Why are women so ... annoying ...

EDIT: no point in acting like a lady's man on the internet
What is it with men and big tv's. I was just today at a large electronics store and I can't imagine buying a screen bigger then 26 inch, and I usually sit a good 3 to 4 meters ( thats like 4 miles give or take for you yanks) from the screen. I mean seriously with such large resolutions even HD must look pixelated and fugly.
My girlfriend (feels odd calling her that, but anyway) seems to encourage my spending :| telling me to buy ?75 (thats $150) jeans and expensive leather jackets just cos I want them :o

I like her :E
I have "nice clothes", yet I spend 5 quid on them..

Primark ftw.
My lass and my mum are also against my plans to sell my car to replace it with the car i've always wanted, too. WHY?!?!?! It's my choice ... MINE.

If it's your choice, why are you even bothering to listen to them. JUST DO IT.

Stop turning my thread into a discussion about clothes. Or else.
Don't trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die.
No, actually Hollywood is... RIGHT!

Baseball is good for that thing, I would know. Me and my friends encased a wiimote in ****ing steel and played Wii baseball with his TV that he wanted to get rid of because it was polarized.
women are annoying because they know we will put up with it
Speaking of women, there used to be alot on this forum, where'd they all go?

Where the hell is bliink?
Look at the thread title. They're gone because we're insensitive.

Chances are they're probably having a tupperware party or some shit though, so good riddance.
I have "nice clothes", yet I spend 5 quid on them..

Primark ftw.

If you're talking about men's clothes, you can't mention 'nice clothes' 'Primark' in the same sentence unless you start it with 'You can't get'...