why do they bother with such studies?

"However, the finding have been vigorously disputed by male science graduates."

I'm lollin at this
I'm a science nerd but I lost my virginity at 15 so **** that shit!

I'm so alone. (these days, I wanna be 15 again)
And who are the people at unis that go to the rave parties and the bar?
It's not the nerdy boy science students.

They're carrying on doing their experiments, going to the library or doing their assignments.

I couldn't care less about some stupid party or nigthclubs to be honest. I rather stay home and watch a good sci-fi film or do something with my computer. Although I'm not a science student but a geek anyway I guess.
why do they bother with such studies?

Heh, when I read the thread title I thought it was asking why nerds bother with science studies...
You wouldn't catch me at a rave or bar just because its ****ing stupid.

Isn't it comforting to know that tax dollars are being spent on useless studies like this?
They do this because for every study that confirms our common sense, there are sure to be some which reveal our common sense to be misguided.

If scientists and statisticians simply accepted the common views and didn't test what people think are "obvious" facts, we would learn nothing.

For instance, a recent study just revealed that exercise does nothing to help people with heart disease, when most doctors thought exactly the opposite.
So not true.

You don't need to be "science" nerd to be a virgin.

no shit Sherlock!

they should do a study whether it's obvious that such studies are obvious...dumbasses

I don't believe that for a second

Female arts students are all sluts apparently. Whodathunkit?
Male science 'nerds' perform activities that don't require them to interact with other people much, thus they become socially impaired and rarely take part in social activities - less contact with females - less chance of having sex.

How long did they take to figure that out?
lol unfocused, how many people studying science at uni do you actually know?

There were two guys out of around twenty in my class last year who were virgins. If we assume that to be an accurate representation then 10% does seem pretty high virginity rate for 3rd year uni students, but it's still a minority.
You'll notice the article gives no numbers or figures, just 'more likely'. It could be like 2% more virgins or something.

Stereotypes are lol.
Oh and The Big Bang Theory is a retarded TV show that just exploits old, tired stereotypes to get easy laughs from the ignorant who believe in them.
Stereotypes are lol.
Oh and The Big Bang Theory is a retarded TV show that just exploits old, tired stereotypes to get easy laughs from the ignorant who believe in them.

So true. My parents absolutely love this show, and think its "smart and funny," and I despise it because it exploits an untrue stereotype. My dad said, "This show makes you think. It has alot of science in it." Wtf? So now technobabble bullshit and old, tired stereotypes are science?
lol unfocused, how many people studying science at uni do you actually know?

There were two guys out of around twenty in my class last year who were virgins. If we assume that to be an accurate representation then 10% does seem pretty high virginity rate for 3rd year uni students, but it's still a minority.
You'll notice the article gives no numbers or figures, just 'more likely'. It could be like 2% more virgins or something.

Stereotypes are lol.
Oh and The Big Bang Theory is a retarded TV show that just exploits old, tired stereotypes to get easy laughs from the ignorant who believe in them.

I was more like giving an explanation why it's more likely to find a late virgin within 'nerds' as compared to people doing other stuff. Not saying most 'nerds' are late virgins.
Problem is that science isn't focused on working alone as you seem to believe. There's a lot of social interaction with other scientists, a significant proportion of whom are female - though how many varies from discipline to discipline.
More women seem to be Biologists than Chemists, more Chemists than Physicists from what I've seen.
Problem is that science isn't focused on working alone as you seem to believe. There's a lot of social interaction with other scientists, a significant proportion of whom are female - though how many varies from discipline to discipline.
More women seem to be Biologists than Chemists, more Chemists than Physicists from what I've seen.

Even fewer are computer scientists. :x
Oh come on, everyone knows astrology is bullshit.