why do you think they are keeping it quite?

I want...
co op.

Co op would just be oh so sweet for me.
Originally posted by indocomplexity
heh i bet spitcod and the valve dudes are duking it out in deathmatch or something. id be really jealous if spitcod had a chance at hl2, but hey, itd be good news ^_^

Hehe, it'd be good news that not a single person here would believe! I seriously doubt they'd let him take pictures of a screen or anything and without that, we're all just gonna laugh at him :cheers:
Originally posted by Stiler
I want...
co op.

Co op would just be oh so sweet for me.

Sven-Coop is planned for HL2 and i think it'll do an exccelent job.
Originally posted by Stiler
I want...
co op.

Co op would just be oh so sweet for me.

oh man that would be freaking awesome. like, halo style, wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thatd be godly.

or they could have a checkpoint system where when all of you guys die, then it restarts at checkpoint. and they could have a life system or something.

however... i believe the svencoop team will be making a co-op mod for hl2. so yeah.
Originally posted by DiSTuRbEd
It would be cool and all but it isn't gonna happen, since its not released to public, only people that touch beta is beta team and VALVe..

What if Valve's just been waiting from somebody from the fan community to finally show up so that they can be the direct to fans representative and release all this new info! A little far-fetched, but not completely unbelievable...it would make spitcodfry an instant HL2 celeb!
hands on before all the magazines, haha

i figure that multiplayer must be really special to be kept hidden, that or they are waiting till its "ready" enough to be revealed.

My mod idea is a dodgeball map using manipulators, that or a map with various pieces of junk and class based manipulator users.

Heavy manipulator throwers can throw bigger objects, but move slower and catch better. Weakest class moves fastest, can only pick up lightest objects, but shoots them fastest.

A map with a one or more dodgeballs would be pretty pimp though :D
Originally posted by Orange
hands on before all the magazines, haha

i figure that multiplayer must be really special to be kept hidden, that or they are waiting till its "ready" enough to be revealed.

My mod idea is a dodgeball map using manipulators, that or a map with various pieces of junk and class based manipulator users.

Heavy manipulator throwers can throw bigger objects, but move slower and catch better. Weakest class moves fastest, can only pick up lightest objects, but shoots them fastest.

A map with a one or more dodgeballs would be pretty pimp though :D

wow crap thatd be freaking awesome. SOMEONE SHOULD MAKE THAT MOD! LOL!

no seriously, i remember the days back in elementary school when we'd play dodge ball... oh those were the days, heh. it really sounds like an awesome idea.
Argh indeed. Must...get..on...with....life!

Hope he's having fun. Remember us little folk!
as a follow up to that whole dodgeball idea...

has anyone played manhunt? you know... one team tries to defend a base while the others head out and hide, then try to make it back to the base however if they get tagged they go to jail? well, i think thatd be a cool idea for hl2 (or any other fps for that matter). basically, one team has a base, and the other team is randomly spread out through out the map and has to make it to the base without getting 'tagged' (or killed). as long as one person from that team makes it to the base alive, that team wins.
Originally posted by Orange
hands on before all the magazines, haha

i figure that multiplayer must be really special to be kept hidden, that or they are waiting till its "ready" enough to be revealed.

My mod idea is a dodgeball map using manipulators, that or a map with various pieces of junk and class based manipulator users.

Heavy manipulator throwers can throw bigger objects, but move slower and catch better. Weakest class moves fastest, can only pick up lightest objects, but shoots them fastest.

A map with a one or more dodgeballs would be pretty pimp though :D

You could have multiple balls with different colors...each color is a different mass and thus does more damage when it hits you (but the heavier balls need to be shot from closer range!)...the balls would just roll around the court after they're shot and you'd just pick them up and chuck them at the other side...life goes to zero and you go to "jail" until you're able to grab a ball from jail and hit someone on the other team with it!

I'm really liking this idea!
Originally posted by kinggi
what is all this talk about spitd?

well, do you know what he did yesterday? if you didnt, basically he lives near VALVe headquarters. so he decided to email gabe asking him if he could visit VALVe HQ, and he said yes, and so today he headed out at around 12 PM andf we're waiting for him to come back so he can give us the info (if there is any) and the pics that he took (gabe said it was ok for him to bring a camera).

hope that sums it up.
Originally posted by trantjd
You could have multiple balls with different colors...each color is a different mass and thus does more damage when it hits you (but the heavier balls need to be shot from closer range!)...the balls would just roll around the court after they're shot and you'd just pick them up and chuck them at the other side...life goes to zero and you go to "jail" until you're able to grab a ball from jail and hit someone on the other team with it!

I'm really liking this idea!

heh, we should all make a team and make this mod! all we need is someone who is good/familiar with mod making (using the hammer, level design, etc.) we'll feed him/her the ideas, he/she designs the mod!
WOO there should be a team dedicated to making mods based off the games we used to play as kids. Er some games.

dodgeball, manhunt (jail break/kick the can), a combonation of the 2?
some version of 4 square on crack.

ok im pretty dry on other games (tetherball wouldn't fly too well, harhar) but this has some serious potential :D
eh, we can learn it ourselves! sounds like a simple enough idea to learn the basics with...
Originally posted by Orange
WOO there should be a team dedicated to making mods based off the games we used to play as kids. Er some games.

dodgeball, manhunt (jail break/kick the can), a combonation of the 2?
some version of 4 square on crack.

ok im pretty dry on other games (tetherball wouldn't fly too well, harhar) but this has some serious potential :D

Red Rover!

EDIT: lol, I'm just picturing about 16 guys sitting on their computers playing red rover from around the world! How pathetic...hehe
wonder how the voting process would work on that
"No dude, we need flesheater, he has the least mass but the strongest grip!"

everyone has to sing together "red rover red rover, send flesheater over"
Originally posted by Orange
wonder how the voting process would work on that
"No dude, we need flesheater, he has the least mass but the strongest grip!"

everyone has to sing together "red rover red rover, send flesheater over"

No kidding...and you know that you'd end up singing along with it as yous sit in front of your computer too!

ooh, you could make the facial expressions tense up as you strengthen your grip where they're headed too...
Originally posted by commando
why do you think they are keeping MP quite?well?

do you think they have planned something no other MP has shown?

do you think there will be alot of new MODES of play?

objective, capture flag, jail break....?


what do you think will.....or....SHOULD be in this HL2 mp?

Shhh its a suprise.... Gabe said so :)
o ok lol. i love surprise's!

that is why when i play SP. man i will love to see the new enermies and areas! CAN'T WAIT
Maybe because they want to surprise you. :dozey:

You know, like they did by announcing the game 5 months before it's released.
almost 10 days till release ..... where are the press releases or the site or .. or.or ..or ......
Valve doesnt do the whole game-site thing, they leave it to the fans.
And there haven't been any press releases for a while, but that hardly means anything with them.
oh really i though they would have a site ... WOOT halflife2.net the official HL2 source WOOT WOOT
Oo, a dirt buggy race with weapons mod would be neat. Like mario Cart!
If it can be done (bombing enemy vehicles) its allowed :D
well with all the bloody games mags/web sites saying 2004 Valve will become bloody heroes when it comes out on the 30th.

its all hype.

and its working cos every HL fan is wetting there pants over this, so imagine the praise valve will get for totaly saying f*** you to the mags/web sites and getting it out on time.

risky but clever at the same time.
Originally posted by CommieX
I cringe every time I look at the title of this thread.

I know exactly what you mean! I've been cringing quiet a bit about it too!