Why Do Englanders and North Americans Say Words Differently?

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The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Like Aluminum


Or like how we say "BAR" and they say "PUB".

thats like asking "why do people like porn?" it just happened that way

V or what he said
That magical phenomenon known as a difference in culture
Lol this is either going to turn into a spamthread, a thread "England VS America" or be closed.
Well, first off, I don't think anyone actually calls the English "Englanders" :LOL:
England is real old, and we arent, shouldn't we have taken after them?
After all, we do speak "ENGLISH".
P.S. I don't want this to be "England Vs America" I just wanna know...
Dog-- said:
England is real old, and we arent, shouldn't we have taken after them?

P.S. I don't want this to be "England Vs America" I just wanna know...

It would be a bit boring if everyone did the same thing, don't you think?
Dog-- said:
England is real old, and we arent, shouldn't we have taken after them?

:rolling: We did, 99% of their language.

You seem to be forgetting our version has be seperately evolving since the 1600's.

British people today don't talk like they did in 1600, the language has changed slightly.

In America, which is (mostly) seperated from Great Britan, it has changed too, just in different ways.

The same goes for different regions of the countries, Australia, etc...
Tell me why your on the net right now, Murray, is it because your BORED?!?
This is like asking why some people speak Chinese and some other people speak Spanish.
Dog-- said:
Like Aluminum


U Pronunciation: (y
Notice the Y in there. YOO/YOU. Not OOO. OOO would just be wrong!
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.

Dog-- said:
Or like how we say "BAR" and they say "PUB".

A bar is where drinks are served. A bar can be inside a pub. A bar can also be inside a club, or any number of locations. We don't just call anything that sells alcohol a pub. A pub is a pub.
Your 'bars' are very different to our 'pubs' in my opinion. So it's like comparing a dog to a cat. Sure, they both have four legs, but they aren't the same.
pfft, aluminum is pronounced AL-OO-NIM-EEUM-NUM-UM + however many other syllables you feel like adding on until it sounds right.
It's like social evolution and natural selection. Same language (species) get separated and "evolve" differently.
Flame: Is this a freakin episode of seinfeld!? Are you gonna start talking about tv dinners and airline food next!?
I just don't think British people can handle the awesomeness of Americans so they change the rules to say we're wrong. You know, so they can feel superior somehow. We broke off of them like 230 years ago and we already own the moon so it makes sense that they'd have some penis envy.

Just kidding, I like Britlanders.
Dog-- said:
Like Aluminum


Or like how we say "BAR" and they say "PUB".

You are so ****ing smart, I can't beleive how ****ing smart you are Seriosly if they plugged you into a computer, it'd just explode because you're so damn smart.

I'm being sarcastic if you haven't realised.
Awww.. You lead me on for a sec :( I thought I was smart..
England does not exist. Its all in your head.
Maybe its because different races and cultures live in either, America has more immigrants.
theSteven said:
You are so ****ing smart, I can't beleive how ****ing smart you are Seriosly if they plugged you into a computer, it'd just explode because you're so damn smart.

I'm being sarcastic if you haven't realised.

Nobody actually likes you, and by trying to be "edgy" you just come across as "knobhead".

Hate kids.

-Angry Lawyer
My favorite:

Trashbag in America is the "rubbishsack" in Britain. Hehehe, rubbishsack, good stuff.
I've been English all my life, and I have never once said or heard anyone say "rubbishsack".
doode, uk has bar and pubs,

pub is like a craphole, full of old people that has pool, darts so on

bar is alcohol oriented socialising place
Where the hell do you drink, Joims? Pubs are better than bars by a long shot.

-Angry Lawyer
Bars are poncy places where they tend not to have seats. Pubs tend to be more comfortable, with better drinks.
Angry Lawyer said:
Where the hell do you drink, Joims? Pubs are better than bars by a long shot.

-Angry Lawyer

bars are good, generally depending on where you go, the alcohol is cheaper

pubs dont have non smoking sections

bars generally do

annnddddd, bars generally are seating with tables everywhere, aswella s pubs,

but there is less of an emphasis of sitting at the bar in a bar :p
You're confusing "Bar" with "Restraunt". And also, at "Bars" drinks are at least double the price compared to a pub.

-Angry Lawyer
A Dog said:
Why Do Englanders and North Americans Say Words Differently?
Because you touch yourself...at night. I'll go now.

Joims said:
To some extent, a place is only as good as the people who you go there with.
Pubs are better!

Also, Americans got a hybrid of a lot of European dialects, that's why they say somethings which, quite frankly, sound a little Irish or German.

But not French. No matter how many H's you take off the beginning of "Herb", it doesn't make you sound French.
Pubs are the best!

KIROVMAN! You must come visit me for a SCALAR PINT!

-Angry Lawyer
Because Linkin said
"Leik OMG, we should speel it color111oneoneone"
"OMG that roxxorz my boxxorz!"

Yes, pubs are better.
Why did England screw up German? Why did German screw up Latin? Why did...
Beerdude26 said:
Lol this is either going to turn into a spamthread, a thread "Great Britain VS America" or be closed.
Will everyone PLEASE stop referring to the whole nation as simply "England". Cretins, the lot of you.
*el Chi wraps himself in a Union Jack and sings Land of Hope & Glory, because NO-ONE likes God Save the Queen*

Meanwhile, on-topic... Yes, it's interesting how these things've changed and developed, but I think the way USians speak is a developed form of the English spoken 400-odd years ago and then influenced by all kinds of other things. Us Britons' English is a different developed form of that, influenced by different things.
Is this etymology? I forget.

MiccyNarc said:
Why did England screw up German? Why did German screw up Latin? Why did...
Precisely. Most languages are a bastardised, melded form of other languages and dialects.
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