why do you all hate half life 2 world so much?


Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
i started here but moved over there because of one thing, i map... and i cant post anything about that here...

so why do you guys hate it? all of us have the beta but all of us also bought the game the day it came out on steam, we are not cheap lazy ppl who hate valve, we love valve.

i know this is kinda random but its 1:30 am....
sublidieminal said:
whats i map?

Edit: WTF Daylight savings was today?

lol that made me laugh so much..

he means he maps..as in makes map's for games. :E
The HL2 leak was illegally released. Therefore anything constructed from the HL2 leak is considered illegal as well. That is why HL2.net doesn't allow that type of stuff (not to mention potential legal liabilities). You should've known that.

As for HL2 World, I've got no problems with them.
lol i know the leak was ilegal, but we are alowed to talk about that it exsysts here, but not about it.

i also know it costs valve lots of money in legal fees and stuff, but if it already haoppned, i bought the game and it makes other ppl happy with new maps :). whats so bad about it.

and attaciking some one because they cant spell is just lame. :roll:
KidRock said:
lol that made me laugh so much..

he means he maps..as in makes map's for games. :E

Man, you laugh at me too much :rolleyes:

Simple mistake I swear!!!
It doesnt matter if you bought the game, you still perpetuated the usage and popularity of the leak. No matter what you say, you can't come off as doing no wrong. Valve should bust your asses!
Bigcheese said:
lol i know the leak was ilegal, but we are alowed to talk about that it exsysts here, but not about it

i also know it costs valve lots of money in legal fees and stuff, but if it already haoppned, i bought the game and it makes other ppl happy with new maps :). whats so bad about it.

The fact it is illegal? Just because you have it doesn't give you the right to use it. It is completely irrelevant what you will do with it, because it is illegal to begin with.

Here is an anology, does it make it right for me to enter the place where you live and just start watching tv? I'm not hurting anybody, I just walked in off the street and started using your tv. You see, just because I have access to something doesn't make it right.
I pity all those fools using outdated compiling tools.
I'm a little confused. I can't understand what this guy means. Can someone clarify what he did / does / is doing?
MadHatter said:
I'm a little confused. I can't understand what this guy means. Can someone clarify what he did / does / is doing?

Over at HL2 World they are posting tutorials and other content on how to do things with the HL2 Leak.
Oh, okay, thanks.

With this guy saying, "I'm only making people happy" is flat-out stupid. That's stealing and exploitation of a stolen / illegal product and content.

That's like someone stealing Hershy Chocolate's recipe, producing their own chocolates and selling or distributing it. Or, using blueprints of a fighter plane, or any kind of weapon, stolen from whoever and giving them out on the black-market and telling people how to make the weapon. And then saying, "Wha? I just wanna make people happy".

This guy has the mind of a criminal. If his mentality reflects the majority of HL World, remind me to never mingle around at that site. Since when has illegal = legal and stolen = rightful possession?
If he says they all have it... and are flaunting the continued use of it... report em to valve =) I'm sure they'd shut em down, or at least force them to change servers, and that'll be more hassle than its worth for them probably.
MadHatter said:
Oh, okay, thanks.

With this guy saying, "I'm only making people happy" is flat-out stupid. That's stealing and exploitation of a stolen / illegal product and content.

That's like someone stealing Hershy Chocolate's recipe, producing their own chocolates and selling or distributing it. Or, using blueprints of a fighter plane, or any kind of weapon, stolen from whoever and giving them out on the black-market and telling people how to make the weapon. And then saying, "Wha? I just wanna make people happy".

This guy has the mind of a criminal. If his mentality reflects the majority of HL World, remind me to never mingle around at that site. Since when has illegal = legal and stolen = rightful possession?

Except we arent compensated for the work we do with the beta. While you guys sit over here with your thumbs up your asses waxing moral superority and dreaming up new paternal connections between gordon/alyx/gman, we're actually producing something. Sure we do it with software obtained illegally, and yes to a certain degree we all argree thats wrong. However we feel the ultimate benefit to the mod community outweighs this.

The fact is that the leak happened, and it did a number of things both good and bad. It made everyone realize exactly how behind schedule valve was in production, of course, but more importantly it was sortof a trial run for truly committed modders. Sure, we couldve waited an indeterminate amount of time for the actual release, but had we done that we'd then be more than a year behind in mapping. Honestly, we're producing new content and discovering the mod potential for valve's new engine, which even if by less than scrupulous means, is still ultimately a good thing.

You fail to look past the (rather superficial, and now worn-out) argument that obtaining, toying with, or even discussing any leaked content is a heinous crime. Grow up already. We're valve's biggest fans and we want nothing but success for HL2; we took a gamble on working with the leak, and hopefully we can readily apply what we've learned once the game and SDK are released, then provide a good base of knowledge and leadership for the fledgling mod community (and yes, there was ALOT to figure out, you'll appreciate that once the game's out and you start reading our tutorials).
Kabukiavenger said:
Except we arent compensated for the work we do with the beta. While you guys sit over here with your thumbs up your asses waxing moral superority and dreaming up new paternal connections between gordon/alyx/gman, we're actually producing something. Sure we do it with software obtained illegally, and yes to a certain degree we all argree thats wrong. However we feel the ultimate benefit to the mod community outweighs this.

The fact is that the leak happened, and it did a number of things both good and bad. It made everyone realize exactly how behind schedule valve was in production, of course, but more importantly it was sortof a trial run for truly committed modders. Sure, we couldve waited an indeterminate amount of time for the actual release, but had we done that we'd then be more than a year behind in mapping. Honestly, we're producing new content and discovering the mod potential for valve's new engine, which even if by less than scrupulous means, is still ultimately a good thing.

You fail to look past the (rather superficial, and now worn-out) argument that obtaining, toying with, or even discussing any leaked content is a heinous crime. Grow up already. We're valve's biggest fans and we want nothing but success for HL2; we took a gamble on working with the leak, and hopefully we can readily apply what we've learned once the game and SDK are released, then provide a good base of knowledge and leadership for the fledgling mod community (and yes, there was ALOT to figure out, you'll appreciate that once the game's out and you start reading our tutorials).

So, lets say there is a riot. A store has been broken into and numerous people are looting the store. You're mentality is, "Well shit, it happened, they're all doing it. Why not?"

I'll give you another analogy since you fail to grasp the simple logic of 'right or wrong'.

British military has a new Lee-Enfield gun in development. Someone leaks key production info. The UK government later states they were going to share the info with allies for a price, but now that's futile; it has been leaked and now in the hands of both their allies and possibly their enemies for free of charge.

The HL2 content is NOT for free. Next time you decide to come prancing in here, accusing members on these boards of sticking their thumbs on their asses and being immature, you should think thrice. Saying something like, "It made everyone realize exactly how behind schedule valve was in production" as one of many excuses for exploitations of illegally obtained content won't strengthen your argument either. Ironically, it makes you look childish.

No matter how you bend it, cut it, slice it, hack it, hump it, rape it, wrong is wrong and illegal is illegal. I'm very positive Valve was not happy when their recipe was leaked, despite all that you claim. There is a reason why their product costs money, y'know.

True, this has been argued alot. True, nothing will probably happen as the game is close to being released. I, however, will be able to say I relished what I 100% legally obtained while you will not. Call me a moralistic softy, if you wish; atleast I honestly try to adhere and obey mine.
Kabukiavenger said:
Except we arent compensated for the work we do with the beta. While you guys sit over here with your thumbs up your asses waxing moral superority and dreaming up new paternal connections between gordon/alyx/gman, we're actually producing something. Sure we do it with software obtained illegally, and yes to a certain degree we all argree thats wrong. However we feel the ultimate benefit to the mod community outweighs this.

I feel the ultimate benefit is to do what's right.
How can you demean HL2world like that for exploiting "illegal software." I don't see anyone on your back about all you people downloading music and ruining the RIAA. They have just as much right to their property as Valve does with their property.

The fact is that it was released, lawsuits happened a long time back. If you download it today it won't matter if you exploit it because it doesn't hurt anything at all. Not to mention I know myself and MANY other people purchased the gold pack on steam. It's not like Valve is loosing anymore money then the original leakers lost them. If anything this probably helped speed up the proccess so Valve would get off their assess and finish the game.

HL2world has no illegal ties to anything, they are mearly the 3rd party of the act, such as ISPs when you people download your music online "illegally" too.

I hope you hypocrits are happy.
chbrules said:
How can you demean HL2world like that for exploiting "illegal software." I don't see anyone on your back about all you people downloading music and ruining the RIAA. They have just as much right to their property as Valve does with their property.

The fact is that it was released, lawsuits happened a long time back. If you download it today it won't matter if you exploit it because it doesn't hurt anything at all. Not to mention I know myself and MANY other people purchased the gold pack on steam. It's not like Valve is loosing anymore money then the original leakers lost them. If anything this probably helped speed up the proccess so Valve would get off their assess and finish the game.

HL2world has no illegal ties to anything, they are mearly the 3rd party of the act, such as ISPs when you people download your music online "illegally" too.

I hope you hypocrits are happy.

1. I don't illegally download music.

2. So everyone should steal when feeling compelled to?

3. Yes, we are all hypocrits. (Yes, you too, and you, AND you, and me. Carry on.)
MadHatter said:
1. I don't illegally download music.

2. So everyone should steal when feeling compelled to?

3. Yes, we are all hypocrits. (Yes, you too, and you, AND you, and me. Carry on.)

I'm sure you've never done something illegal in your life 'Angel.'

W/e you believe in, hl2world .com is here to stay. We have a thriving community of talented people waiting for HL2 SDK to come out as much as everyone else and we're going to be on top of it more-so then we are now w/ our current findings.

You guys don't seem to complain about the .gcf extractors and such that a couple guys made with some header code they found in the ripped beta.
Madhatter, you seem to be under the mistaken impression that ive acquired valve's "recipie" for half life 2. That would be the source code, yes? I wouldnt touch that with a ten foot pole, the leak of the code is 10x more dangerous than the editing tools, material compiler, and some developer maps. Very few have the balls to touch the source code, it is simply too volitile and of little use other than to create exploits in the game to later be exploited by little kiddies that dont like to lose.

The majority of hl2worlders who have the leaked content have it strictly for development purposes. Yes its wrong that it was leaked, yes it was illegal to download. But so long as that material is out there and some mischeivous hackers can manipulate it to create the next generation of wallhacks, the least we can do is try to get something good out of it; otherwise it is a total loss for valve and the hl2fanbase.
chbrules said:
I'm sure you've never done something illegal in your life 'Angel.'

W/e you believe in, hl2world .com is here to stay. We have a thriving community of talented people waiting for HL2 SDK to come out as much as everyone else and we're going to be on top of it more-so then we are now w/ our current findings.

You guys don't seem to complain about the .gcf extractors and such that a couple guys made with some header code they found in the ripped beta.

Of course we all do illegal things from time-to-time. I TRY not to do illegal things. Understand the difference?
chbrules said:
You guys don't seem to complain about the .gcf extractors and such that a couple guys made with some header code they found in the ripped beta.

nor do they seem to complain about the spray/material converters, shader parameters, custom maps, models, skins, scripts, and even menus that we've only been able to create through our knowledge gained from the leaked content. To say that we're immature theives in light of all this is sheer ignorance.
chbrules said:
If anything this probably helped speed up the proccess so Valve would get off their assess and finish the game.

Dumbest thing I ever heard.

I must not get out much.
You just have to realise, the HL2 beta is out there and you aren't going to change it no matter what you say or believe in. We're there trying to do something productive with it and it seems Valve's being hush hush w/ hl2world. They are probably watching us like hawks looking at what we're finding out and such. Once HL2 is released and the SDK, hl2world will be the first on the block w/ suites of editing tools and tutorials to help everyone get started on the long and arguous journey of learning the Source engine.
Kabukiavenger said:
Madhatter, you seem to be under the mistaken impression that ive acquired valve's "recipie" for half life 2. That would be the source code, yes? I wouldnt touch that with a ten foot pole, the leak of the code is 10x more dangerous than the editing tools, material compiler, and some developer maps. Very few have the balls to touch the source code, it is simply too volitile and of little use other than to create exploits in the game to later be exploited by little kiddies that dont like to lose.

The majority of hl2worlders who have the leaked content have it strictly for development purposes. Yes its wrong that it was leaked, yes it was illegal to download. But so long as that material is out there and some mischeivous hackers can manipulate it to create the next generation of wallhacks, the least we can do is try to get something good out of it; otherwise it is a total loss for valve and the hl2fanbase.

You know what? This got a little too heated. This could go on forever between you and I and I sense we're just too adamant of individuals to come to an agreement. It's 4 am, I want a cigarette and this isn't going to solve anything. Despite our obvious differing opinions, they won't change. So have fun with whatever it is you're doing, Valve isn't gonna do anything. I'm out.

Raziaar said:
Dumbest thing I ever heard.

I must not get out much.

Yes that was a perfect example of an articulate rebuttle and use of quality facts. You and I both know it was a bit suspicious that Valve just all of a sudden dishonors their gold date and this leak just happens to appear. I wouldn't imagine a programming team taking 1 year to change all this code. Not to mention all the missing pieces that aren't in HL2 such as the Borealis ship part. They even changed the story around from what's in the beta. This means they were still in some sort of developement. If we hear gold status and we have to wait a month and the leak took place a month before the release, why wasn't Valve already sending Release Candidates to Vivendi? Hmm?
Kabukiavenger said:
nor do they seem to complain about the spray/material converters, shader parameters, custom maps, models, skins, scripts, and even menus that we've only been able to create through our knowledge gained from the leaked content. To say that we're immature theives in light of all this is sheer ignorance.

Final comment: I'm fresh on the scene and have not heard of this schtuff. I wonder how long that schtuff has been out.
chbrules said:
You just have to realise, the HL2 beta is out there and you aren't going to change it no matter what you say or believe in. We're there trying to do something productive with it and it seems Valve's being hush hush w/ hl2world. They are probably watching us like hawks looking at what we're finding out and such. Once HL2 is released and the SDK, hl2world will be the first on the block w/ suites of editing tools and tutorials to help everyone get started on the long and arguous journey of learning the Source engine.

Heh, i'm gonna e-mail valve right now, asking them what their plans are on continuing their crack down on people who took advantage of their leaked assets after half-life 2 is released, whether or not they will forget it, or whether or not they will continue it. I'll make sure to mention hl2world just for you!
MadHatter said:
You know what? This got a little too heated. This could go on forever between you and I and I sense we're just too adamant of individuals to come to an agreement. It's 4 am, I want a cigarette and this isn't going to solve anything. Despite our obvious differing opinions, they won't change. So have fun with whatever it is you're doing, Valve isn't gonna do anything. I'm out.


smoking a euphemism for buttsechs?

jk, good show.
Raziaar said:
Heh, i'm gonna e-mail valve right now, asking them what their plans are on continuing their crack down on people who took advantage of their leaked assets after half-life 2 is released, whether or not they will forget it, or whether or not they will continue it. I'll make sure to mention hl2world just for you!

It is illegal for Valve Software, or any company thereof, to destory/damage/corrupt private data on my system in any way purposefully. If they attempted anything PERIOD, they would be counter sued even if they tried to sue me in posession of such software. They have no right to scan your hard disks and/or data thereof for any purpose without your concent.
chbrules said:
Yes that was a perfect example of an articulate rebuttle and use of quality facts. You and I both know it was a bit suspicious that Valve just all of a sudden dishonors their gold date and this leak just happens to appear. I wouldn't imagine a programming team taking 1 year to change all this code. Not to mention all the missing pieces that aren't in HL2 such as the Borealis ship part. They even changed the story around from what's in the beta. This means they were still in some sort of developement. If we hear gold status and we have to wait a month and the leak took place a month before the release, why wasn't Valve already sending Release Candidates to Vivendi? Hmm?

But that doesn't have anything to do with the leak. If the game was incomplete, they would have delayed irregardless of the leak. This is common sense!

And you know what? You're trying to make yourself come off like a good guy, by basically stating that the leak has made the game better, and because you perpetuated the leak by downloading it and using it, you were a part of making the developers finish it faster and/or do a better job. That's my perception of it.
Raziaar said:
Heh, i'm gonna e-mail valve right now, asking them what their plans are on continuing their crack down on people who took advantage of their leaked assets after half-life 2 is released, whether or not they will forget it, or whether or not they will continue it. I'll make sure to mention hl2world just for you!

good for you, since hl2world itself doesnt contain anything illegal, and all of us who had website have been kindly asked to cease and desist already (to which we tacitly complied, we understand their position), i suppose you'll find their reply unsatisfactory.
Raziaar said:
But that doesn't have anything to do with the leak. If the game was incomplete, they would have delayed irregardless of the leak. This is common sense!

And you know what? You're trying to make yourself come off like a good guy, by basically stating that the leak has made the game better, and because you perpetuated the leak by downloading it and using it, you were a part of making the developers finish it faster and/or do a better job. That's my perception of it.

you'll just have to trust us when we say that the game is better off for the leak, valve forcing itself to work on it another year gives is a 98% in PC Gamer instead of an 89 or 90%, by my estimate. They improved alot and cut the fat where necessary. (lest we forget that hl1 was also delayed a year, ever seen early beta screens of that? Be damn glad they worked on it another 12 months, or hl1 wouldve sucked.)
chbrules said:
It is illegal for Valve Software, or any company thereof, to destory/damage/corrupt private data on my system in any way purposefully. If they attempted anything PERIOD, they would be counter sued even if they tried to sue me in posession of such software. They have no right to scan your hard disks and/or data thereof for any purpose without your concent.

Well, first off... if you have their information illegally, you will be the one in the wrong and your case will be small compared to theirs. Secondly, companies can scan hard disks/data without your consent. Its called spyware, and it happens all the time. I hate it, but if it was used by a company such as valve to crack down on morons like you, then i'd support that particular spyware =P

And you know what? I wasnt saying anything about you. I was talking about valve shutting down sites with a history of supporting the theft of their property.
Raziaar said:
Well, first off... if you have their information illegally, you will be the one in the wrong and your case will be small compared to theirs. Secondly, companies can scan hard disks/data without your consent. Its called spyware, and it happens all the time. I hate it, but if it was used by a company such as valve to crack down on morons like you, then i'd support that particular spyware =P

And you know what? I wasnt saying anything about you. I was talking about valve shutting down sites with a history of supporting the theft of their property.

information obtained illegally cannot be used as evidence in any court of law.
Kabukiavenger said:
you'll just have to trust us when we say that the game is better off for the leak, valve forcing itself to work on it another year gives is a 98% in PC Gamer instead of an 89 or 90%, by my estimate. They improved alot and cut the fat where necessary. (lest we forget that hl1 was also delayed a year, ever seen early beta screens of that? Be damn glad they worked on it another 12 months, or hl1 wouldve sucked.)

Again.. they worked on that stuff because it wasn't finished, not because of the leak. The stuff that was worked on because of the leak was security issues. And if it wasn't leaked in the first place, the crackers/hackers wouldnt of had the time beforehand to devise hacks/cracks for the game. The whole leak thing was a bane, there was no boon to it AT ALL. You must be smoking crack to think otherwise.
Kabukiavenger said:
information obtained illegally cannot be used as evidence in any court of law.

Its not illegal in the way they can obtain it =)
Raziaar said:
Its not illegal in the way they can obtain it =)

let me restate:

"information obtained without warrent cannot be used in a court of law"

and the only way they could do it without sanction would be to go though, say, the department of homeland security and bypass these laws via the PATIOT act --- which they'd never do since its a gross waste of taxpayer's money
Raziaar said:
Again.. they worked on that stuff because it wasn't finished, not because of the leak. The stuff that was worked on because of the leak was security issues. And if it wasn't leaked in the first place, the crackers/hackers wouldnt of had the time beforehand to devise hacks/cracks for the game. The whole leak thing was a bane, there was no boon to it AT ALL. You must be smoking crack to think otherwise.

you speak with the assertiveness that would imply you've reviewed the leaked material, and have drawn conclusons from it. But from what you have said I know that you have not. Valve hadnt even finished the storyline yet, what they had finished was clearly finished, and everything else was in the early conceptual stages, or dolled up/hacked together for the E3 presentation