Why does Gordon Freeman move like a retard


Nov 17, 2007
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Srsly, I dont mean to bash the series, but the game would be more enjoyable if it were possible to lean in this thing. Not to mention that while the others are jumping and grabbing ledges (eg. like Alyx in the beginning of ep1) Gordon has to find another way round. Dont get me wrong, I like the puzzles that they have in there, but the actions that Gordon has available are a little limited. Take another game for example, FEAR, in that you could lean, melee with any weapon, and slowdown the action. None of these are evident in the HL series at all, although the slowdown part is understandable, because you would have to make up some corny thing like "This is an upgrade to your hazard suit".
Sounds like unnessisary fluff to a game with simple gameplay.
See, I don't know. A few better ways to move wouldn't go unappreciated. By all means they should stay with the FPS camera, but there are times where I wish he could do more. With those extra features they could also stand to make the game more challenging. Heck, I'd even accept it if they implemented a UT style double-press jump system where you dodge in a direction if you press the corresponding key twice.
The suit is too heavy to do any serious acrobatic movement.

The end.
Wacking the enemy with your weapon would be good I guess.

I still think you should have to figure a way around obstacles though.
I agree, we need more gimmicks. One thing Half-life has always had missing is a flamethrower. And I can't believe slowing down time has never been implemented, it should have been added as soon as the Matrix came out, it's still cutting edge. I'd also like a super jump or be able to throw people by activating powers on the suit where the suit says 'MAXIMUM SPEED' and all sorts of other things, or perhaps some kind of power you can inject to freeze / set fire to enemies.

These things would make Half-life the game it isn't. There are some good FPS's out there with some added gimmicks that all need to be added into one game. Half-life should incorporate all these things. Valve should do this asap, because no one is buying any of their games, Steam is like a ghost town, and I can't find more than 3 servers on most multi-player games (and those are empty). IF ONLY GORDON COULD ****ING BACKFLIP DAMNIT, WHAT A RETARD.
Seriously, if you were given the ability to flip and grab etc etc, you will start to think it annoying.

It would be confusing to master the controls and accidently doing a movement you didnt mean to do could spell disaster for you whilst playing a level.
Srsly, I dont mean to bash the series, but the game would be more enjoyable if it were possible to lean in this thing. Not to mention that while the others are jumping and grabbing ledges (eg. like Alyx in the beginning of ep1) Gordon has to find another way round. Dont get me wrong, I like the puzzles that they have in there, but the actions that Gordon has available are a little limited. Take another game for example, FEAR, in that you could lean, melee with any weapon, and slowdown the action. None of these are evident in the HL series at all, although the slowdown part is understandable, because you would have to make up some corny thing like "This is an upgrade to your hazard suit".

I actually agree with you to a degree. It can be such a pain to get onto ladders, especially in HL1. Not to mention when you are trying to get close to the edge to shoot something, you end up falling.

But he shouldn't be given much more beyond leaning.
I actually agree with you to a degree. It can be such a pain to get onto ladders, especially in HL1. Not to mention when you are trying to get close to the edge to shoot something, you end up falling.

But he shouldn't be given much more beyond leaning.

That's what +walk or +duck is for :LOL:
See, I don't know. A few better ways to move wouldn't go unappreciated. By all means they should stay with the FPS camera, but there are times where I wish he could do more. With those extra features they could also stand to make the game more challenging. Heck, I'd even accept it if they implemented a UT style double-press jump system where you dodge in a direction if you press the corresponding key twice.
Unnessisary really. Sprint + Strafe has basically the same effect.
I agree, we need more gimmicks. One thing Half-life has always had missing is a flamethrower. And I can't believe slowing down time has never been implemented, it should have been added as soon as the Matrix came out, it's still cutting edge. I'd also like a super jump or be able to throw people by activating powers on the suit where the suit says 'MAXIMUM SPEED' and all sorts of other things, or perhaps some kind of power you can inject to freeze / set fire to enemies.

These things would make Half-life the game it isn't. There are some good FPS's out there with some added gimmicks that all need to be added into one game. Half-life should incorporate all these things. Valve should do this asap, because no one is buying any of their games, Steam is like a ghost town, and I can't find more than 3 servers on most multi-player games (and those are empty). IF ONLY GORDON COULD ****ING BACKFLIP DAMNIT, WHAT A RETARD.


Seriously though, I would not mind if they add leaning. Anything more that is gimmicky.
If you want to make things really interesting, take an actual shot of morphine everytime you pick up a health pack :shh:

disclaimer: don't really
Does anyone seriously use lean? I know I don't. Everytime a game features lean and I actually try to use it, it feels more like a hindrance than a help. Like I have to intentionally go out of my way to lean when I can just as easily sidestep or run right out.

And what would Gordon Freeman need lean for anyway? "Hunter's coming, better lean around the corner! Whoop, that didn't work."
I have used lean in games before and appreciated it. It was really useful in Goldeneye for the N64 during multiplayer. It'd be a nice addition to HLDM if nothing else.
The lean feature never really helped much in the Call of Duty series for me, so I'd have to vote against adding a lean feature to Half Life. Not only would it not be that usefull, it would just plain feel funky in the whole scheme of things, plus I'm not sure how they would implement it in the controls.
I have used lean in games before and appreciated it. It was really useful in Goldeneye for the N64 during multiplayer. It'd be a nice addition to HLDM if nothing else.
Hm, never used lean in Goldeneye personally. Never had a use for it, what with the grenade launcher and proximity mines. ;)

Lean would be dead useless in multiplayer. HL2DM is fast...you'd try to lean around a corner, WHAM, radiator in the face. Respawn, try leaning to peek through a doorway; here comes a guy sprint jumping your way BLAM shotgun to the face. Respawn, you try leaning around some stairs for a trap, RPG blows you to hell. It just wouldn't work. Leaning is a stationary movement; in HL2DM you survive by moving. You keep your finger on sprint, and you keep moving. There's no time to lean.
I sometimes used lean in Deus Ex and I used it a good bit in one of the Rainbow 6 games. Can't remember which one it was.
a melee attack with other weapons would be cool. and all you need is a mouse with more than two buttons.
I agree, we need more gimmicks. One thing Half-life has always had missing is a flamethrower. And I can't believe slowing down time has never been implemented, it should have been added as soon as the Matrix came out, it's still cutting edge. I'd also like a super jump or be able to throw people by activating powers on the suit where the suit says 'MAXIMUM SPEED' and all sorts of other things, or perhaps some kind of power you can inject to freeze / set fire to enemies.

**** those. Tell you what I want: hand to hand combat. I want to slap some Combine bitches silly with my HEV hands. ****ing poke Combine eyes out with Gordon-fingers; bitch slap them across the back of the head if you sneak up behind them. KAPOW CYBORG! That and a mother-****ing jet pack.
I agree to this to the extent of leaning. Often I've wished I could lean. Elite Force really made me see the advantage of it. However, I don't see where Gordon moves like a retard... really don't.
**** those. Tell you what I want: hand to hand combat. I want to slap some Combine bitches silly with my HEV hands. ****ing poke Combine eyes out with Gordon-fingers; bitch slap them across the back of the head if you sneak up behind them. KAPOW CYBORG! That and a mother-****ing jet pack.

I lol'd
Well, adding more movement abilities is a good idea if you want a different game. One of the great things about HL is that it isn't just another FPS game. I happen to really enjoy the puzzles.
**** those. Tell you what I want: hand to hand combat. I want to slap some Combine bitches silly with my HEV hands. ****ing poke Combine eyes out with Gordon-fingers; bitch slap them across the back of the head if you sneak up behind them. KAPOW CYBORG! That and a mother-****ing jet pack.
I know you were being sarcastic but...I really would dig that.

Oh and high-five, Shippi! Longjump module!
Ooooh.... I can imagine! It'd cauterise their bellies at the same time!
i never use lean at all in a game; i mean what dumbass thought of using that?? if i was in war right now i might lean around a corner but i see in most games that like people lean while walking and shooting(to dodge bullets) and somehow still accurate.
I can safely say that I've never had the need to melee attack. Besides the concept of the melee implemented in games is usually ridiculous. Well it takes 8 rounds to kill this guy, or I could just hit him with the but of my rifle. Never use lean either. If need be I'll combine strafing with sprinting.
If I wanted all that I'd play Crysis.


The fact is, we use a replacement for 'lean' when we don't have it in an FPS: we just strafe sideways around the corner, shoot, then strafe back behind the corner.

Leaning gives you the advantage of standing still and taking aim while having your 'body' not totally exposed to enemy fire; something hard to do while strafing back and forth.
Is the game *really* that hard that you need lean, or any type of tactical movements? If you want lean in a proper gameplay environment, just wait for the new version of Smod Tactical come out. But right now, even hard mode in HL2 doesn't need lean to consistently beat. The strafe tactic works as well around corners. And if you really want that feature, meanwhile you could fire just around the corner with half your body exposed. It's not like getting hit in the head or the legs really matters. If you have line of sight, so does the enemy. ;)

As for melee, comparing the damage values of the crowbar and your pistol, if you were in close proximity it's easier to switch to any one of your 4+ available weapons while running for cover. If you feel the need to rush up to the enemy, you're playing the game wrong and you really need to up your difficulty settings.

And bullet time? What? Your reflexes suck? I guess you didn't really enjoy the twitch-strafe gameplay of the original Half-Life. Loved fighting those vorts and Marines.

I also subcribe to the idea that Gordon Freeman is not very athletic. He's an ex-grad student, and I doubt he did a lot of pullups in his day, or live in a post-apocalyptic world for more than 1/10 of his life. You'd be surprised by how many engineering students that can't pull themselves up a ledge to win a cookie. Though it is not impossible that Gordon would join a cliff climbing club.

Other games also do lean kinda crappy. In Rogue Spear, leaning didn't help so much by hiding your body (stupid hit-scan ai...) moreso than your reticule was stable so you could react faster. Since Gordon's accuracy is uniform, that scratches that application. In Call of Duty 4, even on Veteran mode it was more effective to run out of a corner and shoot everyone in the head than leaning, as at that difficulty the difference in enemy's accuracy was negligible between leaning and strafing. Gordon can run faster than those guys, and the enemy's accuracy is more dependent on how long you are exposed than how much. You hide behind a car and they'll shoot you in the head if you don't duck quickly enough.

One thing I do dislike about the controls though is that it's too cumbersome to throw a grenade and then rush a room because the grenade pulling animation plus switching weapons delay is relatively cumbersome to corner strafing.
No, it's not that hard in singleplayer. That's why I said I'd appreciate lean in MULTIPLAYER. Due to experience in other multiplayer games where it actually made a difference.
Ah, I see your point. Lean works wonders in multiplayer definitely. Maybe not in HL2: DM, but leaning in Counter-Strike would have been cool if it wasn't optimized for the run and gun style of gameplay. Nothing wrong with that, just that a skilled player in CSS is better off running around corners placing shots accurately than standing still, as the accuracy penalties are more recoil dominant than stance dominant.

I also realized that the original commentor said that the game could be optimized to be harder, so a lot of my arguments difficulty are a bit weak there.
The only Source game in need of leaning is DOD: S. All other ones are based on movement.
Ok, I admit that at present there is not such a great need for leaning. However, they are making this series as real as possible, while Gordon still seems incapable of doing some random simple things. Take the start of EP2 for example. He's stuck in a train, yet he has windows he could simply climb out of, but rather than that, he waits for somebody to make a door for him. Hell, if it were actual reality, I would be out that window before you could say lickety split.

Other little irking parts of the controls are things like the gravity gun taking a place in the Q menu after using it, even though you can just press G to activate it. I'd like them to tweak it so that when you finish with the gravity gun, you dont have to spend extra time fixing your Q. I dont know about you guys, but I usually rely on the Q for my two weapons, and have the numbers for when I have a second to use them properly because the sub menus there are not that helpful. Also, I'd like to bind grenade to F or something, so I dont have to use the 5 button so much to just use a grenade. However, that said, I am not that much of a veteran, and have only recently been introduced to the Half Life way with no prior experience aside from some CS 1.5 experience.