Why doesnt FUNC_BRUSH cast shadows?!


Jul 17, 2003
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I need to know why, even though there is an option for it to do so, will my func_brush entities not cast shadows?

they can recieve them fine which is odd, and are lit beautifully. I know there are other ways to block light to create shadows, but at the moment me and my coder are trying to find a brush basd entity which can not only recieve shadows but also cast them too.

Any ideas where im going wrong?
because they can be moved, and source has ray-traced shadows not dynamic.
I find it easier to just make models.
I don't know, but I'd kill to have you map for either of the mods I'm working on :p
Isn't there an entity or texture that blocks light? I know one of the Valve example maps (Possibly the Ravenholme one) uses it.

-Angry Lawyer
You're correct Angry Lawyer, it's tools/toolsblocklight. I've been using it a lot lately for a mod i'm creating.