spiritual struggle against evil in a metaphorical sense.1
For the most part, there is the Greater and Lesser Jihad. The Greater Jihad is the internal spiritual struggle of the Muslim toward submission to Allah. The Lesser Jihad is Holy War against non-Muslims based on principle of belief. It is this latter that has caused the most concern among Westerners. Is that concern warranted? Many think so.

Islamic scholar Jamal Badawi, chairman of the Islamic Information Foundation in Halifax, insists that a jihad is `permitted only in self-defense or against tyranny and oppression--not as a tool to promote Islam.'' But, experts added, the ancient Islamic empires were built as much by force as by persuasion. Islam's founder, Mohammed, frequently used force, or the threat of it, to unify the nomadic tribes of the Arabian peninsula. The caliphs, who succeeded Mohammed as leaders of the Arab world, successfully took up arms against the Christian Byzantine Empire in Egypt and the Holy Land. By the end of the ninth century, Arabian armies had extended Islamic power from Spain to the borders of India.2

Anyone who has studied Islamic history must surely notice how frequently the Muslims were involved in battle after battle. Within 200 years after its inception, Islam had spread through a huge geographical area and many converts were made by the sword.

What does the Qur'an say about Jihad?

The Qur'an is the single most important authority in all of Islam. It is the scripture given from Allah through the angel Gabriel. Does the Qur'an teach Jihad? Absolutely yes. As you will see in the following quotes from the Qur'an, Holy War is definitely taught and encouraged.

"Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure," (Surah 61:4).

"Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits...191And slay them wherever ye catch them. and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; But fight them not at the sacred Mosque unless they (first) fight you there; But if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. 192 But if they cease, Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 193And fight them on until there is no more persecution. And the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression" (The Qur'an, Surah 2:190-193).

"O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things," (Surah 9:38-39).
See also Surah 4:74-76; 61:10-12.

What does the Hadith say about Jihad?

The Hadith are the recorded sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad. It is second in authority only to the Qur'an and is often used to clarify things not specified in the Qur'an. What did Muhammad say about Jihad as recorded in the Hadith?

"The Prophet said, "The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a martyr). Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any sariya going for Jihad and I would have loved to be martyred in Allah's cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then again martyred in His cause."Volume 1, Book 2, Number 35, Narrated Abu Huraira
"Allah's Apostle said, "A pious slave gets a double reward." Abu Huraira added: By Him in Whose Hands my soul is but for Jihad (i.e. holy battles), Hajj, and my duty to serve my mother, I would have loved to die as a slave. Volume 3, Book 46, Number 724: Narrated Abu Huraira
"Allah's Apostle said, "Allah guarantees (the person who carries out Jihad in His Cause and nothing compelled him to go out but Jihad in His Cause and the belief in His Word) that He will either admit him into Paradise (Martyrdom) or return him with reward or booty he has earned to his residence from where he went out." Volume 9, Book 93, Number 555: Narrated Abu Huraira.
Obviously Muhammad taught that Holy War was an acceptable and good thing to do. To clarify, he even stated that if a Muslim were to die in battle, fighting for the cause of Allah, that he would be guaranteed to go to Paradise.
Why is this important?

Why is understanding the Islamic position of Jihad important? Simple. People act according to their beliefs. If a large group of people believes that war against "unbelievers" is a holy thing, that it is a thing sanctioned from God, then those who are not Muslims should be concerned. Of course, at this point, most Muslims might accuse me of being sensationalistic and pointing to only a few extremists and out-of-context verses to make Islam look bad. First, let me say that by far the majority of Muslims I have encountered here in the United States have been polite and peace loving. Second, in other parts of the world, Jihad is taken to extremes not simply by terrorists, but by Islamic led governments.

In Egypt, a Muslim country, Christians have been persecuted heavily for their faith and only recently are things beginning to change.3

"Roman Catholic Bishop John Joseph of Pakistan shot himself to death on May 6 to highlight the case of Ayub Massih, a Christian sentenced to death for supposedly making blasphemous remarks against the Prophet Muhammad and thus against Islam. In a letter sent to a local newspaper just before his death, the bishop stated that he hoped his suicide would galvanize his fellow bishops and others to work for the repeal of sections 295 B and Cot the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), which make any blasphemy against Islam a serious crime and blasphemy against Muhammad punishable by death."4

"Farag Foda, an Egyptian intellectual who expressed scorn for the Islamist program, was shot and murdered. And Naguib Mahfouz, the elderly and much-celebrated Nobel Prize laureate for literature, was seriously injured in Cairo when an assailant knifed him in the neck, presumably in revenge for an allegorical novel written decades earlier."5

"Hundreds of thousands of Muslims assembled in Jakarta and declared a holy war against Indonesian Christians shortly after dawn Friday to avenge the deaths of Muslims in religious clashes in the Maluku Islands (the Spice Islands). Assembled in central Jakarta, the Muslims shouted "Jihad (Holy War)! Jihad!" Most of those gathered wore white robes and white bandannas marked with quotes from the Koran about the "Holy War." It is time for us to do a jihad against Christians," said Husen al-Habsyi, a former political prisoner, who was jailed for masterminding an explosion in the Borobudur Buddhist Temple in the early 1980s.6

This Christmas season, Pastor Rod Parsley is taking a lead in an effort to help free the tens of thousands of Sudanese women and children held in captivity in the Sudan, many of which are Christians. This great effort will help stem the horrific tide of genocide and enslavement of Christians in the African nation. Bridge of Hope, the missions outreach of Breakthrough is located in Columbus, Ohio...The Government of Sudan, a fundamentalist regime that represents only 10% of the population in Sudan, has declared a holy war (jihad) against Christians and animists in their own country. Since 1985, this reign of terror is responsible for the murder of over 2 million Sudanese ... and over 4 million have been displaced. The Government of Sudan will not stop short of total annihilation of all Christians and all others that do not believe in this totalitarian regime...During Government sponsored raids in peaceful villages, men are killed; village elders are hacked with machetes and left for dead; the village is burned and devastated; and women and children are captured as slaves. Slaves are subjected by their masters to systematic physical and psychological torture, including gang rape, beatings, death threats, genital mutilation and forcible conversion to Islam.7

Anyone can make any group look bad through selective quotes. Each religious group has elements of its history it wish it could ignore. The Muslims could cite the Crusades or the Inquisition as examples of "Christian behavior." In response, the Crusades, right or wrong, were a retaliation against the Islamic Jihad that was sweeping through Europe. The Inquisition, on the other hand, is a perfect example of what happens when a religious group (the Roman Catholic Church) gets in power and tries to root out heretics and blasphemers. Islam is no different.
The Islamic run country of Pakistan (No. 9 above) has anti blasphemy laws where the punishment for speaking blasphemy against Muhammad and the Qur'an is death. Islamic run Sudan has already killed, and still is killing, millions of people, mainly Christians, in its own country in addition to making many of them slaves. (No. 12 above). It is these kinds of facts that cannot be ignored and should not be ignored. Muslim and Christian alike should be very concerned.
I do not know if other Muslim countries are condemning the actions of these Islamic nations that so easily violate human rights. I do not know if Muslims outside of those countries are even aware of the problems going on within their theologically diverse ranks of other nations. But, when a Holy Book like the Qur'an advocates Holy War, when the very sayings and deeds of their beloved Prophet Muhammad advocate Jihad, and when we see some Islamic nations killing non Muslims -- because they are not Muslims, how can we not be worried about what they would do if they had control of the world....as is their goal.
Here in the States, Muslims enjoy freedom of religion and expression. Such freedoms for Christians are basically non existent in many Islamic nations. Is that right?
"Here in the States, Muslims enjoy freedom of religion and expression. Such freedoms for Christians are basically non existent in many Islamic nations. Is that right?"

who cares? that's not a fair comparison. The US isnt strictly catholic...religious freedom is for every citizen

can you make any assessment about muslims without bringing up christianity? I'm starting to think you're trying to convert us
your not making any since. I didn't anything of US being mostly Catholic. I know I am not.
since when?

btw how is it that you make 2 mistakes in one line yet manage to type up 2 pages worth of stuff without making as many mistakes? were you guided by the holy spirit? :dozey:
i thought it was pretty obvious that those weren't his words. but yeah, i guess he should have explicitly said that it wasn't.
lol, busted indeed...

Google Owns j00!!! :P

Seriously, you shouldnt post long texts like that without giveing credit. Its kinda disrespectfull in my opinion.
Sorry I would have never taken credit for writting it, but when I dont put the author I guess it kinda makes it look like it.

huh how come I cant edit it....so I can put the link in.
Fair enough, so long as you wernt actually trying to pass it off as your own.

It was a very interesting read anyway. So thanks. :)
Yeah seriously I appologize if i mislead any one. It did seem a little underhandish as Capt. so eliquently stated :) . I will make an effort to put all authors credit next time. Thanks for bringing it to my attention Cpt.Stern
no problem...I didnt mean to pick apart your post. I just think to be on the side of fairness that people should be credited for what they write...just add a link next time
This is in reply to lil' timmy's post:
in case anyone wants some info on the specifics of the "bush regime's" curtailing of freedoms, check here.
end edit

George W. Bush has shown an outright hostility to freedom of speech. In the name of combating "indecency," the FCC under Bush has raised its punitive fines to outrageous new levels, wasted money on an "investigation" of Janet Jackson’s breast, and pressured Clear Channel to drop the Howard Stern Show. Bush has applied and maintained draconian restrictions on the press in Iraq, even forbidding the photography of flag-draped caskets returning home.
So, showing a breast on broadcast TV (TV signals that can concievably bounce off the stratosphere and make it to just about any place on the globe) is perfectly fine with you, as well as the howard stern show, which is known for being trash. These things MUST be regulated because they can corrupt minors. You have freedom of speech, but NOT when it infringes on the rights of others. It's the same principle as threatening someone, your freedoms extend to where other's freedoms begin.

The law makes it a crime for non-profit advocacy groups simply to mutter the name of a national candidate within the last sixty days before a general election.
Ugh, have you ever read a newspaper? The reason he did this is because of the trash politics that often take place, where they will bring up completely false "news" about a candidate within a short period of time before the election. They taint the person's name without giving enough time for the truth to come out. You advocate this?

Many have long argued that Republicans value the Second Amendment more than Democrats. So far, Bush’s policy has fallen in line with the Republican and NRA doctrine on gun control: the right to bear arms is an inalienable right, and instead of passing unconstitutional gun laws, the government should enforce more strictly the 20,000 unconstitutional laws already on the books. In effect, Republicans oppose government undermining the choices of Americans, but so long as government is in the business of doing so, its programs should be fully funded and carried out by Republicans with strict adherence to the letter of the law, resulting in punishments as severe as possible.
I don't see why ANYONE would ever possibly need a machine gun. Who hunts with a machine gun?

The manner in which the U.S. military treats the houses of Iraqis has hardly been a manner "prescribed by law." We can only hope that the U.S. government does not take the final steps in defying the letter, as well as the spirit, of the Third Amendment, by giving new meaning to "bringing the soldiers home."
I highly doubt Mr. Anthony Gregory has been to Iraq and personally inspected enough homes to make a judgement as to whether or not they're treated in a manner "prescribed by law." However, I am SURE he's seen plenty of pictures and TV to more than make up for a trip to Iraq.

This one is a no-brainer. The Patriot Act allows the feds to come into your home, search your residence, and leave without telling you for up to six months.
The fourth amendment doesn't say anything about the government telling you they searched your home?

It has expanded the government’s powers under the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act to get warrants for wiretaps from special courts, not subject to the same oversight as typical courts.
It still requires probable cause. Where has it infringed on the fourth amendment here?

Within months of 9/11, law enforcers had visited nearly 10 percent of America’s libraries "seeking September 11-related information about patron reading habits."
It is easily arguable that this information already belongs to the government, considering these libraries are publicly owned and the information stored within is public record.

Shortly after September 11, the Immigration and Naturalization Service and Justice Department detained more than a thousand individuals, whom Bush labeled as "terrorists" even after the Justice Department admitted the detainees had no connection to terrorism
Why were they detained?

In addition, at least dozens of Americans were detained without due process of law because of a phony "material witness" status
Phony eh? Where did you hear phony?

The Patriot Act has greatly expanded federal asset forfeiture powers, which allow the government to confiscate property without even accusing its owners of a crime. Those who "smuggle" their own money out of the country may now see it seized.
Smuggle their own money out of the country to avoid taxes is what he should have written.

The administration has worked to extend the despotic power of eminent domain, which allows the government to seize property for such unconstitutional purposes as federal production of interstate electrical lines.
They still get market price for their property. It does not violate the constitution.

Bush has violated the Sixth Amendment in other ways, but Guantanamo typifies his attitude toward its basic principles. The Founding Fathers would probably have an impossible time believing Bush’s flagrant disrespect for the rights of the accused.
Somehow, I don't believe Anthony knows exactly what the founding fathers would have thought. The liberal founding fathers were far more conservative than todays democrats. They would have been outraged at a breast being shown in a town, much less broadcast across the country.
Guantanamo is a bad situation, that is why military tribunals are about to be held.

We have seen Martha Stewart sentenced to prison for claiming innocence of a victimless crime
VICTIMLESS? RETARD. To sell something, someone must buy it. Just after she sold her stock, everyone else, instead of her, lost the money she would have lost. Due to insider trading. Someone doesn't know much about the stock market.

We have seen Tommy Chong sentenced to jail time for manufacturing glassware into the politically incorrect shape of marijuana paraphernalia.
Drugs are illegal doofus, the only purpose these bongs have is to smoke drugs. Argue about legalizing drugs, but while they're illegal you can't say bongs are legal too.

While the Bush administration assaults the liberties specifically spelled out in the Bill of Rights, it also punishes those who wish to relieve their pain from cancer, improve their lives with commerce, or quietly leave the country with their savings – all unwritten, essential rights that James Madison and Thomas Jefferson would be appalled to see so routinely eviscerated in America.
Almost all of the 9th he wrote about is editorial, but I'll make an effort to address some of it.
Those who wish to relieve their pain from cancer by illegal means. Controlled substances are illegal unless prescribed.
What is wrong with this guy? He says Bush is attacking the bill of rights because he stopped air traffic on 9/11??? I'm not even going to talk about this, it's ridiculous.

The Tenth Amendment concludes the Bill of Rights with a demand that the federal government be restricted to activities authorized in the Constitution. The constitutional powers of the president, Congress, and the Supreme Court are highlighted in Articles I, II and III of the main body of the Constitution, and anything outside of this delegated authority is not the proper jurisdiction of the national government. For years conservatives rightly complained that Democrats advanced all sorts of federal programs that had no constitutional basis.
We live in a different age. It would have taken quite a while for the founding fathers to comprehend the kind of world we live in today, where information travels at the speed of light from america to china and back. The needs of law enforcement are VASTLY different today than back then.

He signed into law the largest expansion of Medicare since its inception, looting present and future taxpayers of hundreds of billions and maybe more than a trillion dollars in one of most shameless giveaways to preferred voters and business interests in decades.
He is signing laws, and if the voters don't like the laws they will not vote for him. They will vote for someone who won't sign laws like this.

Aside from giving prescription drugs away free he has unleashed plans to build national surveillance systems to monitor "prescription drug abuse."
He's trying to stop drug abuse. No matter what the people on this forum believe, it's still illegal, he's trying to enforce the law.

Bush has increased federal funding for education, welfare, foreign aid, local law enforcement, and "faith-based" initiatives, and he has developed programs to encourage marriages and to provide relationship counseling. Since Bush took office, the U.S. budget’s discretionary spending has increased about 28%.
Well, spending tends to go up, WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING A WAR.

He wrote a little more, but I'm tired of reading this drivel.

oh no cybernoid! you've just lost all of babywax's credibility!!
Please, give me more of your sarcastic counter-strike wit!
CptStern said:
oh and Jim Jones killed 1000 christians

the crusades killed millions

the inquisition killed millions

Just to add to that list with current examples:

Christian Extremists have slaughtered Muslim herdsmen in Africa link

Here an African Bishop had to wear a bulletproof vest for fear of an attack by Christian Extremists link

Don't anyone kid themselves that Islam is the only religion that produces extremists. Look at the sarin nerve gas attack in Japan by Japanese extremists. Look at the biological terrorism perpetrated against the US last century by Hindu extremists (link)
Devilphish said:
Do you think it's a coincidence that the most dangerous and hatefull terrorists groups today are islamic, or that the most oppressive and ruthless regimes today are islamic? Still think Islam is ok? Show me a oppressive Christian regime. Show me a terrorist network murdering thousands of innnocent people in the name of Baby Jesus. You can't. Think about it.
You are ignorant. You are a racist.
I'm currently in Iran, a muslim and an iranian, but i have lived for 6 years in England.
Some of your views are totally stupid, i mean were did you get them from. Who says islam says non-muslims must be killed, or some of the other bull some of you wrote.
The first think our prophet did after coming to power was sign a deal with the arab jews to live peacefully together.
From now on if your giving facts about islam make sure you know what your saying!
some people here believe the propaganda they've been spoonfed about muslims
im a muslim and i beleive the al-qaeda are over rated idiots, they beleive that they are doing gods work, but its the total opposite.

one groups opinion doesnt reflect on all arabs.