Why do you still live here.

king John I

Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Half life 2 is a looong way away so why are there still people keeping these forums active?

what draws you people to this place? or is this just what you do?
I personally have been drawn into the offtopic forum where I stay to ask questions and to discuss other games and other stuff just for fun.
I still try to see whats goin on in the HL2 forum though. :)
I'm really not sure... I think I come here out of habit more than anything. Right now I couldnt give two shits about HL2.
How can these forums be fun, the moderators pick apart everything they don't agree with. Yes I can see some kind of structure, but they move or delete almost every topic even if it is Half-Life 2 related. I only come here once in a while just to see whats up. I use to like this board a lot until the mods started to abue their powers (IMO) not that I'm trying flame them, because I still respect them as humans. Also the people here (Most of them) are just down right rude.
I agree about the recent nazi-ism of the mods. It really does detract from the boards. Especially when they delete threads they dont agree with, even if they continue to entertain people.
In fact, because I said that, this thread will probably be deleted.
Why are you here, king John? I believe you can answer your own question.. :)

BTW, Kschreck, I have yet to see mods move a topic that's HL2 related in the HL2 Discussion forum.. I'm not sure what you consider to be HL2 related, but the mods do a good job here.
Originally posted by iamaelephant
I agree about the recent nazi-ism of the mods. It really does detract from the boards. Especially when they delete threads they dont agree with, even if they continue to entertain people.

It's simple, really. Non-HL2 discussion gets moved to the appropriate forum.

Beta discussion gets locked, or deleted. I don't see why people have problems with this?
Alot of people think that everythings deleted because they never visit the off topic forum and see where everything really is.

And they arnt bad mods. They are by far some of the best I have seen on a site.
I think the best mods I know are on the Natural selection boards.

But anyway, the mods here do their job. Some people don't see that unfortunatly.
Hoping the News will say "HL2 will be released Tomorrow" LOL
I actually have been coming here for ages, sure the main draw is HL2... but we have a lot of great people here too.
I came for HL2, I stayed for the community.
I mean thats the reason I will be here after HL2 is released too.
I just wish they would lower the requirements down a notch. I have no problem with the moderators. I am a moderator of two forums, so I am aware of that, but given that nethier Half-Life 2 is out nor is there any new information regarding Half-Life 2, they should allow atlease a little leeaway for more diverse topics as long as it is relating to Valve. Atlease until Half-Life 2 is released.
There is a speculation forum, its fine to post there most of the time.

Oh I dunno, I have no problems with how it is now. But everyone has their own views. I aint gona argue :)
Well, I do agree some topics get moved a little hastily, but it's all in good intention.

I can completely understand why they have a no stolen build discussion
Originally posted by Kschreck
I just wish they would lower the requirements down a notch. I have no problem with the moderators. I am a moderator of two forums, so I am aware of that, but given that nethier Half-Life 2 is out nor is there any new information regarding Half-Life 2, they should allow atlease a little leeaway for more diverse topics as long as it is relating to Valve. Atlease until Half-Life 2 is released.
thats the point
you can discuss whatever you want
but do it in the appropriate forum.
there are off topic forums here.
and thats where irrevelant threads are sent.
this doesnt mean they arent entertaining or anything else, just they are in the wrong forum.

if someone is looking for HL2 discussion, they come here ,this whole thread is actually OFF Topic material, it isnt discussing HL2, more so the forums.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
if someone is looking for HL2 discussion, they come here ,this whole thread is actually OFF Topic material, it isnt discussing HL2, more so the forums.

i know, and i don't know why i didn't move it sooner :\
Hmmm...This topic needs to be moved from Off-Topic Forum to the Way-Off-Topic Forum.


J/K guys.
I mainly like to hang out at OT...I haven't gone to hl2 disscusion in a long time...and i never want to!
i come here because i'm stalking king john I.

hear that? i know where you live!! i have cameras in your room!! i follow you!!! i especially like the camera in the toilet bowl.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
they come here for me.

ain't that the truth!!! :)

aside from HL2 and info on it, its pple like Timmy, Mr. Redundant, Shuzer, mrBadger and the ever popular Chris_D.. man at this rate im gonna have to name everyone :p

anyway u get the picture, the community has some quality pple and lately these pple are the reason i come here every day wanting to read something interesting or funny by them :)

and now i see it as "hey if i get some HL2 info while browsing and pm'ing with these pple, great bonus!"

regardless.. as soon as HL2 is released (whenever that may be..) the forum will be busier pehaps than it is now..
Where the heck else would I go?
This forums as good as any other I've been part of, so I have no reason to leave. :D