Why close threads?

ACLeroK212 said:
Enough already, just let it go, unless your looking for the mods to close this thread too.

Like I give a flying if it gets closed or I get banned. Why do you think I only had 1 post? because pvtlon got banned. I understand they have to keep the forums pretty, but I'm not going to be scared to say what I think.

p.s. I'm done now, I didn't really give a shit, just something to do i guess.

Well shit when there's no news and the site is sporting the same old conversations, I guess trolling/spamming/flaming occurs naturally
Pi Mu Rho said:
If I have an ego, it's because it's entirely justified.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :upstare:

Shouldn't this be in site discussion :rolleyes:
Sub_Lon said:
OK, then let people speculate? I don't get it.... There is a countdown until Bug-free, but no release date? My vote is Sep. 3rd.
People are speculating and all the time (mainly in Rumours and Speculation, but who's counting, eh?) - that's allowed. However making whole new topics on the same tired subject is pointless when you could just go to an old one. I understand, sort of, where you're coming from in that no, there wasn't a poll quite like yours, but that's because it simply wasn't needed. At this point there's no way we could know when exactly it's coming out so the poll is, for all intents and purposes, defunct. If you're going to make a prediction, base it on some evidence rather than some random stab in the dark.
Once it hits "bug-free" that's just the Release Candidate and that doesn't have too much bearing on the gold date so we simply don't know. Huzzah.
You know we don't encourage signing up second accounts once banned. I'm giving you a chance here :)
I understand why it was closed. I just hadn't seen a release date poll. Then I asked Why? and all hell broke loose. Oh yah and I made a thread about gordon's underwear. but THATS IT. hehehe
Sub_Lon said:
I understand they have to keep the forums pretty, but I'm not going to be scared to say what I think.

And what is it exactly you want to say? talk about "Gordon's underwear"? You have nothing to say, so just keep quiet.
I closed it because there's at least one of those kinds of threads every month, perhaps every few weeks. They get tiring - nobody wants to discuss the same thing over and over again. The fact that you remade the thread after I deleted it the first time annoys me quite alot, actually.

You joined this forum after agreeing to follow our rules and accept any actions that the staff take on threads in our forum, remember that.
ComradeBadger said:
You know we don't encourage signing up second accounts once banned. I'm giving you a chance here :)

My little brother posted "Get a life" to a thread and I got banned, which is cool, I understand. And i'm sure that if I brought it to a mod's attention they would be gracious enough. But I opted for creating a new account. Thanks for the 2d chance m8! :cheers:
CB | Para said:
And what is it exactly you want to say? talk about "Gordon's underwear"? You have nothing to say, so just keep quiet.
:eek: nasty :eek:

I SINCERELY apologize, I had no idea there would be so much grief!
now thats sorted, this thread can be closed :) in future.. lets make interesting topics.
I cant think of any myself though :(
LoL Give me a break, I dont post often, but I have an account and I only post when i need to. But closing that thread was rather stupid. Sure it was a useless thread, but I just took a look through all the threads that havent been closed. ALOT of them are repeats. "Does my system work?" "What will you do with source engine?" "Does this dress make my butt look fat?"

As you can see alot of these posts are still open, yet theyre repeats.
Tab said:
LoL Give me a break, I dont post often, but I have an account and I only post when i need to. But closing that thread was rather stupid. Sure it was a useless thread, but I just took a look through all the threads that havent been closed. ALOT of them are repeats. "Does my system work?" "What will you do with source engine?" "Does this dress make my butt look fat?"

As you can see alot of these posts are still open, yet theyre repeats.

christ, just give it a rest already. we already cleared everything up with Sub_Lon. everyone came to terms and the arguement was over so let's just leave it at that. if you've still got a problem pm one of the mods, but please refrain from reviving yet another flame war.
I just joined here, and already I see a vast amount of threads being closed compared to other forums. So what if its been posted before. If you know absolutely everything about the subject there is to know, move along to the next thread. Nobody is making you read and reply to the threads, so why close them for people who do wish to continue the subject or those who missed earlier threads? If we were only aloud to talk about every subject once in real life, it would be pretty damned boring if you ask me.
WhiteDevil said:
I just joined here, and already I see a vast amount of threads being closed compared to other forums. So what if its been posted before. If you know absolutely everything about the subject there is to know, move along to the next thread. Nobody is making you read and reply to the threads, so why close them for people who do wish to continue the subject or those who missed earlier threads? If we were only aloud to talk about every subject once in real life, it would be pretty damned boring if you ask me.

that's not the point. these threads were closed because they were topics that do nothing but ignite flame wars (as we've seen over and over again on these boards). so please, respect the mods decision to close them and just quit it already. this topic has been beaten to death as it is.
weird thread that should be in Site Discussion....
But hey, we got nothing else to moan about... so lets be really childish and moan about the mods...! :rolleyes:
i actually think that the mods do a good job, threads like that are usually the same thing every time because they are the same topic. a thread about gordons underwear could possibly pass in off topic but its still kinda strange (my vote is the steriotypical heart boxers, btw!!!). i just hope we dont see this kinda stuff alot closer to Hl2 release time, we got many noobs around E3 and stuff, so its probably coming, brace yourself!!!. Have a nice day, everyone!!! wow..... where did that good mood come from?!?!?!
Moved to Site Discussion.

I haven't read the whole thread but we use our experience of running this forum to help us decide whether to close threads or not. After a year or so of doing this for most of us - we can tell which threads are worth a discussion, and which ones are gonna aggrevate people.
I think generally when the mods close a thread it's justified, and it definately helps prevent the main parts of the forum from being cluttered with multiple threads about the same thing. I can understand why that release date poll was closed. The only thing that's a bit weird, though, is when someone digs up an old thread, and gets told not to, and the thread is closed, whereas if he\she posted a new thread about that same topic, they'd probably get flamed by people and told to use the search function, as it's been discussed before. I would have thought that if a thread has been left open (no matter for how long), it's still open for discussion. Sometimes digging up certain old threads can cause confusion though (threads about news, as opposed to threads about opinion) so it's understandable in those cases.

In general though, even if it does annoy some thread creators, closing threads does help keep a fair amount of diversity in the forums at any given time, and prevents clutter. This place would probably deteriorate in quality a lot if the mods let it, so they're doing a decent job :)
You guys would understand if you saw what we saw on the forums.

You guys generally see clean forums, we see a trail of closed and deleted threads everywhere. When mods delete a thread or a post it's still visible to us. Maybe if we stopped hiding them for a few weeks you'd realise the havoc it causes :)
In general I find the mods are doing a good job...I thought I'd say this cause they get too much hate...and not enough appreciation.

Btw, can some mod please explain to me why the "How many girls are gonna play HL2" thread was deleted instead of closed? I was surprised when I saw my post count set back the next day... I did put time into those posts, and I would like to think they meant more than most peoples posts on these forums. If someone could reply with the answer or PM me with it I would be greatful.
Icarus said:
Btw, can some mod please explain to me why the "How many girls are gonna play HL2" thread was deleted instead of closed?

One word: spam.