why are we/you here?


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
why did you come here to halflife2.net?

If you visit regulary then, why?

is halflife2.net your priority?

why?? :(

ok, i need to go to sleep.....

i need to find my reasons...............
Why do I come? Because I've been posting with the same m8's for almost 2 years now, I like most of the vets on here.
Well as much as I want to stop coming here, there are a few people who I stick around for. Its also pretty difficult to break a habbit of almost 2 years.
farrow, you would like to leave hl2.net :(.?

i was just browsing, and came across this forum, best forum around this is. :D
Yes I would. Please don't ask me why though :) I have many a reason to leave, though I must say with the return of thenerdguy I now have more reason to stay.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yes I would. Please don't ask me why though :) I have many a reason to leave, though I must say with the return of thenerdguy I now have more reason to stay.

How im that important. :eek: JK.

I dont post much anymore. Before the forum downtime over a year ago, I was here almost all the free time that I had. (Durning the down time is when I met Amy)
Nah you're not important, I just need regular updates with the news :P

You're one of the people who I like to see around.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yes I would. Please don't ask me why though :) I have many a reason to leave, though I must say with the return of thenerdguy I now have more reason to stay.

good :)

even tho im only on here about 5 hours on some days, its always good to see the locals :imu: :upstare:
i started coming here in May 2003 looking for HL2 info...and about two months later i finally registered.
i liked the community back then, still do although it has gotten pretty big now but still, for the most part the quality pple are still here ;)
Ah... the question that drives mankind.

And no, I do not read openingposts.
The communities good, I originally came to find out about teh blue grav gun but actually found most people were quite nice...and I visit like 3/4 times a day now...
ya good community, gives me alot of insight on alot of the game and other stuff in general
:dozey: During the little Half Life 2 commotion, I searched on Yahoo for some things I could dig up on Half Life 2, when I first found out about it. I came to this site, decided to join forums to see what was up... then... I GOT ADDICTED!
good people, good food, good info. It's quite a nice community when you learn to ignore the cs kiddies... :)
I like to see opinions on subjects I'd never see anywhere else.

I like to meet people.

I like to learn.
Because HL2 is my life and everything that contains its holy name is revered by me. Hail Valve!! Hail Valve!!! :D
Because I like to argue in the Politics section and post occasionally in General Off-Topic.

Since the release of HL2, I haven't had any reason to bother with the other sections.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Why do I come? Because I've been posting with the same m8's for almost 2 years now, I like most of the vets on here.
Same here.
i only joined this site after it got the new forum skins cos i was going to before, bnut i though 'naa its rubbish' :o
I really don't know. If should have left this place a long time ago, but I can't.
Something to do when im on msn I guess, sometimes there are some really decent topics though and since I take so long to really communicate with a community I wouldn't want to throw that away
ailevation said:
:dozey: During the little Half Life 2 commotion, I searched on Yahoo for some things I could dig up on Half Life 2, when I first found out about it. I came to this site, decided to join forums to see what was up... then... I GOT ADDICTED!

yeah...i blame the community for the addiction.
buncha druggies!! :frown: :upstare:
this site had learnt intresting things, i now kno more about the countries around me better than i did in september 2004.

there are tidy, down to earth people here too.
good mods aswell, things are in shape imo :D
I have no idea why I'm here. It's an absolutely gorgeous day outside.

Here's how I got here:
During this past summer, I worked for The Shaw Group, Inc. as a personal assistant to a construction manager. I hate cubicles. Anyway, I basically worked all day on spreadsheets and junk unsupervised. So naturally, I would occasionally go on the net. I realized I hadn't heard anything about HL2 lately (my PC Gamer subscription ended about 3 years prior), so I decided to do a search. I looked through several different sites each day, looking for new and updates. Eventually I began to wander into the forums - never posting - simply seeing what people were saying. Then, one day, I decided I had something to say, and it happened to be here. So, I signed up, and the rest is history.
I come here because I either post here, or I have to kill again, and I don't think Mrs. Kennedy can take that again.
Why am i here?... to talk about Halo 2 ofcourse... this is, Halo2.net isnt it? :(
I learn more here than anywhere else, that's why :p
I had a similar question when I joined 2 months ago. Why?

Well for me it was becuase I think Half-Life2 is the best game ever made and somehow I ended up here.

I had a few long-time computer hardware questions that were answered almost instantly.

Then I stayed becuase I've found that I learn things here:
Information - this forum is a great source of almost any kind of information, and links to information.

You ever hear the term "Two heads are better than one" -refering to when more than one person works on a solution to a problem, you have twice the chance of solving it. Well here at halflife2.net it should be "100's of heads are better than one"

bonus: I learn to type, spell, articulate, and socialize better.
lePobz said:
good people, good food, good info. It's quite a nice community when you learn to ignore the cs kiddies... :)
I quite like the view too. The service is quite good, but the decor leaves something to be desired :) Found this place soon after the first scans got leaked onto the 'net. Cannae remember how.
I usually stick barnacle-like to one forum. Used to be the PC Gamer UK forums, but now I inflict myself almost exclusively here. With occasional forrays into The Cooper Temple Clause's forums.
You lucky people.