Why Do Cats....


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Put their butts in the air when you pet above their tails?

I mean WTF There is no reason for cats to do that!!
Natural reaction?

Is there a reason why it's so annoying? :(
Analyzing the situation will give you a serendipity xanthine output.
Dog-- said:
Put their butts in the air when you pet above their tails?

I mean WTF There is no reason for cats to do that!!

cuz cats r teh ghey
Why do cats suddenly appear
Everytime, fish is near?
Just like me, they long to be
Made of poo.
You're poetrizing again. Oh wait, no taht was simonomis, because I called him rhymin' simon. ha! it's still funny.
Que-Ever said:
You're poetrizing again. Oh wait, no taht was simonomis, because I called him rhymin' simon. ha! it's still funny.

You... yeah you. No, not you. Yeah that's right, you. (Good Lord...) Ah nah... forget it.
Frank Sinatra CAn't be as bad as my cats name.... Booger, Atleast you can call your cat "Frank", The short form of my cats name is Boog :(
My cat, before I accidently backed into it with my 4x4, was named, by my cousin who gave it to me, Drizzick. Don't ask me why the ****. His nickname though was "Big Dick".
I believe I read somewhere that when cats do that they are inviting you to sniff their butt, because they trust and like you. This is what they do with other cats apparently... when they like them they invite them to sniff their butt. :|
TollBooth Willie said:
My cat, before I laughingly backed into it with my 4x4, was named, by my cousin who gave it to me, Drizzick. Don't ask me why the ****. His nickname though was "Big Dick".

Fixed it for you.
I want to know why my cat will stare at the ceiling intently as though there is something of importance there, and the moment we look to see what is there, we notice that there is nothing, and she is walking away, as if to say "Made you look."
My dog looks up at fire alarms until you push them. Then he goes nuts.
Absinthe said:
Because all cats are gay.
Very true. Just watch Friday Night Stand Up." Yo Johnny we aren't getting younger buddy! I like how your belly matches our paws."
Cats do it because when you pet their ass...they hope to get poked...

I suppose I'll jump on the wagon tho





diluted said:
I believe I read somewhere that when cats do that they are inviting you to sniff their butt, because they trust and like you. This is what they do with other cats apparently... when they like them they invite them to sniff their butt. :|

LOL! :roffle:
I love cats. Anyone that hurts them deserves to have their intestines ripped from their body whilst red ants enter every orifice.
Damn you Nat! I was gonna post that pic of the "Cat Carrier" :P Well, anyways im not sure why cats do that, only one of my 3 cats does it and its ass smells really bad so i knock it back over whenever it does that lol. I love kittehs and as MiccyNarc said "Anyone that hurts them deserves to have their intestines ripped from their body whilst red ants enter every orifice"
Oh dear. Three years ago, I went to my friend's during lunch time and in his backyard pool we found a floating dead cat. His floating dead cat. We tried to get it out by using a perch, and by doing that the eyes of cat still opened pointed at me one of those freaky look. I was literally laughing my intestines out.
AntiAnto, you sound like a completely heartless arse. You might be a lonely shell, but some people have attachments to their pets, and it's kinda insensitive to turn killing them into a joke.

I assume it's because of natural cat-cat behaviour, but I suppose it could just be a weird reflex.
Kangy said:
AntiAnto, you sound like a completely heartless arse. You might be a lonely shell, but some people have attachments to their pets, and it's kinda insensitive to turn killing them into a joke.

I assume it's because of natural cat-cat behaviour, but I suppose it could just be a weird reflex.

I meant no offense to anybody. Isn't it supposed to be a weird amusement thread about cats? Anyway, if someone was hurt by what I've said, I apologize... but I don't think I have.

By the way, I really really love cats. I had one once and it died. The heartless arse comment makes all sense now.
Aww, I wub mah kittehs... both of 'em.

I start making noises when I think of 'em... THAT'S HOW MUCH I'M IN WUB WITH THEM! AWWWW!

anyone else think the intraweb heart (<3) looks more like a sideways erect penis...?
Maybe if your penis is a ****ing cone.