Why does Dr Kliener have a Rug in his Labs?

Ch1cKeN said:
the rug adds flavour to what would seem to be a dank, plain, claustrophic, room. The dated computers have some antiqueity to them and adds a little bit of the old world to the room. Messy and cluttered, The rug could be a symbol for things to come or I'm in plain kahoots.

Alyx is always there to make the room brighter :eek:
I officially declare this
"The It Is Now Painfully Obvious We Have Nothing Left To Discuss Thread"
lans said:
How is that so?

I'd love to have a rug, if I had a lab.

It would be difficult to do high tech stuff. The shuffling of feet across the carpet will cause static discharge :LOL:
cliffe said:
Doctor Kleiner is out of his element.

I now declare Cliffe the winner of the "Who can be the most random?" competition! :p
Two reasons:

1. Your feet would begin to hurt after standing all day on concrete and/or metal. The rug would be a softer place to stand.

2. He wanted to make the lab a little more "homey". All he needs now is a fireplace, an easy chair, and COPS on TV.
Is it a frightening thing when Cliffe posts to such a random and totally useless thread? Somehow, I think it is...

Then again, maybe he's a big interior decoration/Queer Eye for the Striaght Guy kinda person. The world may never know.
its not random at all, theyre both quotes from 'the big lebowski'

hi cliffe :)
living opressed in a sh*thole like city17, who wouldnt want rugs on their floors, anything homely would be nice to surround yourself with
I agree with humplick. I do note that the various "carpets" in the game (there's more than just the one in the lab) are extremely nice-looking and fashioned after Persian rugs.

God I sound like a snob.

- Bunny
dont know why barney will say that the cat haunts him then
a rug cant haunt barney i think
TenchiMUYO said:
dont know why barney will say that the cat haunts him then
a rug cant haunt barney i think
Come to think of it, that must have been one big-ass cat.
yes i know but one here said earlier that the rug was the cat
the cat can be a tiger for all i know
Hell knows, if they have big ass ants, why can't they have big ass cats? Its logical to find a expendable subject with the same biomass of a human in order to test out the transporter...plus, if it is a cat, means halflife has had some exceptionally odd, but funny developers..
u know the zombies who walks on four maybe they are the "cats"
those could be named cats for all that i know
rugs?? cats??? WTF???
the cat thing was a joke You know the dark humour used in half-life!!! They tested the teleport on a cat first and it went horribly wrong, so they have barney mention it all worried, and Alex is like? What cat, all scared like the something can go wrong with the device and the doc just ignores her question and tries to calm her!!!!! It was a simple stereotypical joke found in many sci-fi stuff involving a first live run of something,, nothing more. ( I’m sure someone mentioned this before) here, you must remember honey I shrunk the kids, when the scientist demonstrated the machine on an apple on how to show how they are gonna make the kids normal sized and the apple explodes and the other parents are like WTF!!!! You aint using that on my kids etcetera,
Etcetera! And the audience is laughing! You remember that?????

And all this talk about a rug???? The rug is in the office part of his lab, the part where he does his thinking, and writes down his notes, the rug is there to create a nice a calm environment for him to think/invent clearly.

WTF? What if he get oil and grease all over his rug?
1) he does all his work in the other room with the portal thing in it, I don’t think he is that dumb to build a big machine like that in one room and move it to the other room!
2) he is smart enough to build a high tech device like the portal, I’m sure he is smart enough to put down some old news papers or old rags over the damned thing when he is doing his dirty work!

Everyone seems to notice the damn rug, how about the lack of toilet? How funny would it be he pees into a portal strait into the administrators office!!!
HEaP said:
Everyone seems to notice the damn rug, how about the lack of toilet? How funny would it be he pees into a portal strait into the administrators office!!!

Or maybe him and Eli have a little game going, where you teleport your dumps into the other's lab and see how long it takes them to find it...

just a guess :p
I'd be more worried about the blood in Lamar's cage... toothless my ass!

Though I guess it could be Watermelon juice.
Consider this, the combine have took over your planet and the only place you feel safe is a cold boring lab - you go hunting one day and see a rug lying on the floor - memories of being at home return.

Steal it, place it, feel more homely.

Its just a hit at opression.