Why doesnt anyone ever go in the HL2.Net Cs Server!


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
the topic says it all, i always check if people are in it, but everytime, its empty!
People dont go in because there is no-one there... and thats the truth.
Fine... how about this.. everyone that reads this go into the server right now. :|
Ewww... what a crappy ping... and its on de_train... double ew. :)
i go in there all the time. i just organize games on aim/ msn/ irc. trust me, if you ask, people will come. whenever i want to play, i pretty much always get to :).

black sabbath - snowblind
I pinged it and got 10ms!! :O, ill probably install CS later and pwn you all ;)
You Did? i thought CrazyHarij and Frag were the big timers in there... i must of been mistaken
Wow that was certainly.... something different.
The server sucks to tell the truth.I get pings of 150 in there...but of course it's based in britian so no wonder...
just came back from a game there...I know why people aren't playing there:

1) ping isn't the best around

2) lack of moderators

3) people there are worse than on a average public server(that's really really low)

fun howeevr to see how many people I could loose respect for in 15min. :rolleyes:
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
just came back from a game there...I know why people aren't playing there:

1) ping isn't the best around

2) lack of moderators

3) people there are worse than on a average public server(that's really really low)

fun howeevr to see how many people I could loose respect for in 15min. :rolleyes:

omg hax n00b! lolz wallhack luck0r
Hmm I only play WC3x these days, I'd go on if they make a CS:S beta server though ;)
I get choppy framerate in 1.6, so I can only play 1.5 :(

But I will try 1.6 later and see if it works any better.
KinGadY said:
the topic says it all, i always check if people are in it, but everytime, its empty!

I don't think that avatar is allowed here, KinGady.
lans said:
I don't think that avatar is allowed here, KinGady.
Wow! It shows an ass. Everyone has one. (I hope) What's the big deal?
lans said:
I don't think that avatar is allowed here, KinGady.

Jeez man, it's an ass, not even a naked one, who cares? If she would have her legs spread open with a certain cilindrical object in it, then I would understand.
I mean, if you can't take this, you're probably too young to play HL2 in the first place, then why are you here? (not directed at you but to the person possibly offended/shocked by this)

Don't be so anal about this.
PvtRyan said:
Don't be so anal about this.


but seriously im up for a game of cs in that server if anyones interested. its aztec right now.