Why Do You Think Team Fortress 2 is so Good?

I played it today because of the free weekend thing and I really don't care for it. I don't know if it's because I played a bad map or what, but it was seriously not fun at all. I was at some map where the blue team spawned and waited behind a gate for 60 seconds before the round started while the red team set up outside. The gates opened and the red team owned us thoroughly. Couldn't even get out of the building. I'll give it another shot, but I don't see what all the hype is about. Seems like a pretty meh game to me.

Sounds like instant respawn ownage.

That or your team was thoroughly horrible.
I tried it again and I just don't get it. It's not for me I guess. Not fun at all.
Go spy and backstab a heavy. That should be satisfying enough to have you hooked for at least 5 hours more.
I tried it again and I just don't get it. It's not for me I guess. Not fun at all.

The problem is, most everyone else has been playing the game for far longer than you have. Get a few strategies down, learn the ins-and-outs of a couple classes, and then you'll be set.

And don't play on 32 player Goldrush or instant-respawn <any map and player count goes here>, because you'll probably get thoroughly destroyed.
Lets see: funny actors physically and vocally, balanced gameplay, unique classes, unlockables/achievements only make it more fun, easy to learn, hard to master (if you consider that possible).
And don't play on 32 player Goldrush or instant-respawn <any map and player count goes here>, because you'll probably get thoroughly destroyed.

Definately this. Go to a smaller server (I'd say 16 players is OK for getting the hang of things), avoid every server that has...
...ANYTHING in custom filters tab of server browser
..."HLStatX" in server name
..."instant respawn" in server name
..."party mode" in server name
..."fun" in server name

and you should be OK server-wise. Don't expect to win or own everything, those aren't the selling points of TF2. TF2 is fun because you can pretty much dick around and be productive at the same time. Or you can be the greatest soldier ever and kill everyone. Or you can roleplay an engineer who loves dispensers. Shooting others is just a comical addition, it's not the main point of the game just like Portal's main point wasn't that you can go through holes in walls.
What's wrong with HLStatX? It's a passive option - it doens't affect gameplay.

Extra screen popups do affect gameplay in an FPS eating way and also custom stats are useless in TF2 and attract idiotic gameplay behaviour. See the discussion in this thread for more information: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=134204
(DON'T bump that thread, it's old)

I've been tempted for a long time to make a Youtube video about how long it currently takes me to load TF2 but unfortunately Youtube has a 10 minute video length limit...
I just love how Valve put so much effort into even the most LITTLE things.. for example, whenever a players character says something, his mouth moves in sync with his words.
Because it's the perfect multiplayer FPS.
I like the amount of custom maps out there.

I also like that it doesn't take itself too seriously. It would have sucked if Valve had tried to realistically explain the fact that you are running around in canyons attempting to capture control points in red or blue clothes.
TF2 is entertaining and I play it every now and then, but like somebody already said pretty much when new stuff comes out...then I sort of get bored. TF2 is absolutely designed for the casual gamer to pick up and be 'good'. I was really upset when I saw that TF2 was nothing like TFC, because that just ruined it for me. I'd be curious to see how many people who love TF2 played TFC 'back in the day' when it actually had thousands of players, instead of the current 17. I though TFC was better than TF2, to be honest. It was so much more fast paced, chaotic, crazy, cool and required more skill. Precision concing, double concs, triple concs, you could multi-task...shoot rockets at this guy while priming a grenade for the other guy. Wall riding, ramp sliding, infections, Rock2, god...it was just so much cooler...

I guess don't get me too wrong, TF2 is very well designed and I have a good time playing it, but I just don't ever get that rush that I did with tfc, I feel like tf2 is too easy-going and there's no panic or sense of chaos...it's all just so...calm...