why dont all the complainers try this...

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Aug 9, 2003
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DO NOT WATCH ANY FUKIN HALF LIFE 2 FOOTAGE etc until you play it when it comes out. That way you wont freeze the movies frame by frame looking for the smallest things that you wont even notice in the game

"Oh look one of the combine has mud on his shoe. The mud doesnt fall of when he runs. Will this be fixed in the game. I wont buy half life if the mud stays on his shoe I WONT I TELL YOU"

chill guys. Skin up
people just worrying about those little stuff and looking for people who tell them that the bug will be fixed and that the game is pecfect.
Don't worry about those complainer, most of them are hl fans and they will buy the game for sure.
how about you stop trying to seem like the voice of reason and realise that there are about 90 threads like this already. if nobody cared about the small things, then no game would be excellent, they would just be merely good. little glitches can ruin the suspension of disbelief. it's not like we're making things up to complain about. we're talking about bugs that we notice, and that, no doubt, thousands of other people who buy half-life 2 will also notice. if valve has most of the game finished already, then they should direct their attention to polishing it up, which is fixing little graphical and technical bugs like the ones we discuss. no one has brought up an issue as ridiculous as the one you created.
heres for making a pointless queer thread, and i do hope you get flamed badly. here, ill even start it off

I love all those images like what Hudson posted, they fit so well!
wtf the mud doesnt fall off? I'm not buying HL2 now. Goodbye forever
Most of it isnt complaining you nobber, its discussing, ie pointing out things. So i take my hat off and say a big FU right in your direction.
Little glitches? I dont class shadows going through walls in every single vid as a little glitch.
Wow, I've seen so many of these complaint about complainers threads.....I've just got to complain about complaining complainers, follow me so far? All I've got to say is "Go out to the highway and play dodge car. I assure you that it's a lot of fun!!"

I don't think anyone's said they won't buy the game because of these glitches.
I know you mean well, but please don't clutter up the forum with these threads. There's so many of them.
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