Why did you choose your avatar?

what about the bannana?

what inspired u to have that avatar :P
I found it funny.
I love Peanut Butter Jelly.
I know that someone is using my old avatar where the banana is humping another banana.

:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
pennut butter JELLEH time!
pennut butter JELLEH time!
pennut butter JELLEH time!
pennut butter JELLEH time!

something something something WITH A BASEBALL BAT!

dr. teeth is the all time greatest band leader ever. electric mayhem rocks!!!11
I got bored, and wondered if anyone would notice the subtle change.

Still waiting.
Yeah, Pendragon, yours is awesome. It was one of the first avatars that I really was impressed by. :p
I chose this because im too lazy to open PS and make one.
People that know my avatars meaning, know why I have this avatar.
Zeus said:
Cus I saw cybersh33ps avatar

/wina winner is me

edit: and pobz, does it mean "pretentious foreign language I don't really know tattoo"?
Mine combines robots, Japan, aliens and dinosaurs into one ultra-destructive mega-force.

And it matches the name.
kittens are cute.. lil' timmy is an infantile name.. makes sense to me. plays up my faux persona of youth and cute inexperience..
They're giving him a wuss punishment. Rehabilitation and stuff.
I think mine fits in well with my position as head bloke of Halflife2.net and my jokey title :)
CyberSh33p said:
was I any inspiration at all? a littlle bit? no? :(
Sorry buddy I started it 3 years ago or something silly. Speaks volumes about my motivational skills.
Brian Damage said:
I always used to think that yours was a fist from some red-tinted communist poster, or something, till a few days ago...

me too. :O

This is the first time I actually made out the combine in Abom's avatar.
Once people start to see what exactly hides behind my avatar, I'll make a couple of new ones to make sure you never know what will show up. :devil:
Let's go with 3" for the minute and see where life takes us.
I think its quite clear why I chose my avatar, Noo noo is :thumbs:
i chose this because it was the first flash animation i ever made. and i happened to make it small. so i thought: sweet, an avatar. that and it fits the style of art that i do. ...meh.
I chose mine because the mods took away my last one...for good reason....oh and I am lazy.
I chose my avatar because Bun Bun was supposed to be the sluggy freelance comic strip mandatory cute talking animal. Well, he turned out to be a psychotic sadistic homicidal mini-lop with a cute little switchblade. I liked the idea from the start.