Why can't Gman be Gordon?



Why do so many people think that the 'GMan is Gordon from the future' theory is so off?

I agree there's no officially released indications from Valve, except for the similarity in names, Gordon Freeman .

I think this is more plausible than some of the ridiculously mind-bending, time-travelling, all out intergalatic alien race wars (conducted by Gman with the help of his special alien abilities) shite that some (well, many) members seem to find completely conclusive. He's defo not an alien btw.

So, yeah, why can't Gman & Gordon be the same person? If you could hop through time/space like Gman, wouldn't you want to visit your younger self to ensure the future goes your way??? I fecking would.

No doubt this has already been discussed somewhere, so apologies if it has been. Oh, and Hi.
gman is not freeman because:

1. no or extremely little physical resemblance
2. If you visit your younger self from the future, nothing would turn out any different because the events of time cannot be changed.
3. It would be an incredibly cheesy and cliche plot point and I don't think Marc Laidlaw would do something like that.

And how is him being an alien so strange? After all there are aliens running around all over the planet that shoot electricity and do all kinds of crazy things in the half-life world so how would one more be so odd?
gabriel said:
gman is not freeman because:

1. no or extremely little physical resemblance
2. If you visit your younger self from the future, nothing would turn out any different because the events of time cannot be changed.
3. It would be an incredibly cheesy and cliche plot point and I don't think Marc Laidlaw would do something like that.

And how is him being an alien so strange? After all there are aliens running around all over the planet that shoot electricity and do all kinds of crazy things in the half-life world so how would one more be so odd?
Crazy idea. The G-Man is the vortessence!!
r2000 said:
Crazy idea. The G-Man is the vortessence!!
That's actually my favorite theory! But uh yeah... its all just theory at this point...that character is so mysterious that my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about. You can spin theories about almost everything in the game but I personally prefer to leave him basically alone because he is so purposely mysterious.
Yes, actually, he can be alien. From the words of Marc Laidlaw "Not comfortable with human speech.."

Nobody likes the time travelling plot, and, HL doesn't have one and never will. Gman is Gordon? That sucks, no. Gman is his employer and in case you didn't know gman isn't even his real name, its just a model name made up - he still doesn't actually have a name.

Gman can't travel in time either, he stopped Gordons perception of time, not time itself.
Imagine if the English word for government was 'administration'. Then he'd be the A-man, and this theory would make no sense.
Sulkdodds said:
Imagine if the English word for government was 'administration'. Then he'd be the A-man, and this theory would make no sense.
Then he would be Alyx from the future who was transformed into a guy :O

You get it? Because she became a men, she wanted to make sure that everybody knew she was a man. And for good old memories of her time as a girl, she took the first letter of here name back then!

If only he was called A-man :(
Samon said:
Yes, actually, he can be alien. From the words of Marc Laidlaw "Not comfortable with human speech.."

Nobody likes the time travelling plot, and, HL doesn't have one and never will. Gman is Gordon? That sucks, no. Gman is his employer and in case you didn't know gman isn't even his real name, its just a model name made up - he still doesn't actually have a name.
Listen to this man.
Personally, I'm not sure whether I'd prefer him to be human or not, but it seems pretty clear that that's very unlikely.
The time-travelling plot seems a bit "Hnnnnggggh..." <Pulls a grimace> It's just too cliched, and I think Laidlaw et al are a bit too canny for that.
And the G-Man being Gordon from the future is bad because:
a) It's a dreadful idea.
b) So many people have said it now, that it simply wouldn't be a twist anymore so Valve would have, I'd hope, changed the plot somewhat.
c) It really is a dreadfully ill-conceived direction. I can imagine few alternatives that would leave me feeling simultaneously hollow, enraged and devastated. What an awful awful ending that would be to the series. What a crappy "revelation" it would be. What a half-arsed, cliched piece of nonsense it would be.

If you ask me, anyone who has ever at any point in their lives given this theory any form of credence in the slightest deserves to be hung, drawn and quartered in public with a live webcast
Stop using big size for whole sentences. It will just end up in a competition between everybody trying to get the most attention by using the biggest size available.
Jesus Christ, I hate this theory... First of all, Gordon wears glasses. G-Man doesn't. Gordon looks old at his own age, so G-Man must have his hair grey, if he's from the future... Plus, Half-Life amazed me (and probably every fan of it) with its original storyline. No way Valve would use an already used up idea of time-traveling and "Meeting yourself in past" scenes.

I'm probably the only one wondering this, but... Most of people seem to be concerned who is G-Man. What troubles me, though, is who he represents.

"You have done so well, in fact, I received several offers for your services."
You know why? Because Chi says so, and Chi's usually right. Samon also says so, and he's usually right. Sulkdodds also said so, and he's usually right.

And best of all, I say so. And I'm *always* right.

-Angry Lawyer
You can replace that above quote with "Always right" if you suddenly develop a love of Bon Jovi songs.

-Angry Lawyer
Jay said:
Why do so many people think that the 'GMan is Gordon from the future' theory is so off?

I agree there's no officially released indications from Valve, except for the similarity in names, Gordon Freeman .

I hope you understand that the word "gman" is just a generic name for government officials, DOE agents in particular. He's called the Gman because in HL1 they named the model pack gman, because of the suit and such. He was never officially named by VALVe "gman". The community took it upon themselves to do that after finding the model.

And look, Gman has black hair, gordon has brown hair.

They have no facial resemblance at al.

And Gman is not from the future AT ALL. He's in the present and can MANIPULATE TIME with others. He didn't come from the future, and he cannot go to and from it as he pleases.

He manipulates others time by putting them in a slow time warp, which is effectively storing them away for future use.
iMMuNiTy said:
Jesus Christ, I hate this theory... First of all, Gordon wears glasses. G-Man doesn't. Gordon looks old at his own age, so G-Man must have his hair grey, if he's from the future... Plus, Half-Life amazed me (and probably every fan of it) with its original storyline. No way Valve would use an already used up idea of time-traveling and "Meeting yourself in past" scenes.

I'm probably the only one wondering this, but... Most of people seem to be concerned who is G-Man. What troubles me, though, is who he represents.

"You have done so well, in fact, I received several offers for your services."
1st off gman could wear contacts
2nd gman might have prefered his hair grey so he dyed it

ok now thats out of the i would like to say i completely disagree with the gman is gordon theory but i would argue yellow was red if the oppurtunity arose.

i personally think that he is a representitive of some sort of intergallactic bidding agency- like david dickenson- or supreme court
sinkoman said:
He was never officially named by VALVe "gman". The community took it upon themselves to do that after finding the model

In HL1, the .mdl used for the G-Man was actually called GMan.mdl. It's not a fan-made name. However, G-Man is a generic slang term popular some time ago used to describe government agents, such as the FBI, who wear lawyeresque suits.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
In HL1, the .mdl used for the G-Man was actually called GMan.mdl. It's not a fan-made name. However, G-Man is a generic slang term popular some time ago used to describe government agents, such as the FBI, who wear lawyeresque suits.

-Angry Lawyer

I know, that's what I said. The model was named "gman". VALVe never went, "hey everybody, this is gman".
Angry Lawyer said:
You can replace that above quote with "Always right" if you suddenly develop a love of Bon Jovi songs.

-Angry Lawyer
<Takes a deep breath>
<Sings> No no no no no! No no! NO! No nono-nono no no no! No! NO! No no no no no no no! No no no no no!!! Nnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo!
Ok think of this.

How could G-Man save Gordy, if they were the same? It's not possible.
^Ben said:
Ok think of this.

How could G-Man save Gordy, if they were the same? It's not possible.
Well it is if he was time-travelling, I think. But even so, it's a load of bollocks.
Allow me to quote myself from a previous thread on this topic:

G-man stands for government man.

The resemblance between them is striking, particularly the eyes. I think valve put this in to show that you 'have something in common' with the gman, making him seem 'closer' to you somehow.

If the Gman is Gordon, why give him the opportunity to die at the end? That would be killing himself. It goes like this:

*Gman offers gordon 'a battle he cannot win' :(
*Gordon Accepts :rolling:
*Gordon dies :x
*The gman ceases to exist (because if gordon dies he can never become the gman) ;(
*Gordon survives (because Gman doesn't kill him) :E
*Gordon becomes Gman :cool:
*Gordon dies again :x
*Gman goes poof again ;(
*Gordon Survives again :E
*etc. etc.

The Result of This: The Gman quits to become a mild-mannered reporter for a major metrapolitan newspaper, Gordon gets the mother of all headaches, the fabric of the space-time continuum breaks down, resulting in the destruction of the Universe, Gabe Newells head explodes, and Marc Laidlaw is lynched by a mob of angry HL2 fanboys.

I think I speak for all of us when I say: Great Scott!!
why can't the gman be gordon?

because that'd be retarded and cheap and if it were the case way too many hl2 fans would punch in their monitors and scream "BULLSHIT!!!!" causing electrocution lawsuits to spring up everywhere.
Flyingdebris said:
why can't the gman be gordon?

because that'd be retarded and cheap and if it were the case way too many hl2 fans would punch in their monitors and scream "BULLSHIT!!!!" causing electrocution lawsuits to spring up everywhere.

Trust me..Yesterday I was yelling at my monitor thanks to my ultra-fast (P4 2GHZ!!!!) computer crashing 5 times in one day whilst playing HL2. It's not fun. It hurt my voice.
D.L said:
1st off gman could wear contacts
2nd gman might have prefered his hair grey so he dyed it
This isn't Sims 2.

And I don't think you'd find hair dyes or contact lenses where G-Man exists.
Jabbarwock made an extremely good point actually... but, if you think about it, if the GMan was Gordon, he would know Gordon's decision before he made it.

However, I agree that this Gordon/GMan theory is s***. Out of all the possible speculations about the GMan, this is definately the weakest.

Also, why would the GMan have to keep Shepard as well? He's alive, so he would know that Gordon will survive as well...

All this thinking about space/time is giving me a headache... excuse me whilst my head explodes... :D
The gman only gave him 1 choice. Though he appeared to give him free will (Even though he knew what Gordon would do) In fact, the gman did say something about "appears to have free will" or something or another. Thus the gman theory continues. Why would Gordon choose death over stasis?
Jay said:
Why do so many people think that the 'GMan is Gordon from the future' theory is so off?

I agree there's no officially released indications from Valve, except for the similarity in names, Gordon Freeman .

I think this is more plausible than some of the ridiculously mind-bending, time-travelling, all out intergalatic alien race wars (conducted by Gman with the help of his special alien abilities) shite that some (well, many) members seem to find completely conclusive. He's defo not an alien btw.

So, yeah, why can't Gman & Gordon be the same person? If you could hop through time/space like Gman, wouldn't you want to visit your younger self to ensure the future goes your way??? I fecking would.

No doubt this has already been discussed somewhere, so apologies if it has been. Oh, and Hi.

Gman stands for government man, stupid.
Yep, gman has nothing to do with his name so therefor it cannot mean Gordon Freeman because it has nothing to do with his name.
Gman was originally the .mdl name. But I doubt Valve will call him "Leroy Jenkins" or "Forgon Greedon" any time soon. He is the government man.
I can remember Adrian calling him the Gman. Not that it matters though.:x :rolleyes:
TST_Devgru Seal said:
The gman only gave him 1 choice. Though he appeared to give him free will (Even though he knew what Gordon would do) In fact, the gman did say something about "appears to have free will" or something or another. Thus the gman theory continues. Why would Gordon choose death over stasis?
but in hl1 you actually can choose death. so it doesnt matter whether or not gordon would or wouldnt, you can do it and that's why gman did give gordon the free will to do it. and that's one of the many reasons why gman is not gordon.
But what about the HL1 source code? Apparently, somewhere in there is the phrase 'G-Man: misunderstoof servant of the people'. :eek:
