Why do the maps I make get low frame rates?


Nov 18, 2004
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I usually make maps that arent very big and they get low frame rates... why is this?
a number of things can contribute to poor fps. In general tho you want to avoid face splitting, while creating good vis blocking. I'll define these terms since they can be confusing.

Face Splitting- When two world brushes, or entity brushes are touching each other, they tend to carve each other into more faces. For example, an 8-sided pipe touching a wall would turn the 1-sided wall into 8 faces, which is bad. You can avoid this using func_detail.

Vis-Blocking- Vis-blocking is done by world brushes; entities don't block vis. Basically you want to create "rooms" (even if it's outdoor) and have world brushes seperate each room. The smaller the room, the more detail you can add. Here is some info that is relevant:

Also things like having too many dynamic lights or what have you can slow down fps too.
Ok, I think I understand why its getting low framerate now. thanks, though what you said is kind of confusing to me I think I get the idea.

JFry said:
You can avoid this using func_detail.

I still don't understand how I would use this function. You say to make the brush a func_detail?
You should make any small brushes you're using func_detail. For example, steps, rocks, decorations, sloped roofs etc. Every time you create a brush, you "break up" the portals around it. Ideally, you want your portals as large as possible. Have a look at your map using glview.exe (comes with the SDK). It may look confusing, but have a look around and see where your brushes are breaking the portals up into very small areas and make the brushes concerned func_details.

Remember, func_details do not block vis, so you will get leaks if you're not careful. A good way to check this if you're mapping for Source, is to hide the auto vis group (untick its box) and you'll see roughly what your map looks like to VIS. Check you can't see the void (the black stuff outside your map) through any holes, otherwise you'll get a leak. Make sure you turn the auto vis group back on before you compile, or you'll not get the detail brushes in-game.

Have a look at these guides for more info:
maps\sdk_func_detail.vmf in your SDK

JFry said:
Face Splitting- When two world brushes, or entity brushes are touching each other, they tend to carve each other into more faces.

Would this occur if you painted terrain then made other brushes like a building for example on top. since the building is going into the ground would it cause this face splitting. (sorry for explaining this bad)
No you explained it fine. If you are using displacement surfaces I'm pretty sure they don't split faces on anything. They are in there own class sorta, not world-brushes and not entities. So yes you could have a building sitting on/in the ground and it won't cause face-splitting.