Why dont they treat all Chav's like this?


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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I think this is how all chav's should be handeled, just befor they are sent to be culled. :bounce:


--watched it again and noticed the piece of crap head butted the officer, he must of felt so big in frount of his friends.

What kind of idiot would do that :/
ignorance and idiocy too popular these days. ****ing assholes.
What is it with you British people and "Chavs", what are they and why do you hate em so much?
Because you can't walk past a group of them on a street without fearing your life or dignity.
I assume they are kinda like white trash
I assume they are kinda like white trash

Well... to be honest, as terrible as white trash are here in the states, you'll never in a million years be accosted by one like you people describe chavs.
I wouldn't mind another holocaust if the ones being slaughtered were chavs, and the slaughterers were intelligent society.
What is it with you British people and "Chavs", what are they and why do you hate em so much?

Remember that thread I made where I nearly got stabbed? Thats a chav. There bassically violent teenagers with IQ's lower than monkeys. They are ****ing mental. As said by Physco, after 9, they hang on teh streets in packs, shouting things at passersby, even trhowing things. Recently we had an 11 year old shot by one. Not only that, they stoned an old man to death once. And beat up old people in general.

Thats why I'm leaving this country. The government just ignore the problem. Just like they ignore all of our others. :rolleyes:
i dont get why your police dont get guns....

I know how to solve your problem though...we should take the most violent gangs in the United States and bring them to England, they can kill off the chavs and then when they are done...you have the gangs
Yeah. It would be like introducing foreign squirrels all over again. :P
In Britain you don't get shot you do the electric boogaloo with added bonus points for moonwalking.
That was awesome. Never screw with the police, never.
I like how the guy posted it like it was supposed to make him look like a badass when he ended up on the ground.
The country is swamped with these scally ****s.

Lowest of lifeforms.
Also commented. Nothing like a retard having a misplaced sense of accomplishment and then rubbing it in his face.
What is it with you British people and "Chavs", what are they and why do you hate em so much?

This is a chav. TBH, I expect most of them are worse than Devvo, who is at least good to laugh at. He steals, swears, takes pills, mugs occasional people etc, but I imagine chavs being a lot more dangerous in groups, where they get the confidence and egging on from their "friends" to do much worse things.
It did appear as though the police officer struck him before he headbutted him, but I may be mistaken.

Anyway there's a big problem with society at the minute, I just wish more of them were dumb enough to pick fights with rozzers.
That rozzer sure telt him.
Read the comments on the youtube video. The chav himself uploaded the video, to the enjoyment of other viewers.

Where does this chav problem come from, anyway? Has it appeared recently, and if so, why? Other countries don't have nearly the same problems with youth cultures like the UK, it appears.
Commented myself, hoping only to draw ire from the chav who posted it. I'm so cruel.

EDIT: Atomic_Piggy, Are you Britneyspearsrox?
Haha yeah I saw some of you commented, like Miccy xD.
I'm Dekstarking, if you didn't know.
EDIT: Atomic_Piggy, Are you Britneyspearsrox?

I'm tehrealboy, stupid name I know, but someone stole Atomic_Piggy, so I put random words togthor in a fit of rage.
Also, I repiled to your comment.
There's always been anti-social youths in this country, however it's covered in the media much more now than before.

Pall Mall Gazette, 1901:
"The constable in certain districts is looked upon as the common enemy whom it is right to beat and kick whenever that can be done with safety."

Actually it used to be a lot worse. My Dad noted that when he was young, the marketplace in his town was the scene of a huge brawl on Friday nights involving hundreds of people fighting, and it was common to get 5 deaths at the scene from people being battered to death with iron pipes.

That would never happen now.

Media hysteria, I think. It's always been like this, and often worse than now.

Here's an article I found:

Then it's a not a recent thing?

Could the reason be that Britain has bigger social gaps than most of continental Europe?
I would say that it has a lot to do with wealth gaps, lack of education and lack of mutual respect being established. Unemployment too.

However I feel that the opposite side of society who acts scornful at the so-called chav class has some role to play in the societal divide.
It did appear as though the police officer struck him before he headbutted him, but I may be mistaken.

The chav did that forehead to forehead thing with the officer, which most of them do. It comes from watching far too many boxing matches on ITV with their dads (who incidentally watch ITV boxing to learn new moves in order to beat seven shades of shite out of their partners in new and interesting ways), so the officer pushed him away. Albeit pushing his face away instead of his body, but it looked "reasonable and proportionate".

Then the chav head butted him and got owned by the bobby.
People are always looking for something to hate in life..a few decades ago it was skin heads, now it's the turn of the chav, emo etc.

Baserape, I take it you've never experienced the British phenomena of Chavism then?
I wouldn't mind another holocaust if the ones being slaughtered were chavs, and the slaughterers were intelligent society.

I can't stress enough how much I agree with this statement.
People are always looking for something to hate in life..a few decades ago it was skin heads, now it's the turn of the chav, emo etc.

Go and talk to a couple of chavs and then come back and throw your gross generalisations around. Chances are you'd be just as ****ed off by these social delinquents as the rest of us after a close encounter with their type.
I thought Baserape ment that skin heads used to be the social terrorists that hate something, and now it's chavs who hate something. And yes emos too, who hate everything.
Commented as well. Hey, he's not afraid to post himself getting handed to.

Glad I don't live around these shitdicks.
Haha, beautifully executed head and arm.

Well, he probably should have rolled his ass out a tad more into the throw, that way he could have lifted the ****'s ass off of the ground, and actually slammed him!
that was great.

Staredown becomes HOLY SHIT **** IM SORRY PLEASE STOP.