Why does my mouse stay on?

Stucco said:
LOL- you must work for Microsoft- instead of solving a problem, get rid of the thing causing it and act like it never happened. LOL. J/K
That's just what I have and I love it to dearf. Actually I wish it wasn't wireless, but anyway, unless you like to mod things, you don't have much choice other than performing surgery on the thing, or nixxing it altogether.
I would get rid of it, but

A: I like the size and feel of it etc, and it has never given me any problems aside from this.

B: I could easily black out the see-through parts, but it would still bug me knowing I didn't solve the issue. I don't avoid things.

Still looking for solutions people!
Stucco said:
Good call- I hadn't even thought of a mouse firmware / driver update- do they really need updating? Can you update a mouses firmware?

EDIT- Here is a pic so you can sort of see what I'm faced with. Even if I cover it at night, I still know it is there.... glowing.... waiting...

It bugs the hell outa me.

WOW, that's a pretty gaudy and obnoxious mouse you got there :P

I can see why it could be a problem now.

Simplest solution I could see is clip the cable a reasonable distance from the mouse, but not so far as it hangs off the edge of your desk, stick a small switch between the positive leads, then solder everything back together with a healthy helping of heatshrink.

Radioshack has a nice selection of switch styles, the most expensive being maybe about five or seven US dollars.

EDIT: USB pinouts http://pinouts***/data/USB_pinout.shtml

The pin you want is Vcc, or you could put the switch between the ground, no difference. Positive is just a habbit for me.
Stucco said:

I don't have a problem with carpet, static, or exploding babies. I didn't just wake up one day to this occurence. I also know that the mobo must be supplying power from the PSU to the mouse, and have also been into my BIOS to check for any obvious solutions.

FFS people, READ before you post!

You ever read that book Lord of the Flies?

You know how Ralph keeps screaming about how they need to make smoke to get rescued, but never actually tries to light the fire?

Yeah, you're seeming allot like Ralph right now.

I mean, I gave a good solution, and a billion other people did too. But you seem so dead set that everybody is just blowing steam, and is flaming up your thread.
sinkoman said:
You ever read that book Lord of the Flies?

You know how Ralph keeps screaming about how they need to make smoke to get rescued, but never actually tries to light the fire?

Yeah, you're seeming allot like Ralph right now.

I mean, I gave a good solution, and a billion other people did too. But you seem so dead set that everybody is just blowing steam, and is flaming up your thread.
Solutions that I have tried and tried to tell you guys are no good to me. And, (with a couple of exceptions) are all the same "unplug" or "go USB" solutions anyway. I think I have had to explain that again and again in almost every post I have made in this thread.

I set out the objective, and the 'rules'. I will spell them out if you like.

Objective: "To have my mouse turn on and off when the PC is turned on and off."

Rules: "No unplug the mouse / PC solutions, No turn off the PC at the wall / PSU solutions, No 'use USB' solutions, No buy a new mouse / ignore the issue (by covering the mouse or any other way) solutions."

Anything else I'm willing to listen to.

Synthos had a good idea I'm waiting for him to elabourate on. I'm sure others will too.

I don't think people are flaming, I just think they are not paying attention.

If your idea doesn't comply with the "rules", I don't want to hear it.
Stucco said:
If your idea doesn't comply with the "rules", I don't want to hear it.

My idea complied with the "rules".

And you kind of eliminated all practical answers with your "rules".
You don't like the lights. You don't need them. Physically remove them from the mouse.
Permanent solution. You keep the mouse. The problem is not merely hidden or switched off.
Win situation.
+2 to nerd/mod/hack stats.
alright man, I have wasted a whole week trying to figure out your problem, I went through the Bios possibilities and could find nothing, for the love of god just go buy a usb hub like I said. All this over a mouse? I feel like punching myself for even bothering. Sorry man,but your on your own. G.l
Just put a towel over the mouse! *runs and jumps out window* crash* aaaaaah* thud* ow.....
Stucco said:
It looked to me that there was a great deal more blue light emanating from it, but if it's the red one that bothers you, you are out of luck because it's internal intelligence should put it in stand-by mode after a minute or so of inactivity.

If that is not the case, you are simply shit out of luck.
OK. Go into your bios screen, and press ctrl + F1., to show hidden menus. Now, I know you said you checked the bios for mouse related power ons etc, but the following suggestion has (seemingly) nothing to do with the mouse, but should solve your problem. Disable PME event wake-up, and all other wake-up options. Sometimes by just having one option left enabled, it keeps all of the different ports powered. I'd say that's what your problem could be.
Shasta said:
OK. Go into your bios screen, and press ctrl + F1., to show hidden menus. Now, I know you said you checked the bios for mouse related power ons etc, but the following suggestion has (seemingly) nothing to do with the mouse, but should solve your problem. Disable PME event wake-up, and all other wake-up options. Sometimes by just having one option left enabled, it keeps all of the different ports powered. I'd say that's what your problem could be.
SUCCESS!!! That has solved the issue. I knew someone out there would actually READ the post, think about what it was asking, and have a solution! I didn't think that PME wake-up would have anything to do with the mouse, but I guess it somehow does!

Thank-you Shasta! And thank-you to those who actually read and understood that I was not going to give up / unplug the PC / get a new mouse etc, and then posted other ideas.

To those who kept saying "give up / unplug the PC / get a new mouse etc when I kept saying "NO. There will be another way".- Do you feel stupid now? You should. Hopefully this will be a lesson to you.
Reaktor4 said:
i doubt it since you said you had tried all the wake up options
What is there to doubt? IT WORKS. And I didn't know about the hidden options-
Shasta said:
Go into your bios screen, and press ctrl + F1., to show hidden menus.
PME event wake-up (and others) wasn't even showing when I went into it myself, without knowing about the ctrl F1.

Why do you refuse to read posts properly, and understand them? Please don't have kids.
Stucco said:
What is there to doubt? IT WORKS.
I doubt that everyone feels stupid, not that it works, einstein.
And I didn't know about the hidden options-
"I didn't think that PME wake-up would have anything to do with the mouse" would suggest that you did.
Why do you refuse to read posts properly, and understand them? Please don't have kids.
Reaktor4 said:
"I didn't think that PME wake-up would have anything to do with the mouse" would suggest that you did.
When I saw Shasta's post moron. I was sceptical, but tried it.
You "didn't think that PME wake-up would have anything to do with the mouse" even after he told you it did, and despite the fact that the option is labeled "wake up"?
Ok, i guess thats logical....
Reaktor4 said:
You "didn't think that PME wake-up would have anything to do with the mouse" even after he told you it did, and despite the fact that the option is labeled "wake up"?
Ok, i guess thats logical....
After so many bullsh*t suggestions from morons like you, I didn't think anyone visiting this thread could even read, let alone solve this issue. So yes, I was sceptical. Do you trust everything a stranger tells you, without thinking, or having your own opinion about it?

You don't know when you are not wanted do you?

ISSUE SOLVED. Thanks for coming.
Stucco said:
After so many bullsh*t suggestions from morons like you, I didn't think anyone visiting this thread could even read, let alone solve this issue.
Im sure everyone appreciates your gracious gratefulness for their attempts to help you.
So yes, I was sceptical. Do you trust everything a stranger tells you, without thinking, or having your own opinion about it?
Of course i do.
You don't know when you are not wanted do you?
What, all this negativity from you didnt mean you wanted me?? ;(
Thanks for making that clear, i was just about to make another suggestion.
Thanks for coming.
Youre welcome.
I just wanted to personally extend my "go **** yourself" to Stucco. I wish you're problem was never solved. I make a 1001 hardware problem threads, and sure plenty of times people give me retarded answers or things I've done already, but I just say thanks and move on. Your a piece of shit Stucco. A real POS.

+2 courage stats
OK guys lets all take a deep breath and say "Umayayaa umaa yee" everyone now "Umayayaa Uma Yee" Now a group hug. Aaaaaah! didn't that feel good?
Stucco said:
What is there to doubt? IT WORKS. And I didn't know about the hidden options-

Looks like we need to read our motherboard manual then.

Standard Gigabyte fare. Keeps nublets from overclocking their machine on accident.