why do i allways die if my comp gets stuck?

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Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
i hate it when i'm in the middle of a dm and my comp get stuck cuz i'm clicking to much.i hate it when i'm sniping and get killed cuz i dropped granate.i love when i'm doinating.:hmph:
i just wanted to tell the world about this!!!!
nah... joking i don't know it was my first one.
W000h what an intresting post!

Intrest... fading... fading... urge to kill... rising... rising... rising!
Jintor said:
Intrest... fading... fading... urge to kill... rising... rising... rising!

Resist the urge, or Jackass thompson will blame it on games again.
Jintor said:
Intrest... fading... fading... urge to kill... rising... rising... rising!
I know him IRL, he doesn't know that when you lag it's not the whole server that lags.
Well thankyou for wasting what little time i had before i had to go to work on such a ridiculous post ......
Sgt.Murray said:
Well thankyou for wasting what little time i had before i had to go to work on such a ridiculous post ......
LMAO. Are you serious?
No i always joke about time being wasted before i go to work ........ of course im serious ....
Why do you bump a week-old thread that was pointless in the first place...?
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