Why exactly are PCs better than Macs?

Do macs suck?

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OK, first off, I would like to say that I am the most anti-apple/mac person ever. I refuse to use Macs (unless i absoulutely have too.) And i will NEVER enter an apple store. Anyways, my school uses macs, and most ppl, love those PC-wannabees (the macs). I tell them that Macs are the worst thing ever or some crap, they ask me why? The ONLY reason i can tell them is that there are few games that come out for macs and that they take a long time to port from PC version to Mac version, and that most macs wouldn't be able to run good looking games (HL2, D3, Farcry...). That's it. That is all i know about how much macs suck. here are more questions...

1. Why do schools buy macs? They aren't cheaper.
2. Why do people say that mac OS is easier than windows?!

I think that's it. Try not to be too "Macs suck" I know most of us use PCs, but try not to be leaned onto the PC side too much.
I can't vote. :(
I have never used a Mac in my life.
Am I missing out on something good?
I hate macs.

Mostly because nothing I want to run has a mac version.
Mac's dont suck, and dont talk like they do untill you have used one. I personally like the way they are set up better than windows, and how programs are installed and such. A few years ago I didnt like using them becasue they upgraded to mac osx and that operating system had too many problems, plus it was a big jump from how 9 worked to how x worked. Since the unix code was made the base for X it has been stable, and they have been going up from there. Also they resolved problems with faulty ram and such from the early days of X. I have always had a mac and a pc and I just like PC's better because of game support. But if you just do normal things such as type, chat online, and use the internet, I really do like mac's better. They are also better for video and sound editing and such. But just saying mac's suck to say they do is pure ignorance.

Oh, and most schools use the Mac's because they are easier to secure with what you do and dont than with a PC. Also they are generally easier to use and work better networked and such, considering all macs are compatible and PC's do not always have that luxury.

Anyway I forgot all I said, but Mac's dont suck, they have there downfalls, major ones in the past, but I like them still, just not for gaming.
I haven't used macs recently but I didn't find that they sucked years ago, they were just a little different. After using PC's and windows for such a long period of time it would be hard to break that habit. PC games + windows = game support > Mac, and that is more than enough reason.
Macs are just targeted at a different audience than PCs or those who are DIY.
Generally PC users want a choice when picking out what hardware and software they use.
They want a variety and selection from what they can choose from to meet their needs.
And they want to optimise cost with those choices. You can even customize a HP computer.
They don't value support or bundled software like Macs generally have.

Macs do offer good value though as they have great software and support bundled with their systems. They are easier for those who are not computer literate because it's just click and drag along with big icons rather than all of these options under every bar or window. Plus all your applications are in the 'application folder' and it's as easy as dragging it to the trash to uninstall.

But from my experience, Macs are not as easy to network as PCs and generally Schools get big discounts when purchasing Macs rather than PCs.

It used to be that Macs were king of audio and video but anymore the only difference between a PC and Mac workstation is the software used, not performance.
I HAVE used Macs before, in fact I've used them a lot. In 5th grade all the computers in our classroom were Macs, I didn't care nor did I know the difference. My town's library mostly uses Macs, I don't like them. And just like 2 years ago I was working on a project with a few friend's and we did our work on a Mac laptop, I absolutely hated it. Hated using it, couldn't stand looking at the interface, and I HATE Netscape. I've used them before, I can truthfully and rightfully say they are bad. And I won't mention the retarted one-button circle mouse. Though I have heard you could use any regular mouse with them if you wanted. Oh and of course no games or anything for them, in fact there are a lot of things for PC's that aren't for Macs.
Asus said:
Schools get big discounts when purchasing Macs rather than PCs.

That's EXATCLY what I was going to say. Thats why most public schools use macs. My high school has mostly macs, but it does have a few pc's that are really slow. I use the eMAC at school most of the time, and I think OS X is really cool for just general school use (typing, surfing, what not) I find the eMACS to be really speedy. Only thing I dislike about them are the keyboard keys. I'm too used to my Microsoft keyboard.

Oh, haha, btw, on the eMACS at my school theres a lill icon in the taskbar that has the ATI logo, and it opens up a ATI menu with resolutions and refresh rates and such. Unfortunatley, I hunted and pecked everywhere on the system but could not find what king of video card was in the thing. Not like it matters though, I don't go to school to play PC games.
Versatility, upgradeable, ability to run, linux, windows, (lindows) what ever you want with out a problem, ummmmmm There are actualy programs made for windows, Games!

Blah blah. Plus mac look to fruity for me
PCs are better for gaming because not only of the trend to create games for PCs first but becuase of hardware issues. I currently own 3 pcs, all work okay, and i also have 1 mac that runs osX ( most current os). The #1 difference between Mac/PC is that Macs dont crash as often, has a smoother os, has more advanced architecture of the actual computer and the os is less complicated to use( everything is automated to a certain degree).
However i can say that for the purpose of entertainment, Pcs are no doubt better, because of the ability to upgrade with more options because of the range of cards etc. But this actually proves to be a downfall for the PC as the hardware integration of PC is not so good and so screws up the computer more.

To answer the question why schools use it more often is beacuse of ease of use and networking. SOme people might say that Lan is easy to do, however try doing it with 120+ computers in 10-15 hours while setting up a server. Macs have apple talk which takes the issues out of setting ip addresses etc.

In short, macs are superior for bussiness applications and easy interfaces. however stick with a pc for running hl2 and such.

The pc performance for entertainment far outweighs the annoying system crashes.

mrpalmtree said:
PCs are better for gaming because not only of the trend to create games for PCs first but becuase of hardware issues. I currently own 3 pcs, all work okay, and i also have 1 mac that runs osX ( most current os). The #1 difference between Mac/PC is that Macs dont crash as often, has a smoother os, has more advanced architecture of the actual computer and the os is less complicated to use( everything is automated to a certain degree).
However i can say that for the purpose of entertainment, Pcs are no doubt better, because of the ability to upgrade with more options because of the range of cards etc. But this actually proves to be a downfall for the PC as the hardware integration of PC is not so good and so screws up the computer more.

To answer the question why schools use it more often is beacuse of ease of use and networking. SOme people might say that Lan is easy to do, however try doing it with 120+ computers in 10-15 hours while setting up a server. Macs have apple talk which takes the issues out of setting ip addresses etc.

In short, macs are superior for bussiness applications and easy interfaces. however stick with a pc for running hl2 and such.

The pc performance for entertainment far outweighs the annoying system crashes.


MAC? Not crash a lot? MAn you're full of crap :p....they crash about 3x more frequently than a PC, but then again if you are a total fool you may be able to get your PC to crash often from old outdated drivers or other comman mishaps. I will admit, I have a dual G4 computer for some applications I use, but in no way does it compare to my PC...my PC (for work) is a dual opteron, and it puts the mac to shame :p...was about 500$ cheaper too
Apple sucks, Microsoft sucks, IBM suck, Everything sucks.

The real question is: What doesn't suck?
lePobz said:
Apple sucks, Microsoft sucks, IBM suck, Everything sucks.

The real question is: What doesn't suck?

I'll drink to that (course I'm only 15). :cheers:

Well Apple sucks the worst, Microsoft out of all 3 of them probably is the best, so they have that going for them. Not too encouraging though. :|

Well Athlon 64's don't suck. :E
Well I don't think either are better than the other, because it depends what you use it for. 'Cause I'ma graphic designer, I use a mac for design work because it's designed by designers for designers, design software is designed for macs and by and large is better optimised for macs, you can run a heap of programs at the same time with macs too.

However, macs are shit for games, everyone knows that, PC's are a shitload cheaper and more available, a larger variety of hardware and software is available for PCs', but another thing is that PC's can get heaps of virus' but because mac's don't have a large audience, virus' aren't a problem.

I have a powerbook mac, I work on a mac at work and I own three PCs at home. Neither is better, it's a quetion of what you want to use them for. And statements like "Apple sucks the worst" is just ignorant.
Well PC's aren't bad for video editing and stuff nowadays, they've caught up to Macs, I'd take a PC any day. Just don't like using Macs as much as PC's, don't like the interface.
Personally i think macs are brilliant. 2 years ago I had 3 pcs and a dated imac, but since OSX I now have one PC for gaming, an old imac, a new imac and a 12'' ibook.
I have not had a single crash in OSX but what happened about 5 minutes ago on my WinXP PC? Yep it crshed for the umpteenth time...
Safari is a brilliant browser with firefox being the only browser on the pc coming close, while on a mac things just work.
I feel that i may have upgraded my PC for the last time 2 months ago as after HL2, very little interests me and im going to focus on my designing.
I have never had my PC crash on me for no reason, the only time something like that would happen was like when I was starting to OC my video card a few days ago, when testing for the highest stable speeds it froze up in a game. But other than that, never had a crash or any problem at all with Windows. It's not that I've had problems with Macs, but I just don't like using them as much as PC's.
PCs are better because they are easier to upgrade and they have a lot more software out for them. macs are basically to edit videos.
Wraith said:
PCs are better because they are easier to upgrade...macs are basically to edit videos.

Yeah that's true...No wait...It's not, macs don't outdate anywhere as quickly as PC's for one, and just used to editing video? Ask any decent graphic design studio and they're on macs I garauntee. I'm not a machead or anything, I use my PC more I'd say, in terms of entertainment, you can't go past a PC. But macs have the pros too y'know?

I think that sums up my points about MAC's
I haven't used mac before.But they doesn't suck as such.Its like ferrari of PCs.All of them can't afford it.Most users buy mac pPCs just to get online or for developement purpose, and ofcourse the amount of virus attacks are really low.More over mac PCs are attractive.
I've never used a Mac, but they look like a gay man's computer. Not my cup of tea.
h4vvok said:
MAC? Not crash a lot? MAn you're full of crap :p....they crash about 3x more frequently than a PC, but then again if you are a total fool you may be able to get your PC to crash often from old outdated drivers or other comman mishaps. I will admit, I have a dual G4 computer for some applications I use, but in no way does it compare to my PC...my PC (for work) is a dual opteron, and it puts the mac to shame :p...was about 500$ cheaper too

woah take it easy :) Full of crap? me thinks not. Sorry i should of mentioned i was talking

about a school environment throughout the whole thing. Yeah i agree that there are pcs

around that would kill a mac with perforamnce and that macs seem like there high priced, yet

for a school their a better option because they need servicing less and there is proof that

they actually have less system crashes. (I guess its different for everyone) unlike you and

me where we keep our pcs clean + running smoothly, a school can not do it so well for

obvious reasons.

okay First of all, in a school setting, speed is hardly paramount. Secondly, for business

and school related application usage, the performance to Macs is equal to or better than

high-end PCs. but to show actual stats:

System {MTOPS}
Intel 3.2 GHz Pentium 4 {9,067}
AMD dual 246 Opteron {13,667}
AMD quad 846 Opteron {26,667}
Apple 800 MHz G4 Power PC
(e.g. iMac/eMac) {11,450}
Apple 933 MHz G4 Power PC {13,400}
Apple dual 1000 MHz G4 Power PC {27,000}
Apple dual 1420 MHz G4 Power PC {38,340}
Apple 1800 MHz G5 Power PC {21,753}
Apple dual 2000 MHz G5 Power PC {45,000}

mtops is Millions of Theoretical Operations Per Second

okay you said you had a dual Opteron, at around 13667, i have only a P4 2.4GHZ which i can

say is far less than yours cause its not even rated! :hmph: the Apple dual 2000 MHz G5 is able to

pump out over 3 times the operations of the dual opteron!

A Georgia school is keeping a live update chart on the web comparing repair rates of Macs to

Windows/PCs. Their experience is that Windows/PCs have a failure rate almost FOUR TIMES

HIGHER THAN MACS! and have a look here if you dont believe me about failures.


First off, MACs arnt meant for games. If you're a gamer, getting a MAC isnt the smartest thing you can do. People who do lots of animating and rendering use macs, simple because they are more advanced than most PCs. Plus, MAC has that awesome dual 2.5ghz G5 with 8 gigs of ram and a 30" LCD, and they look cool :D They dont have ugly windowed cases with lights and crap shining through. Thats for kids :D