Why do Christians really consider homosexuals "immoral"?

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Wrong, baby holes.

Legend has it if you hit the jackpot, the baby will vomit/sneeze (various from story to story) a fountain of Skittles as if a panda bear had crapped a rainbow in it's brain.

I was going to make a post on how surprised I was about how many homophobes there were on hl2.net, but then I read this post, and all my worries and care dissolved into a fit of laughter.

Willie is god.
Last post on this topic. It's endless she said he said. My personal opinion is a bigoted one, so what. I have nothing against gays, but just stay out of my face. When my nephews come to visit, I have to avoid driving them to San Francisco because they have Gays Pride Parade nearly every weekend, and they show themselves off as pets, as beer-bellied thong-wearings "bears" with S&M leather clad jerk-offs, and that is to put it mildly.

Acceptance is not blindness and having no opinions. That's why Islam still oppressed women, because of blind acceptance and over-tolerance.

The prophets are right, when the world refuses and fails to see the rights vs. the wrong, that's when the world is coming to an end.

Back to Portal Advanced! Bye thread!
I hope you get bummed to within an inch of your life.
I tell my friends in real life that I want to have anal sex with their grandparents while their siblings watch, and then inseminate into their male orifices in hopes of getting them pregnant.

Today I asked my friend how much he liked having a dick inside of his urethra, and then mentioned that I didn't know that penis holes could stretch that wide.

I don't consider my friends retarded. Lazy, yes, but they're still smart folks (in their own respects).


Ditto. I generally use a lot of gay innuendo with my male friends. Most cases they get freaked out first time. They get weird, they back up, etc. But after a while, they play along ;)
no you are the site's bitch

No, you are all my sex slaves, and your daily masturbatory activities would not be filled without thoughts of me and my posts.

Now get on your knees and beg!

*me in Betty Page outfit whips you*
shut up and made me a sandwich

"Made" you a sandwich? I didn't make you one yet, what are you talking about?

*Makes RJMC yummy sandwich* *Ejaculates in sandwich* Here you go puddin'!
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