Why can't the grav gun grab a proper toilet?


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
It's driving me insane, the grav gun should be able to pick up proper toilets not just urinals, why can't it? Argh! Damn you VALVe!
Uhm... i think it can. Thats the whole idea of getting 'plumbed.'
The ones I've tried to grab wouldn't though... where are these grabbable ones?
In Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, I've killed a lot of people with toilets. I think there are all grabbable.
Does it really matter what bathroom implement you kill, or get killed with?
Remember what your Mum always says "When your about to be killed, at least wear some clean pants"
Cause they are attached to the wall by pipes.
objects are objects to me in that game...I'd go with riomhaire on this one..damn titanium pipes!
on the topic of launching objects at people, can you kill somebody with a melon in hl2:dm?
on the topic of launching objects at people, can you kill somebody with a melon in hl2:dm?

Yes, I have seen it done. Equally impressive was that the frag was at long range (30 feet or so).
Argh I thought I'd seen the last of those on the continent!

I killed someone with a sink today, it bounced off the floor and killed him but it counted as him committing suicide. Also, if you fire an object as close to vertical as you can then run forward and get hit and die, you sink through the floor partially, or even keep falling below the map where you can see the map above you with the floor clear, and it getting further away.
It grabs my toilet just fine... I fling it at my roommates... They wish I would stop.