Why Do Englanders and North Americans Say Words Differently?

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Angry Lawyer said:
Nobody actually likes you, and by trying to be "edgy" you just come across as "knobhead".

Hate kids.

-Angry Lawyer
Did someone say to you at some point in time "No one likes you." and it really hurt your feelings? Because you've made this baseless allegation twice when trying to insult me. Your whole "HATE, HATE, HATE! I HATE EVERYONE!" thing is pretty much the same thing as what I did to be honest and you never see me or anyone else being a winey little kid over it.
theSteven said:
Did someone say to you at some point in time "No one likes you." and it really hurt your feelings? Because you've made this baseless allegation twice when trying to insult me. Your whole "HATE, HATE, HATE! I HATE EVERYONE!" thing is pretty much the same thing as what I did to be honest and you never see me or anyone else being a winey little kid over it.
Look, AL's comments were a tad harsh, but then what you said to Dog-- was so uncalled for it's ridiculous.
It doesn't even follow - he hadn't said something ridiculously stupid, or insulting to anyone. He simply started a thread with an observation and you launch into a vicious tirade against him for no reason. That's really unfair, and then you complain when you get a negative reaction? Wake up to yourself.
Clubs > Houseparties > Bars > Pubs > Boozing in the flat > Wetherspoons > No alcohol

It's the chain of command.
ComradeBadger said:
Clubs > Houseparties > Bars > Pubs > Boozing in the flat > Wetherspoons > No alcohol

It's the chain of command.
Houseparties Vs. Clubs: Houseparties are vastly cheaper than clubs - bring a bottle of wine or a 4-pack and then pilfer others' booze/booze provided. That's just the kind of nice guy I am.
And you do still have the chance to meet new people (albeit not quite as random, depending on your link to the party).

Bars Vs. Pubs: Bars are good, and are usually more classy than pubs, giving you delusions of sophistication which becomes ever more misguided with every new drink. When you hit the floor, your delusions hit the roof. However herein lies the problem. They're likely to be way more 'spenny and sometimes they're so poncy it's sickeing. At which point I leave to go to a pub.

Boozing in the flat: Is great.

Wetherspoons Vs. No alcohol: This is a real toughy. No booze means you'd have to fact up to the hideous drudgery of normal life, but the Wetherspoons top-dog is a major funder to UKIP. That's not cool.
Dog-- said:
Like Aluminum


Or like how we say "BAR" and they say "PUB".

Another question.

Why do Americans think the UK/Great Britain is just England?
theSteven said:
Did someone say to you at some point in time "No one likes you." and it really hurt your feelings? Because you've made this baseless allegation twice when trying to insult me. Your whole "HATE, HATE, HATE! I HATE EVERYONE!" thing is pretty much the same thing as what I did to be honest and you never see me or anyone else being a winey little kid over it.
being whiney... over what?

btw, i hate everyone too, so... yeah. hate. \m/
StardogChampion said:
Why do Americans think the UK/Great Britain is just England?
Although it's not just the Yanks though - loads of people are silly. Grrrr.
*Shakes a Scottish heritage fist at the rest of the world*
StardogChampion said:
Another question.

Why do Americans think the UK/Great Britain is just England?
And why do some think Ireland is part of the UK?
el Chi said:
Look, AL's comments were a tad harsh, but then what you said to Dog-- was so uncalled for it's ridiculous.
It doesn't even follow - he hadn't said something ridiculously stupid, or insulting to anyone. He simply started a thread with an observation and you launch into a vicious tirade against him for no reason. That's really unfair, and then you complain when you get a negative reaction? Wake up to yourself.
I don't care about negative reactions to what I said, I admit I am being rude to Dog--, it's baseless insults I have a problem with, if he said "Stop being a pathetic Troll." I woulden't complain and would actually take into consideration what he said.

I think the answer to Dog--'s question is real obvious, reason behind my initial post.
As I said, I think AL's response was harsh, but your reply to Dog-- was totally uncalled for and I don't think that any degree of obviousness to it necessitated the response you gave, and you did come off like a "knobhead". That's why AL responded the way he did - but two wrongs don't make a right, I guess.
I don't care about negative reactions to what I said, I admit I am being rude to Dog--, it's baseless insults I have a problem with, if he said "Stop being a pathetic Troll." I woulden't complain and would actually take into consideration what he said.

I think the answer to Dog--'s question is real obvious, reason behind my initial post.
He obviously hurt your feelings, which makes it all the more funnier. To be honest its hard to come back to Angry Lawyers mean statements, as there often quite personal, so theres not much you can do but not respond.

And intrestingly enough my Mum has her PHD in English language devolpment and has wrote several papers, on why the languages are different.
el Chi said:
Houseparties Vs. Clubs: Houseparties are vastly cheaper than clubs - bring a bottle of wine or a 4-pack and then pilfer others' booze/booze provided. That's just the kind of nice guy I am.
And you do still have the chance to meet new people (albeit not quite as random, depending on your link to the party).

Bars Vs. Pubs: Bars are good, and are usually more classy than pubs, giving you delusions of sophistication which becomes ever more misguided with every new drink. When you hit the floor, your delusions hit the roof. However herein lies the problem. They're likely to be way more 'spenny and sometimes they're so poncy it's sickeing. At which point I leave to go to a pub.

Boozing in the flat: Is great.

Wetherspoons Vs. No alcohol: This is a real toughy. No booze means you'd have to fact up to the hideous drudgery of normal life, but the Wetherspoons top-dog is a major funder to UKIP. That's not cool.
Somewhat true :)

Wetherspoons are generally the same everywhere you go.. dives the lot of them.

The thing with houseparties, is by and large they're a guarenteed shag.. but you will always have to face up to the fact that they will know at least one person you know :|
I'm a very angry man. Avoid doing stupid things, and I won't rip into you.

To be honest, it's because you launch into people for no reason a lot of the time, and even though you're still a kid, you're pretty happy to broadbrush people into categories. Therefore, you deserve a nice slice of hate. As in HATEHATEHATE.

And Chi agrees with me, because if he doesn't, I cut back on the luuurve.

-Angry Lawyer
The love of Ikerous and Cyberpitz created an inbalance in the forums, so Angry Lawyer was created and the love:hate ratio was restored to 1:1.
English people are so much cooler than American people, so they talk cooler.
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm a very angry man. Avoid doing stupid things, and I won't rip into you.

And Chi agrees with me, because if he doesn't, I cut back on the luuurve.

-Angry Lawyer
Pffft - as if you're an angry man! You're just a cantankerous old fella before your time.

And I agree with you up to a point. I'd disagree with you more but, God help me, I just can't dooo without yo' luvvin' bay-beh.
Solaris said:
He obviously hurt your feelings, which makes it all the more funnier. To be honest its hard to come back to Angry Lawyers mean statements, as there often quite personal, so theres not much you can do but not respond.
Not offended, but annoyed.
If someone says all hates me I get annoyed not upset.

Yes insulting Dog-- was very immature and troll like, I don't often go up to random people and insult them for no reason (at least not as much as some people I know anyway) but I admit I do it sometimes, I'll have to grow out of it.
I just dish out the hawt steamy lovin'. Qonfused knows this oh-so-well.
I want you all to know I was not talking about UK I was talking about ENGLAND, which is why I said ENGLAND and not UK, so shut up about that already..
ComradeBadger said:
Somewhat true :)

Wetherspoons are generally the same everywhere you go.. dives the lot of them.

The thing with houseparties, is by and large they're a guarenteed shag.. but you will always have to face up to the fact that they will know at least one person you know :|

I'm telling you. Penis head haircut.
Look up the study of etymology. This is how languages evolve. Right now the American south speaks what is called an english dialect. Isolate it and after a generation it will be a nearly unrecognizable dialect of english. Give it another century and it will likely be a whole different language that would have to be studied to understand by what we would call today an "english speaker".

Same thing goes with Britain and it's unique accents. Arguably for many parts of Britain they have already developed a unique dialect. This is why we speak differently. Languages evolve and change all the time, they are never set in stone and should never be set in stone. Look at the way your average "gangster" talks, that is a diverging form of english that is evolving today, whether it will grow more or die out is something we have yet to see.

Remember in english class studying Shakespear plays? What we speak today is a further evolved version of that language which we now call a late form of "middle english". The original "Old english" is a language that none of us could possibly understand without taking courses on it, it is actually a variation on an old form of German.

Here is a Wikipedia list of the current English dialects that exist in the world:
Cormeh said:
North American dictated words that omit a "u" irk me somewhat. Flavour and word's of that nature.

AND! http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=aluminium

By English standard, aluminium is spelt... well spelt how I just spelt it. :|

Cheifly British, a variant of aluminum.

Anytime they want to omit a letter that - when the word is pronounced - is silent, I think that is evolutionary progress. So if it irks you then too bad.

Now, from what he said earlier, the letter "u" is pronounced "yOO", so does that mean English people say "flavour" like "flavoYOOr, or when they say "colour" or "armour", they pronounce it like "coloyOOr" or "ArmoyOOr"

now im not english, but I really don't think they do.

So the logic behind saying that u should always be pronounced "yOO" in every word is just making yOU "eat your words."

You people are so full of yourselves

Another question.

Why do Americans think the UK/Great Britain is just England?

Well, everyone is different, but if you want to group all of America, lets do that.

Americans generally don't ****ing care about other countries and couldn't find the UK, or Great Britain if you put a ****ing globe in front of them. Thats just how it is.

Ok, I have a question of my own.

Why do many Brits always seem to talk down to Americans, like they are better? Why do they act so pompus? If anything, it should be the other way around, seeing as the founding members of USA defeated the entire country of England with a boat full of explorers and sent them packing.

Now don't get me wrong, I love all democratic countries, especially England, but .. hate hate HATE!

Sorry. I'm bi-polar*. Whats your excuse?

theSteven is right, this thread sucks golden balls. Anytime you want to compare two countries it turns into some sort of competition like the Olympics. Except everyone is a poor sport. Speaking of which, why didn't England come and play? We were there!

theSteven is the ****ing man. Im his biggest fan

Symptoms of mania - the "highs" of bipolar disorder
Increased physical and mental activity and energy
Heightened mood, exaggerated optimism and self-confidence
Excessive irritability, aggressive behavior
Decreased need for sleep without experiencing fatigue
Grandiose delusions, inflated sense of self-importance
Racing speech, racing thoughts, flight of ideas
Impulsiveness, poor judgment, distractibility
Reckless behavior
In the most severe cases, delusions and hallucinations

Symptoms of depression - the "lows" of bipolar disorder
Prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells
Significant changes in appetite and sleep patterns
Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, anxiety
Pessimism, indifference
Loss of energy, persistent lethargy
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness
Inability to concentrate, indecisiveness
Inability to take pleasure in former interests, social withdrawal
Unexplained aches and pains
Recurring thoughts of death or suicide
VirusType2 said:
Blah blah, snipped drivel

Thanks for turning this into a US vs UK thread. Closed.
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