Why do Christians really consider homosexuals "immoral"?

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...unless... the religion... tells you... to be intolerant?

Religious nuts are a subset of homophobes. How's that explanation?
...unless... the religion... tells you... to be intolerant?

And the religion of political correctness tells you to be tolerant of everything (except those who do not adhere to it's doctrines), including two 500 pound lesbians getting freaky on your front lawn.

Here's an interesting thought: political correctness is as much a religion as anything else, it has it's own moral code, leaders, and a mission. Political correctness nuts are AS BAD as any religious nut I've ever met, and I've met a lot. Makes you wonder, this kind of implies Hillary is the anti-Christ.
Homosexuals are particularly despised because not only are they to be considered grave abominations, but their sexual preference is considered willfully chosen. Homosexuals choose to be affronts to God. And as if adding insult to injury, they just act so damn happy about it too.
I believe it's something to do with not being natural. Christian's dislike anything that's not natural, because it's "not created by God".

Don't argue with me because I'm not going to say anything controversial. Don't mind gay people, don't have a problem with them at all. Do think it's weird and don't understand them.

Don't get why people would want to change sex either.

Edit: I guess it's the same reason why people hate furries.
I believe it's something to do with not being natural.

Of course its fucking natural, do you believe they can help bieng gay? Seriously, they have no choice.
Moving away from that post, even if they did, they're still consenting adults and so should be able to do whatever they want.
Um... yes, they can help performing gay acts...

And its not natural in the sense
a) You can't reproduce
b) It's not evident naturally

And how the hell did you get away with saying ****...??
Um... yes, they can help performing gay acts...
And its not natural in the sense
a) You can't reproduce
b) It's not evident naturally
It occurs within nature and within different species of mammals, it is natural. Not being able to reproduce is irrelevant.
Why am I the only one standing up for the people I don't even like?
The debate over naturalism is totally irrelevant, not to mention really ****ing stupid.

First of all, even if it wasn't natural, that's not a reason to care. It takes a really cockeyed view of the world object to homosexuality on the grounds of being unnatural when your existence is sustained immeasurably by artificial, consciously made surroundings. Not saying anybody's making an argument like that, but just saying.

Secondly, it is natural. Well, as natural as being born with it is. There are cases of it in other species. The correct term that applies here would be abnormal, and that's true enough. Most people are straight and that's the norm. But doesn't mean it should therefore be viewed as a disease of some kind, or that (once again) people should give a piss about it.
Standing up for who? Homosexuals? Just to make sure before i call you a bigot.

****'s sake. Are you even paying attention to the words I'm speaking, or are you just guessing them and arguing back. The title specifically states, why do Christians consider homosexuals "immoral". As the first one to spout a decent response to why they might after 4 pages of people just making wild guesses and assumptions, my idea immediately gets pounced on and I get called a bigot. Because that makes sense.

After stating I'm standing up for people I don't like, and yet arguing for Christian beliefs, where did you get the idea that I dislike homosexuals?
****'s sake. Are you even paying attention to the words I'm speaking, or are you just guessing them and arguing back. The title specifically states, why do Christians consider homosexuals "immoral". As the first one to spout a decent response to why they might after 4 pages of people just making wild guesses and assumptions, my idea immediately gets pounced on and I get called a bigot. Because that makes sense.

After stating I'm standing up for people I don't like, and yet arguing for Christian beliefs, where did you get the idea that I dislike homosexuals?
You should have said "Christians believe..." Otherwise your posts look like they consist of your personal opinion on why gay people are abominations. Specifically this post:
Um... yes, they can help performing gay acts...

And its not natural in the sense
a) You can't reproduce
b) It's not evident naturally

And how the hell did you get away with saying ****...??
And the religion of political correctness tells you to be tolerant of everything (except those who do not adhere to it's doctrines), including two 500 pound lesbians getting freaky on your front lawn.

Here's an interesting thought: political correctness is as much a religion as anything else, it has it's own moral code, leaders, and a mission. Political correctness nuts are AS BAD as any religious nut I've ever met, and I've met a lot. Makes you wonder, this kind of implies Hillary is the anti-Christ.

Yes, because people wanting to be nice and live in harmony with each other is worse than people wishing to be intolerant and hateful of others for arbitrary reasons dealing with a magic invisible man in the sky.

Um... yes, they can help performing gay acts...

And its not natural in the sense
a) You can't reproduce
b) It's not evident naturally

And how the hell did you get away with saying ****...??

Smallpox and polio are both natural, but the vaccine isn't.

Natural != good.

unnatural != bad.
****'s sake. Are you even paying attention to the words I'm speaking, or are you just guessing them and arguing back. The title specifically states, why do Christians consider homosexuals "immoral". As the first one to spout a decent response to why they might after 4 pages of people just making wild guesses and assumptions, my idea immediately gets pounced on and I get called a bigot. Because that makes sense.

After stating I'm standing up for people I don't like, and yet arguing for Christian beliefs, where did you get the idea that I dislike homosexuals?

That's what i asked to make sure, and thus haven't called you a bigot (yet). Check my post.
I believe it's something to do with not being natural. Christian's dislike anything that's not natural, because it's "not created by God".

You should have said "Christians believe..." Otherwise your posts look like they consist of your personal opinion on why gay people are abominations. Specifically this post:

Statement covered.

Smallpox and polio are both natural, but the vaccine isn't.

Natural != good.

unnatural != bad.

*cough* read my first post *cough*

Christians dislike Unatural things as a rule because it wasn't created by God. Thus, something like "homosexuality", not proven to be good or bad, is thus assumed to be bad. Vaccines are considered good, thus they're excused. And they'll just say that God created them anyway, and Satan created homosexuals.

Don't argue with me because I'm not going to say anything controversial. Don't mind gay people, don't have a problem with them at all. Do think it's weird and don't understand them.

No-one did read my first post did they. Ffs, it's people like this which make me want to swear.
It states quite clearly in Leviticus that homosexuality is an abomination, what other reason would a devout christian need to frown upon it?
And how the hell did you get away with saying ****...??

Its an ancient secret passed down generations.
I will give you but one hint - look at the word. I mean really study it. It'll hit you eventually.
Don't argue with me because I'm not going to say anything controversial. Don't mind gay people, don't have a problem with them at all. Do think it's weird and don't understand them.

Don't get why people would want to change sex either.

Well look at it like this, this is going to be a little senerio-

All people in Europe eat is vanilla ice cream .
All people in America eat is chocolate ice cream.

... but, one day, a few people in Europe starting eating chocolate ice cream.
And before you know it, people in America are eating Vanilla ice cream!

Ohhhh, whatever shall we do! The people are not eating the right ice cream! The horror, The horror!

-Just like having a different taste in ice cream, having a different likeness for the opposite sex doesn't make it wrong.
In no way does it degrade society or harm anyone. Infact, it doesn't even degrade any general moral values if you really think about it.
So why should it bother anyone? It shouldn't.

oh, and sex changes are a completely different issue...

First of all, even if it wasn't natural, that's not a reason to care. It takes a really cockeyed view of the world object to homosexuality on the grounds of being unnatural when your existence is sustained immeasurably by artificial, consciously made surroundings. Not saying anybody's making an argument like that, but just saying.

Secondly, it is natural. Well, as natural as being born with it is. There are cases of it in other species. The correct term that applies here would be abnormal, and that's true enough. Most people are straight and that's the norm. But doesn't mean it should therefore be viewed as a disease of some kind, or that (once again) people should give a piss about it.
Very true, I've tried to bring up this type of point before but most of the time people don't get it.
The notion that homosexuality is a choice is laughable. The way our society treats gay people, why would anyone choose to be alienated and bullied all their lives?
The answer is obviously that it says so in Leviticus and other books. Or rather, they've been told that it does, they've checked up on it just to make sure they've got the right wording for the reverse side of their witty 'God Made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!' pride-protest sign.

Only thing is, they trip over and smash their nose on a curb somewhere... Then they make the abominable mistake of approaching the altar of their benevolent god. ZAP!
I've gone to a catholic school for 13 years of my life, and not once have I gotten a straight answer.

Usually you get a variety of responses, but all very diluted, and vague.
Here are some of the general responses-

-Because it does not contribute to reproduction (as if we needed more of that...)
- It is okay to be attracted to the same sex, as long as you do not participate in any homosexual relationships. (wtf?)
-It's just wrong, okay? (hate opinions without validation)
- They do immoral things, like have sex with mutliple partners (so do straight people?)

I recall once in study hall some teeny-bop plasticy bitch told me that homosexuality was wrong.

She even went as far as to say that homosexuals go to hell.
When I asked why, her response was "because it is just wrong"

Well anyways, me, and two other people in the study hall teamed up and intellectually tore her apart.
We were brutal, efficient, truthful, and validated.
We were tearing apart her beliefs and understandings so much that she cried and ran to the bathroom as her last words leaving were, "it's just wrong!"

I honestly don't think people like that even diserve an opinion, they've had all this time to make validated opinions and choices, and they can't even back them up. How pathetic. People like that rely on the bible and what mr. priest says for everything.

Some people call us mean for making her cry, but that's bullshit.
She basically told us that because a guy likes a guy, or a girl likes a girl, they should be subject to eternal damnation of extreme torture and agony
...and I am supposed to feel bad for her? Yeah right. Don't count on it.

amen and AMEN,being homo is should not be illegal(see,USA law against same-sex marriage)nore is it immoral,apparently,its in a persons genetic code,if there is a homosexual in your family,there is a chance that you might be too
Why isn't homosexual sex not natural? We're created with both holes, who dictates what we poke into?

And on that note, because we can't reproduce? So, an infertal man/woman aren't natural, and shouldn't be happening? D:

OK, I'm done picking on you, D.
Omg! Leave me alone!

I gave a response to the OP.

Don't analyse it, because I don't see you coming up with any better reasons. Don't even attempt to consider it illogical, because you're not proving anything.
Because big sky-man don't like it none. He don't like it none at all.
As an American, I am hereby exercising my 1st amendment right:

Homosexuals are devil's abomination to spit on God's face. And have you seen gay sex? Oh crap, it's just wrong...

Plus, they get turned on by deviant sex, such as anonymous bathroom free-for-all-f*ck-fest.

I live in San Francisco, so I know...
Of course its fucking natural, do you believe they can help bieng gay? Seriously, they have no choice.
Moving away from that post, even if they did, they're still consenting adults and so should be able to do whatever they want.

No choice? How about people who have innane desires to have sex with kids? Pedohilia is a mental disease, so is necrophilia, so is other kinds of sexual perversions.

The choice is to do the right thing, and that is to put a stick in a hole.
No choice? How about people who have innane desires to have sex with kids? Pedohilia is a mental disease, so is necrophilia, so is other kinds of sexual perversions.

The choice is to do the right thing, and that is to put a stick in a hole.

What id you woke up tomorrow and had the desire to have sex with a man....?

would you kill yourself?
List of mammals known to display homosexual behavior. And this is just mammals:

* African Buffalo[3]
* African Elephant[4]
* Agile Wallaby[5]
* Amazon River Dolphin(Boto)[6]
* American Bison[3][7]
* Antelope[8]
* Asian Elephant[4]
* Asiatic Lion[9]
* Asiatic Mouflon[10]
* Atlantic Spotted Dolphin[6]
* Australian Sea Lion[11]
* Barasingha[12]
* Barbary Sheep[13]
* Beluga[14]
* Bharal[15]
* Bighorn Sheep[13]
* Black Bear[16]
* Blackbuck[17]
* Black-footed Rock Wallaby[5]
* Black-tailed Deer[12]
* Bonnet Macaque[18]
* Bonobo[19][20][21]
* Bottlenose Dolphin[6][22]
* Bowhead Whale[6]
* Brazilian Guinea Pig[23]
* Bridled Dolphin[6]
* Brown Bear[16]
* Brown Capuchin[24]
* Brown Long-eared Bat[25]
* Brown Rat[26]
* Buffalo[13]
* Caribou[27]
* Cat (domestic)[28]
* Cattle (domestic)[29]
* Cheetah[9]
* Collared Peccary[30]
* Commerson's Dolphin[6]
* Common Brushtail Possum[31]
* Common Chimpanzee[32]
* Common Dolphin[14]
* Common Marmoset[33]
* Common Pipistrelle[34]
* Common Raccoon[35]
* Common Tree Shrew[36]
* Cotton-top Tamarin[37]
* Crab-eating Macaque[18]
* Crested Black Macaque[18]
* Cui[38]
* Dall's Sheep[13]
* Daubenton's Bat[25]
* Dog (domestic)[39]
* Doria's Tree Kangaroo[5]
* Dugong[40]
* Dwarf Cavy[23]
* Dwarf Mongoose[41]
* Eastern Cottontail Rabbit[42]
* Eastern Gray Kangaroo[5]
* Elk[12]
* Euro (a subspecies of wallaroo)[5]
* European Bison[3]
* Fallow Deer[12]
* False Killer Whale[6]
* Fat-tailed Dunnart[43]
* Fin Whale[6]
* Fox[44]
* Gazelle[8]
* Gelada Baboon[45]
* Giraffe[8][46][47]
* Goat (Domestic)[13]
* Golden Monkey[48]
* Gorilla[49]

* Grant's Gazelle[8]
* Gray-headed Flying Fox[25]
* Gray Seal[11]
* Gray Squirrel[50]
* Gray Whale[6][51]
* Gray Wolf[52]
* Grizzly Bear[16]
* Guinea Pig (Domestic)[23]
* Hamadryas Baboon[53]
* Hamster (Domestic)[23]
* Hanuman Langur[54]
* Harbor Porpoise[55]
* Harbor Seal[11]
* Himalayan Tahr[56]
* Hoary Marmot[57]
* Horse (domestic)[58]
* Human (see gay, sexuality)
* Indian Fruit Bat[25]
* Indian Muntjac[59]
* Indian Rhinoceros[60]
* Japanese Macaque[18]
* Javelina[61]
* Kangaroo Rat[26]
* Killer Whale[6]
* Koala[62]
* Kob[63][64]
* Larga Seal[11]
* Least Chipmunk[65]
* Lechwe[66]
* Lesser Bushbaby[67]
* Lion[9][68][69]
* Lion-tailed Macaque[18]
* Lion Tamarin[70]
* Little Brown Bat[25]
* Livingstone's Fruit Bat[25]
* Long-eared Hedgehog[71]
* Long-footed Tree Shrew[72]
* Macaque[73]
* Markhor[74]
* Marten[75]
* Matschie's Tree Kangaroo[5]
* Moco[76]
* Mohol Galago[67]
* Moor Macaque[18]
* Moose[77]
* Mountain Goat[13]
* Mountain Tree Shrew[78]
* Mountain Zebra[79]
* Mouse (domestic)[80]
* Moustached Tamarin[81]
* Mule Deer[12]
* Musk-ox[82]
* Natterer's Bat[25]
* New Zealand Sea Lion[11]
* Nilgiri Langur[83]
* Noctule[84]
* North American Porcupine[85]
* Northern Elephant Seal[11]
* Northern Fur Seal[11]
* Northern Quoll[86]
* Olympic Marmot[87]
* Orangutan[88]
* Orca[14]
* Pacific Striped Dolphin[6]

* Patas Monkey[89]
* Pere David's Deer[12]
* Pig (Domestic)[90]
* Pig-tailed Macaque[18]
* Plains Zebra[91]
* Polar Bear[16]
* Pretty-faced Wallaby[5]
* Proboscis Monkey[92]
* Pronghorn[93]
* Przewalski's Horse[94]
* Puku[95]
* Quokka[96]
* Rabbit[97]
* Raccoon Dog[98]
* Red Deer[12]
* Red Fox[99]
* Red Kangaroo[5]
* Red-necked Wallaby[5]
* Red Squirrel[100]
* Reeves's Muntjac[101]
* Reindeer[27]
* Rhesus Macaque[18]
* Right Whale[6]
* Rock Cavy[23]
* Rodrigues Fruit Bat[25]
* Roe Deer[12]
* Rufous Bettong[102]
* Rufous-naped Tamarin[37]
* Sea Otter[103]
* Serotine Bat[25]
* Sheep (Domestic)[13][104]
* Siamang[105]
* Sika Deer[12]
* Slender Tree Shrew[106]
* Sooty Mangabey[107]
* Sperm Whale[6]
* Spinifex Hopping Mouse[108]
* Spinner Dolphin[6]
* Spotted Hyena[109][110]
* Spotted Seal[11]
* Squirrel Monkey[111]
* Striped Dolphin[6]
* Stuart's Marsupial Mouse[112]
* Stumptail Macaque[18]
* Swamp Deer[12]
* Swamp Wallaby[5]
* Takhi[94]
* Talapoin[113]
* Tammar Wallaby[5]
* Tasmanian Devil[114]
* Tasmanian Rat Kangaroo[5]
* Thinhorn Sheep[13]
* Thomson's Gazelle[8]
* Tiger[115]
* Tonkean Macaque[18]
* Tucuxi[115]
* Urial[116]
* Vampire Bat[25]
* Verreaux's Sifaka[117]
* Vervet[118]
* Vicuna[118]
* Walrus[119][120]
* Wapiti[121]
* Warthog[122]
* Waterbuck[123]
* Water Buffalo[13]
* Weeper Capuchin[24]
* Western Gray Kangaroo[5]
* West Indian Manatee[124]
* Whiptail Wallaby[5]
* White-faced Capuchin[24]
* White-fronted Capuchin[24]
* White-handed Gibbon[125]
* White-lipped Peccary[126]
* White-tailed Deer[12]
* Wild Cavy[23]
* Wild Goat[13]
* Wisent[3]
* Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby[5]
* Yellow-toothed Cavy[23]
No choice? How about people who have innane desires to have sex with kids? Pedohilia is a mental disease, so is necrophilia, so is other kinds of sexual perversions.

The choice is to do the right thing, and that is to put a stick in a hole.

You're an idiot. Pedophilia (or pedosexuality actually, pedophilia on its own is harmless) is wrong because it hurts people. It takes advantage of children. How the fuck is that comparable to consensual sex between two adult men/women?
Birds (lololol Woody Woodpecker):

* Acorn Woodpecker[3]
* Adelie Penguin[4]
* American Flamingo[5]
* American Herring Gull[6]
* Anna's Hummingbird[7]
* Australian Shelduck[8]
* Aztec Parakeet[9]
* Bengalese Finch (Domestic)[10]
* Bank Swallow[11]
* Barn Owl[12]
* Bicolored Antbird[13]
* Black-billed Magpie[14]
* Black-crowned Night Heron[15]
* Black-headed Gull[16]
* Black-rumped Flameback[3]
* Black Stilt[17]
* Black Swan[18][19]
* Black-winged Stilt[17]
* Blue-backed Manakin[20]
* Blue-bellied Roller[21]
* Blue Tit[22]
* Blue-winged Teal[23]
* Brown-headed Cowbird[24]
* Budgerigar (Domestic)[25]
* Buff-breasted Sandpiper[26]
* Calfbird[27]
* California Gull[28]
* Canada Goose[29]
* Canary-winged Parakeet[9]
* Caspian Tern[30]
* Cattle Egret[31]
* Chaffinch[32]
* Chicken (Domestic)[33]
* Chilean Flamingo[5]
* Chiloe Wigeon[23]
* Chinstrap penguin[1]
* Cliff Swallow[11]
* Common Gull[28]
* Common Murre[34]
* Common Shelduck[8]
* Crane spp.[35]
* Dusky Moorhen[35]
* Eastern Bluebird[22]
* Egyptian Goose[8]
* Elegant Parrot[9]
* Emu[36]
* Eurasian Oystercatcher[37]
* European Jay[14]
* European Shag[38]

* Galah[9]
* Gentoo Penguin[4]
* Golden Bishop Bird[39]
* Golden Plover[37]
* Gray-breasted Jay[14]
* Gray-capped Social Weaver[40]
* Gray Heron[31]
* Great Cormorant[38]
* Greater Bird of Paradise[41]
* Greater Flamingo[5]
* Greater Rhea[36]
* Green Sandpiper[42]
* Greenshank[43]
* Greylag Goose[44]
* Griffon Vulture[12]
* Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock[45][46]
* Guillemot[34]
* Hammerhead (also known as Hammerkop)[47]
* Herring Gull[6]
* Hoary-headed Grebe[48]
* Hooded Warbler[49]
* House Sparrow[24]
* Humboldt Penguin[4]
* Ivory Gull[50]
* Jackdaw[14]
* Kestrel[12]
* King Penguin[4]
* Kittiwake[51]
* Laughing Gull[52]
* Laysan Albatross[34]
* Lesser Flamingo[5]
* Lesser Scaup Duck[8]
* Little Blue Heron[31]
* Little Egret[31]
* Long-tailed Hermit Hummingbird[7]
* Lory spp.[9]
* Mallard[23]
* Masked Lovebird[9]
* Mealy Amazon Parrot[9]
* Mew Gull[28]
* Mexican Jay[53]
* Musk Duck[8]
* Mute Swan[54]
* Ocellated Antbird[13]
* Ocher-bellied Flycatcher[55]
* Orange Bishop Bird[56]
* Orange-fronted Parakeet[9]
* Ornate Lorikeet[9]
* Ostrich[36]
* Peach-faced Lovebird[9]
* Pied Flycatcher[57]
* Pied Kingfisher[21]
* Pigeon (Domestic)[58]

* Powerful Owl[59]
* Purple Swamphen[35]
* Raggiana's Bird of Paradise[60]
* Raven[14]
* Razorbill[34]
* Red-backed Shrike[22]
* Red Bishop Bird[61]
* Red-faced Lovebird[9]
* Redshank[62]
* Red-shouldered Widowbird[63]
* Regent Bowerbird[64]
* Ring-billed Gull[28]
* Ring Dove[65]
* Rock Dove[66]
* Roseate Tern[30]
* Rose-ringed Parakeet[9]
* Ruff[26]
* Ruffed Grouse[67]
* Sage Grouse[68]
* San Blas Jay[14]
* Sand Martin[11]
* Satin Bowerbird[69]
* Scarlet Ibis[5]
* Scottish Crossbill[32]
* Senegal Parrot[9]
* Sharp-tailed Sparrow[70]
* Silver Gull[6]
* Silvery Grebe[48]
* Snow Goose[29]
* Steller's Sea Eagle[71]
* Superb Lyrebird[72]
* Swallow-tailed Manakin[20]
* Tasmanian Native Hen[35]
* Tree Swallow[73]
* Trumpeter Swan[74]
* Turkey (Domestic)[75]
* Victoria's Riflebird[76]
* Wattled Starling[24]
* Western Gull[77]
* White-fronted Amazon Parrot[9]
* White Stork[78]
* Wood Duck[23]
* Yellow-backed Lorikeet[9]
* Yellow-rumped Cacique[79]
* Zebra Finch (Domestic)[80]
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