Why does Vivendi want to release in November?


Oct 3, 2003
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What's so profitable about November? Bungie are also releasing Halo 2 in November. EA want to release MOH-PA in November. Sony want to release MGS3 in November. Vivendi also want World of Warcraft in November.

So November seems to be a very healthy time to release games. Obviously Vivendi have marketing twits sitting there with profit forecasts with peaks in November. We sit here suffering because of those idiots keen on getting an extra million so they can drive their Jaguars around and go on LOTR site-seeing tours in New Zealand.

"Oh look there's Rohan!"

Isn't it frustrating?
I agree with you but what can we do. I dont get how they would make less money if the game is released early. Its only like 50 dollars, people can buy more then 1 game.
Two reasons:

1.) The first release candidate is expected to be sent around the middle of September, according to Lombardi. Then expect a few weeks of testing by Vivendi and then a few more weeks of distribution if the RC is approved. If the RC is sent back then that is even more time.

2.) November is close to the holiday season which means that Valve is probably encouraged to take their time just a little more to make a big release close to the holiday season. I doubt Vivendi would just sit on it to do an intentional delay until the holiday season.

The profit difference will not be that big with all the hardcore fans, but for those few casually looking for a game for a holiday gift, with little knowledge of what HL2 is, there will be a little difference. A big announcement of HL2's release around the holiday season will grab some of these customers' attention.
People who want to buy HL2 early buy it and when holiday season comes along those who still want to buy it get it on holiday season, I dont think those who will buy it on holiday seasons would say"oh wait, they released it early so im not buying it" I hope im making sense.
Tork said:
I agree with you but what can we do. I dont get how they would make less money if the game is released early. Its only like 50 dollars, people can buy more then 1 game.
That's what i think, but evidently Vivendi and lots of other game companies seem hell-bent on the November date.

1.) The first release candidate is expected to be sent around the middle of September, according to Lombardi. Then expect a few weeks of testing by Vivendi and then a few more weeks of distribution if the RC is approved. If the RC is sent back then that is even more time.

2.) November is close to the holiday season which means that Valve is probably encouraged to take their time just a little more to make a big release close to the holiday season. I doubt Vivendi would just sit on it to do an intentional delay until the holiday season.
Probably both true, to reach point 2, i think Vivendi will get the RC from Valve then deliberately not do anyhing with it until mid-October so as to reach the November date.

I'm fairly certain they did this with Condition-Zero as well. Condition-Zero went gold (RC GIVEN TO VIVENDI BY VALVE) in October 2003. Vivendi mucked around with it for months then released it in March 2004 . Ut2004 was released in March. Far Cry was released in March. Coincidence? March seems to be another one of these "profitable" months.
:dozey: First they said September, they then said October, so now it's November.
Mr-Fusion said:
What's so profitable about November? Bungie are also releasing Halo 2 in November. EA want to release MOH-PA in November. Sony want to release MGS3 in November. Vivendi also want World of Warcraft in November.

So November seems to be a very healthy time to release games. Obviously Vivendi have marketing twits sitting there with profit forecasts with peaks in November. We sit here suffering because of those idiots keen on getting an extra million so they can drive their Jaguars around and go on LOTR site-seeing tours in New Zealand.

"Oh look there's Rohan!"

Isn't it frustrating?

I'm guessing any sooner and it won't be eligble for a X-mas gift :naughty:
What would be an even better marketing decision would be to release the regular edition in October then release a collectors edition in November. Haha! You'd have a fair chunk of hardcore fans willing to fork over money for 2 copies just get to the Gordon Freeman keychain and whatever else they have in the CE.

Oh how evil this capitalist world is. It's just one act of exploiting after another...
imo i think it would be bad to release hl2 in november

hl2 going up against halo 2 is not a good tactical thing.....they should release it when there is less competition than peope will buy it cause it is the best game on the market. how many people would have to make the decision between halo 2 and hl2??
HL2 is not in direct competition with Halo 2. They are on different platforms. And as far as cash is concerned, a November release makes alot more sense than September.
Valve really need a better publisher.

Valve said that an RC would be sent to Vivendi weeks ago. What happened since then? It seems that either valve are sitting on thier hands or Vivendi has intervened.

Plus I think that all of the 'CS:S will not affect the release date of HL2' is rubbish. Of course it will push back HL2, when someone spots a bug in the engine, they have to fix it. Plus releasing all these fixes for CS:S must take up a lot of time.

I say we pool our money and buy Valve a CDRewriter, a CD Labeller, and a couple of CDs. Between that and steam Valve can sack vivendi and release HL2 themselves.
Thing that is pissing me off is that i bought a new ati radeon 9800pro 128 for the end of august release date,i could have ****ing saved up for a 256mb version instead if i new it was coming out in ****ing november.
not november your all wrong its, release will be October 31, 2004 time of 23:59
not november your all wrong its, release will be October 31, 2004 time of 23:59

na itll get delayed
Valve should kick Vivendie!!

Valve should kick Vinendie out and let a other publisher in like a Activision or a Ubisoft.. Maybe a fought for the next game in the Halflife series?
jabberwock95 said:
I say we pool our money and buy Valve a CDRewriter, a CD Labeller, and a couple of CDs. Between that and steam Valve can sack vivendi and release HL2 themselves.
Ok, i can donate my 32 speed cd-writer. Who has Nero?

The reality of November is slowly setting in. OH **** :angry:
mcojunk said:
Valve should kick Vinendie out and let a other publisher in like a Activision or a Ubisoft.. Maybe a fought for the next game in the Halflife series?

i don't quite understand why everyone has a problem with vivendi. you've decided by yourselves that they're going to make you wait longer for the game, now your saying they're arseholes for doing it. they haven't!

us lot and vivendi should be like kindred spirits. don't forget they will be just as pissed off about these delays as you are. the reason everyone here is really worked up about the fact that they still aren't playing the game is not vivendi, it's valve!
both valve and vivendi want this out ASAP. whenever it comes out will be the quickest possible time.
If they want to release it in november THEY CAN ALL BURN IN HELL!!!
GODAMN I REALLY HOPE IT ISN'T TRUE. If it is, I'll play all leaked versions of half-life 2.
Wow, it's funny how you're all so pissed off about a November release. I've been saying November for months, it's been pretty damn obvious. Whats really funny is that alot of people were still confident of a September release about a week ago.
mcojunk said:
Valve should kick Vinendie out and let a other publisher in like a Activision or a Ubisoft.. Maybe a fought for the next game in the Halflife series?

I think Vivendi owns the right to Half Life series tho. So I doubt Valve would even do that.

And why do you want Nubisoft lol? They are like the worst publisher ever. Their support sucks , their online service for multiplayer games is a joke, and they use that pos Starforce protection.
You know why they wanna release it november? BECAUSE VU SUCKS BIG TIME!!!!
If Vivendi wanted to release in November, it's simply because they're trying to cash in on the Christmas market. If they do this, they will get more money in a shorter timer frame, which is what every business wants.

Wow, it's funny how you're all so pissed off about a November release. I've been saying November for months, it's been pretty damn obvious. Whats really funny is that alot of people were still confident of a September release about a week ago.

I find it funny that people simply can't wait for two more months. I can't see how they can't just stop focusing on a video game and go do something else. You've all survived this long, two months isn't gonna kill you. To be perfectrly honest, I'm getting sick of the huge amount of people that take all of this so personally. It's like they're epxecting a cure for cancer or something, when in fact it happens to be just a video game.
Ok I'll just calm down and wait for Valve to confirm this.

Besides its just a rumor, I doubt that VALVE would do that to us. I still think they'll keep the promise of releasing the game this month
Most of you should already know this, but for those who still aren't quite familiar with how the system works (yes, that would be those of you E-mailing me), here's a run-down of the release process for HL2. Valve has announced that they will be delivering an RC (release candidate) to Vivendi around the 15th of this month. That does not mean that HL2 will be out immediately thereafter. Vivendi will still have to approve the RC, a process that could take another two or three weeks, depending on their QA department and how fit the RC is to be released. If it were rejected, Valve would have to cook up another one and submit that for approval. Once an RC is approved, we should get a "gone gold" announcement. Those of you who preloaded HL2 and intend to buy it online would *may* be allowed to purchase it shortly afterward and start playing it once you've downloaded the last few files (I'm still not certain whether Valve contractually obliged to wait until it's on the shelves - I don't have Fragmaster's psychic spy network). For those of you still intending to buy a physical copy, it would be at least another few weeks before the game hit the shelves; duplication, packaging and shipping take a while. Damn our lack of transporters.

Source : www.planethalflife.com
I understand that if you start selling games in November it is considered maybe the holiday season. But seriously if someones parents were to buy the game for their kid in November do you really think they would make them wait until Christmas for it? No.

In my humble opinion Halflife2 is going to put up big numbers no matter what month it is released in. I just dont see waiting until any certain month being that much more of a boost for Valve or Vivendi. That being said i dont have the time to be worrying about when its going to be released. Although the sooner the better. ;)
JohnnyBeverage said:
I understand that if you start selling games in November it is considered maybe the holiday season. But seriously if someones parents were to buy the game for their kid in November do you really think they would make them wait until Christmas for it? No.

On the contrary, a lot of people do their christmas shopping early to ensure they get what they plan to get, in case anyone sells out of something. I know I've done Christmas shopping in November before. As for not letting their kid play it unitl Christmas, wel if the kid doesn't know the parents have bought it for him, he won't complain. :)
iamaelephant said:
Wow, it's funny how you're all so pissed off about a November release. I've been saying November for months, it's been pretty damn obvious. Whats really funny is that alot of people were still confident of a September release about a week ago.

I was hoping for a September-October release date until Valve accidently leaked the story. And then i was like "I just KNOW this is an omen"
Sparta said:
I was hoping for a September-October release date until Valve accidently leaked the story. And then i was like "I just KNOW this is an omen"

Valve wouldn't delay the game to change the story or script. That would be phenomenally stupid on their part, as it would most likely delay the game for a long time. They'd have too much to change: hire the voice actors again, change animations, change scripted sequences, create new locations and modify new ones...Valve aren't that dumb.
I understand what your saying but say you want halflife2(understatement?). You've hounded your parents maybe for it, you know its coming out on say October to November (random date). Are you going to wait until Christmas for it? You will hound your parents relentlessly or find some way to scrounge up the money.

My basic point in my original post is that I dont think Halflife2 sales are going to be affected very much by what month it comes out.
KagePrototype said:
Valve wouldn't delay the game to change the story or script. That would be phenomenally stupid on their part, as it would most likely delay the game for a long time. They'd have too much to change: hire the voice actors again, change animations, change scripted sequences, create new locations and modify new ones...Valve aren't that dumb.
I never said they would/will. I just said, it was an omen
JohnnyBeverage said:
I understand what your saying but say you want halflife2(understatement?). You've hounded your parents maybe for it, you know its coming out on say October to November (random date). Are you going to wait until Christmas for it? You will hound your parents relentlessly or find some way to scrounge up the money.

Well, you're the one who asked for it for Christmas, so you're bringing it on yourself if you have to wait. If you want it earlier, buy it yourself. :)

My basic point in my original post is that I dont think Halflife2 sales are going to be affected very much by what month it comes out.

In long-term sales, I can agree on that, but with short-term sales, I'm sure Half-Life 2 will sell more if released nearer to Christmas. It's just what happens around that time, especially to games that are released during that period.
I dont think i'll ask my parents for it for Christmas, as im 39 years old. But maybe i'll see if my dad will get me a 9800pro. You never know until you ask.
i hate this waiting blaaahh,christ! I hate it! :flame: :sniper: