why do you all hate half life 2 world so much?

Kabukiavenger said:
let me restate:

"information obtained without warrent cannot be used in a court of law"

and the only way they could do it without sanction would be to go though, say, the department of homeland security and bypass these laws via the PATIOT act --- which they'd never do since its a gross waste of taxpayer's money

Heh... time for sleep. I'll deal with you criminals tomorrow. And yes, that's what you are. A criminal... a petty thief. Plain and simple, spin it any way you like, that's what you are.
Kabukiavenger said:
let me restate:

"information obtained without warrent cannot be used in a court of law"

and the only way they could do it without sanction would be to go though, say, the department of homeland security and bypass these laws via the PATIOT act --- which they'd never do since its a gross waste of taxpayer's money

That, and you'd know about it before they could press charges and you can use sme big ass magnets on your HD and trash it w/ a hammer before they're able to warrant it and take your HD.
Raziaar said:
Heh... time for sleep. I'll deal with you criminals tomorrow. And yes, that's what you are. A criminal... a petty thief. Plain and simple, spin it any way you like, that's what you are.

I am scared now, I'm a criminal. :eek:

I could seriously care less, you will get your stupid game regardless, no one in possession of the beta currently will see any legal repremendations from it, and we'll all watch most of these stupid HL2 mods fail in the first month when they release they actually need to know something to make a mod.
Kabukiavenger said:
you speak with the assertiveness that would imply you've reviewed the leaked material, and have drawn conclusons from it. But from what you have said I know that you have not. Valve hadnt even finished the storyline yet, what they had finished was clearly finished, and everything else was in the early conceptual stages, or dolled up/hacked together for the E3 presentation

Dude, have you been reading anything I have said? *OF COURSE I HAVEN'T* reviewed the leaked material. Do you not understand when I say I am against the downloading of that leaked material? Downloading and reviewing it and being against doing just that, would be called a hypocrite!
Raziaar said:
Heh... time for sleep. I'll deal with you criminals tomorrow. And yes, that's what you are. A criminal... a petty thief. Plain and simple, spin it any way you like, that's what you are.

ill concede, im a criminal of a certain degree. Not as guilty as those who initially stole the content from the valve networks (which i would have rather not happened), but if two wrongs can make a right, this is it. I and others are using this tragedy (the leak, which noone wanted to happen), to do something positive instead of writing fanfictions about the making of half life 2:


Raziaar said:
Dude, have you been reading anything I have said? *OF COURSE I HAVEN'T* reviewed the leaked material. Do you not understand when I say I am against the downloading of that leaked material? Downloading and reviewing it and being against doing just that, would be called a hypocrite!

sarcasm! sarcasm! i said that you spoke with the conviction of someone whose reviewed the leaked material, not that i thought you had!

"Again.. they worked on that stuff because it wasn't finished, not because of the leak. "

thts what i was working with
Are your morals defined by what other companies tell you what is right or wrong? The leak is leaked, whether you support it or not. I have yet to hear a valid reason to how making custom maps with leaked video game tools hurts anyone. I'm going to make the assumption that many of you have pirated software or have illegally downloaded music before. Don't be hypocrites.
steeleN said:
Are your morals defined by what other companies tell you what is right or wrong? The leak is leaked, whether you support it or not. I have yet to hear a valid reason to how making custom maps with leaked video game tools hurts anyone. I'm going to make the assumption that many of have pirated software or have illegally downloaded music before. Don't be hypocrites.

to cite a popular example, i wonder how many people on thses forums actually *own* photoshop, as opposed to those who said "**** that" to the $100-$600 pricetag?
Agreed. If you were to make money with pirated photoshop software (in any way, shape, or form), I would find it wrong to illegally pirate, but I don't do that. I putz around with it in hope that I can pretend I'm a graphic designer. I do understand that pirating software is wrong, and I try to keep to open source and free alternatives. I do however promote downloading mainstream music ;P.
Kabukiavenger said:
sarcasm! sarcasm! i said that you spoke with the conviction of someone whose reviewed the leaked material, not that i thought you had!

"Again.. they worked on that stuff because it wasn't finished, not because of the leak. "

thts what i was working with

Erm yeah, you're correct. I re-read what you had said. you are right. I blame it on my sleepy state. Anyways, I still stand by my view =) But i'm going to sleep. Preloading half-life 2 right now, so keeping my computer up, just happened to check it again after I got out of the shower..

43.6% done... neato.
Honestly guys, do you really think Valve is going to do anything about it? I seriously doubt they will. If they won't take any action and nor do they care, then why should I? This isn't resolving anything either. Save yourselves the effort and just let it be, no matter how much you may disagree with what some people are doing. They have their fun and we'll have our fun. Fun by different means? Yes. But eh, can't always change the world or rectify every wrong.
MadHatter said:
Honestly guys, do you really think Valve is going to do anything about it? I seriously doubt they will. If they won't take any action and nor do they care, then why should I? This isn't resolving anything either. Save yourselves the effort and just let it be, no matter how much you may disagree with what some people are doing. They have their fun and we'll have our fun. Fun by different means? Yes. But eh, can't always change the world or rectify every wrong.

This was kind of the same attitude with the RIAA. People thought they'd do nothing until people, even kids, were slapped with lawsuits =/
I'm not saying there was no wrong done. I'm just saying I have a feeling Valve doesn't care and they're not going to do anything. By the time the game is released, all the illegally obtained schtuff will sort of disappear anyway.
that the leak happned, i am vary sad. but i dont see any way that I, downloading the leak, hurts ANYONE at all. its like downloading a half compleeted song. you can still buy the full thing and having half of it makes you want it more... we are not using it to make money, valve is not loosing any money. we are learning how to mod....

i think that hl2world should not releas any tuts to you all when the sdk comes out. :) bet you all we be whining and complaining.
this trhead looks serious lets make a joke

I don't really care.

When the SDK comes out, my first instinct would be to go to HL2world...

If Valve wanted to shut down it, they would have done so already.

P.S. Pie is good.
oh ya i just remebered, thanks The Thing.

if valve dint want us to make custom maps they could just make it so the server can only play thire maps and then update it when the sdk comes out. and i dont think it would be hard to do, in unreal script its quite easy but source is a far inferior scripting lang so i dont know.